In an inn in Baling, Qiluosheng was drinking alone by the window, while "Fire Unicorn" Mo Qingchi was crawling on his lap to take a nap. Fu Junxiu had been returned to Goguryeo to carry a letter for Qiluosheng, while Bai Qinger stayed behind. "Song Clan".

These days, a piece of news that shocked the world began to spread.

"Emperor Yang of Sui" Yang Guang died, died in Jiangdu.

It is said that he was assassinated and his throat was sealed with a sword.

When Yang Guang died, it meant that the buildings of the "Sui Dynasty" were about to collapse.

After Qi Luosheng heard the news, he didn't feel anything. Yang Guang was going to die sooner or later, it was just the length of time, he didn't care.

In addition to this news, the news that One Page Book destroyed "Cihang Jingzhai", defeated Wuming, killed the Four Great Sages, Ning Daoqi, Fan Qinghui and other thousands of masters also began to spread in these 2.2 days. .

But everyone with some power has heard about this, and the spread of the "Wulin Public Pavilion" has taken a lot of credit.

Once this incident came out, the disturbance was not much smaller than the death of Yang Guang. Wuming, Fan Qinghui, the Four Great Sages, Ning Daoqi and others were all figures like the Big Dipper of Mount Tai in Baidao. For this news, many people initially held on to it. Doubtful attitude.

Who is Anonymous!Martial arts myth! There are only a handful of people in the world, but he was blasted out of the "Emperor Tread Peak", and his life and death are still unknown.

Ning Daoqi is also a master of the great master (heavenly level), the four great monks and Fan Qinghui are also the top masters of the master, plus the thousands of masters who participated in the war, such a luxurious lineup, in the end, only the unknown whereabouts are unknown, and the rest are all dead! It all felt a little weird. .

232 Goodbye Ssangyong【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Wuming disappeared, and thousands of masters including Ning Daoqi, the Four Great Sages, and Fan Qinghui died in battle!

The "Devil" conference where Bai Dao forces gathered, suffered such a disastrous defeat, which made people sigh!

The name of the one-page book "Evil Heart Demon Buddha" is even more disgusting. Nowadays, the most discussed topic in the world is who will be the next target of the one-page book?

Who can stop the footsteps of a page book?

On the contrary, it is Xu Fu who is the most powerful. Few people mention it. There is no way. Who told him that he usually likes to pretend to be a ghost. The only people who know Xu Fu's identity are people from "Phoenix Island". Unfortunately, they were not injured before they could react. Leading the "World Sealing Sabre" was crippled!Due to its remote location, this hidden force was destroyed and no one knew about it, so there was no wave.

The Bai Dao forces have been hit hard by this, and the masters who have lost so many have become very low-key, especially those sectarians.

Bai Dao is in a panic, everyone is in danger!

And the underworld forces have also undergone great changes. Shi Zhixuan, the "Evil King", was killed by the new "Evil Emperor" Zhu Yuyan in the wilderness of Luoyang. Then, under the strong rule of Zhu Yuyan, the demonic forces gradually unified, fulfilling her long-cherished wish for many years.

Valley of Flowers.

She walked along the way like a dance, and floated into the hall lightly.

The hall is filled with the giants of the "Yin Kui Sect". On the main seat in the hall, sits a mysterious man in black robe, the master of the "Yin Kui Sect", the new "Evil Emperor" of the Demon Sect, I wish Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan covered her face with a black veil, closed her eyes and sat in meditation. She ignored her when she came in, and sat quietly. She seemed to have an extremely mysterious aura on her body, as if she could swallow all things into it.

Under Zhu Yuyan, dozens of people stood on both sides.

Two beautiful women in full costumes stood on both sides of Zhu Yuyan's seat. They were the two elders of Yunxia from the "Yin Kui Sect". In time, people's souls fly out of the sky without knowing it.

Under them, there were more than a dozen people standing, among which four glamorous women in golden robes were the most eye-catching.

She came under Zhu Yuyan, bowed her body slightly to salute her master, and said, "Master now has two schools and six paths, in addition to the 'Huajian School' and the 'Mending Heaven', the 'Destroying Love' and the 'True Preacher' , "The Evil Dao" and the "Heavenly Lotus Sect" all submit to my "Yinkui Sect", the Holy Gate is unified, and it's just around the corner!" ˇ."

"Yeah! Is there any news on the successors of the "Flower School" and "Mending the Heavens"?" Zhu Yuyan sat on the large stone chair with a very calm tone.

She also knew that Shi Zhixuan once took in two disciples, and now that Shi Zhixuan has been killed by her, she naturally has to cut down the grass and roots to avoid future troubles!

She replied: "The successor of the 'Huajian School' has a goal, it should be Hou Xibai, the famous 'Affectionate Young Master' in recent years, but there is no clue to the successor of the 'Mending Heaven'. In addition, Shi Qingxuan, the daughter of the "Evil King", has already I found it, but it was taken away by the people from the "World Sealing Sabre"!"

"'The world seals the sword'!" Zhu Yuyan frowned, and then said lightly: "Since the person was taken away by them, then don't bother, and remove the descendants of the 'Hua Jian Sect' and the 'Mending Heaven' as soon as possible."




Baojianfeng comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

People who grow up in adversity and chaotic times are often more outstanding.

Just like Shuanglong, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling deserve to be the protagonists. After leaving Qiluosheng, it was like chewing on Xuanmai. Losing money, but every time he was killed, he learned a lesson from it. After several twists and turns, the jointly established "Shuanglong Gang" developed rapidly. At this time, Baling was already under the control of one third of the two of them, and the rest was only time issue.

Today's Ssangyong can be said to be in high spirits, especially Kou Zhong, whose achievements during this period have made his ambition soar.

But now the two of them are a little embarrassed walking towards an inn.

Kou Zhong was dressed in strong clothes and had a long knife attached to his waist. He asked Xu Ziling a little nervously, "Young Master Ling, do you think Lingzun will come with Master this time?"

When Xu Ziling heard this, he seemed to think of some unpleasant memory, and his body shivered uncontrollably, and Qingxiu's face showed an unbearable expression of the past, and said, "Lingzun has always been very attached to Master, and most of them will follow this time. It's gone!"


Kou Zhong swallowed a mouthful of spit, slowed his pace by two points, and said hesitantly, "Then... have you prepared a gift for Ling Zun?"

Xu Ziling's eyes widened, and he looked at Kou Zhong in disbelief and said, ". "Didn't you prepare it? Is it difficult for you to take the money for entertainment again?"

"I..." Kou Zhong touched his head embarrassedly and said with a smirk, "That... I was in bad luck yesterday... so you understand!"

"You dare to gamble with the money you bought a gift for Ling Zun! You really killed him this time!" Xu Ziling stroked his forehead with one hand, as if he had been defeated by you!

Kou Zhong patted Xu Ziling's shoulder: "Now is not the time to talk about this, do you have any money on your body, hurry up and buy some delicious food, it's fun! Otherwise, Lingzun will get angry and we will be miserable!"

"Yesterday I lent you all the money, but now I have the money, where is the money?" Xu Ziling waved his hand, expressing that he was powerless.

The two looked at each other.

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