

At the same time, they sighed. Then, the two took heavy steps and walked towards the inn (Nuo Haohao) tragically and solemnly, with an expression like Jing Ke stabbed Qin and parted from the shore of Yishui Lake.

The wind is shaky and the water is cold, and once the strong man goes, he will never return!

The two walked into the inn with their heads held high, shoulder-to-shoulder, and went straight up to the second floor without looking.

They all know that the master likes to sit by the window on the second floor. This habit is not good or bad. He has a better line of sight and can observe more situations, but it is also easy to expose himself to the sight of others.

"Disciple, see Master! Spiritual respect!"

"Disciple, see Master! Spiritual respect!"

Shuanglong came to Qiluosheng and bowed slightly to salute Qiluosheng and Mo Qingchi.


Thanks to "One Page Book", "kiva970510", "Yongsui Piaoling", "Amber", "Xuanpin", "hao123520", and others for flowers, and monthly passes!.

233 The Blackened Concubine Xuan [Seeking Monthly Pass]

Zhongnan Mountain, the emperor stepped on the peak.

The rocky and remnant forest is like being punished by heaven.

The entire mountain and peaks were almost destroyed, and the countless criss-crossing huge cracks were shocking.

With tears in her eyes, Shi Feixuan knelt down in front of a new grave in embarrassment, holding a half dagger in her bloody hands, the saber that Fan Qinghui had brought before his death!

"Cihang Jingzhai" was destroyed, and the news of Fan Qinghui's death was like a thunderbolt to Shi Feixuan.

When she hurried back to the "Emperor Peak", what caught her eye was the most difficult scene to accept!

It took two days and two nights for Shi Feixuan to find Fan Qinghui's body and half a dagger. With the help of the broken sword and her hands, she dug out the tomb to bury Fan Qinghui. She was buried in a deep pit!

"Master, Feixuan is leaving! It is possible that once she goes, she will never come back! But the demons are raging, and in order to save the world, Feixuan has to leave. This time, Feixuan will do whatever it takes to get rid of this demon. To comfort the master and the spirits of many seniors in the sky." Shi Feixuan knelt down and knelt nine times at the tombstone of 167 Fan Qinghui, and immediately got up and left, her eyes were firmer than ever before.

However, the reality slapped her hard again.

In the next few days, Shi Feixuan visited many forces that used to be good with "Cihang Jingzhai", and wanted to unite with many forces to "eliminate demons and defend the way", but unfortunately these originally obeyed "Cihang Jingzhai". The forces of flattery are now turning their faces and refusing to recognize people. When they hear that Shi Feixuan has to deal with a page of the book, they all avoid them like snakes and scorpions!

There is a saying that, the tree fell and the hozen scattered, and Ning Daoqi, the four great monks and other top masters all died under the hands of a page, didn't they die when they went?

Some people saw that "Cihang Jingzhai" was over, and even coveted Shi Feixuan's beauty and lust, and plotted against her! If Shi Feixuan was not very smart and her strength was not low, I'm afraid she would have become the ban of others. !

She didn't understand that her master worked hard for the sake of the world, and ended up dying.

Now that the bones are not cold, these people in the world have no respect at all. They are afraid of being implicated in the book "Evil Heart Demon Buddha", and they even attack her.

Betrayal, lustful, lustful, and the ugliness of human nature.

Seeing that the once pleasant faces turned into the ugly faces of today, Shi Feixuan was puzzled and confused! It was heartache and anger!

On an unnamed barren mountain, Shi Feixuan, who broke out from the "Tiance Mansion", was covered in scars, and her eyes were full of resentment.

"What a Taiyuan 'Li clan'...cough...a good person to help the world and the people...to be so ungrateful, what a master of the world! Hahaha...cough..." Shi Feixuan smiled sadly, her heart full of resentment and self-deprecation, It turns out that the friendship is not broken, but never strong.

The relationship between "Li Clan" and "Cihang Jingzhai" is nothing but mutual use. How could it be possible to offend the almost invincible one-page book for the outdated descendant of "Cihang Jingzhai"!

The final siege wiped out the last hope in my heart.

"Looking at the world, maybe only that person can help me, but is he trustworthy?" He simply bandaged the wound,



The second floor of the inn.

"Disciple, see Master! Spiritual respect!"

"Disciple, see Master! Spiritual respect!"

Shuanglong came to Qiluosheng and bowed slightly to salute Qiluosheng and Mo Qingchi.

"You have already broken through the innate realm. It seems that this period of time has not been wasted." Qi Luosheng put down the glass, saw at a glance that Shuanglong's cultivation had broken through, and nodded approvingly.

"It's all the master's teaching (bhch)!" Kou Zhong smiled and flattered.

"Sit down! Order whatever you want and treat your teacher!" Qiluosheng deliberately made the word "inviting" a little more serious, obviously taking the scene of Ssangyong crying out of poverty outside the inn in his eyes.

The secret agents of "The World Sealing Knife" are all over Shenzhou. The news that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are preparing to go to the "World Conference", Qi Luosheng already knew that this time he left Nanling to meet the tyrants. If the situation prevails, It's like watching movies for free. If the situation is lost, he will personally solve the bully!

I stopped by Baling to see the situation of Ssangyong, but I didn't expect these two little bastards to start crying poor before they met. Although Qiluosheng never cared about money, this trend can't last long!

Qi Luosheng lightly placed a finger on Mo Qingchi's body and woke Mo Qingchi from his sleep.

"Ah, it's you two little fellows! It's just that Ang is bored right now, why don't we have fun!" Mo Qingchi opened his eyes sleepily, seeing Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, his eyes lit up, eager to try said.

"don't want!"

"don't want!"

Shuanglong shook his head and said in unison.

During the half year of Qiluosheng's retreat, Mo Qingchi often found excuses to play games with Ssangyong, but every time he tossed Ssangyong to the point of death, they had already cast a shadow on the word "playing" in their childhood!

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