The fear of Mo Qingchi was even higher than that of Qi Luosheng.

"Yeah!" Seeing Shuanglong's refusal, Mo Qingchi groaned in dissatisfaction, and slapped the table with his little paws, revealing a mouthful of fangs: "Say it again!"



With Mo Qingchi's expression, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's faces turned pale, and they hurriedly cast their expectant eyes at Qiluosheng, only Qiluosheng could suppress Mo Qingchi's temper.

"Ha!" Qiluosheng chuckled lightly, touched Mo Qingchi's head, and said, "I called you here this time, there is nothing to do, just to see if you are lazy, remember, the journey of martial arts is like sailing against the current. , if you don’t advance, you will retreat.”

Shuanglong said solemnly: "Master's teachings, disciples must bear in mind!"

"Uh, Master!" Kou Zhong's temperament was quite jumpy, and he quickly rubbed his hands with a smile on his face, and asked tentatively, "Is it true that you said that you were treating guests?"

"Why did the teacher stop talking? Or do you have money to pay the bill?" Qi Luosheng shook his head and laughed.

Ssangyong smiled embarrassedly, but quickly recovered. He called Xiao Er with arrogance and arrogance, ordered a large table of wine and dishes, and then ate it while talking to Qi Luosheng about the experience of the past few days.


Thank you "The Prodigal Son", "Don't Want to Say", "tiank91", and others for their flowers, thank you for your support! .

 234 The Situation of the Attack [For Collection]

The world situation is changing all the time.

Yang Guang died, the Da Sui qi was exhausted, and all the forces were desperately developing themselves, striving for the upper hand, and fighting for the dream in their hearts.

The rapidly rising "Shuanglong Gang" has also entered the attention of many forces. Living in a chaotic world, it is difficult to move forward. Of course, these forces do not want to have emerging forces to come forward, and begin to try to suppress them.

The reason for the temptation is mainly because the two gang leaders and deputy gang leaders of the "Shuanglong Gang" are only fifteen or sixteen year olds, but they can make such a career.

The people under him are extremely loyal and courageous, and their martial arts skills are also extremely high. They have already stepped into the innate realm, far exceeding the heads of ordinary organizational forces. This makes many people speculate whether there is an invisible black hand behind it, who is controlling it. everything?

With the strong rise of the "Shuanglong Gang", almost every move will be watched, and more and more people and forces are secretly finding out the details.

Under such circumstances, the situation of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling can be imagined, but these two boys are very stubborn and refuse to seek help from the "Bounding Sword", and naturally they are under more and more pressure.

The talents of both of them are excellent, but it takes time to experience this thing, and many things are incomprehensible at their age!

From the information of "The World Sealing Sword", Qi Luosheng has learned that several forces have secretly prepared to attack the "Shuanglong Gang"!

Qi Luosheng said that he came to see Shuanglong by the way, and then asked the two to meet at the most crowded inn. In fact, he wanted to use his name to remind those forces that were just about to move. Shuanglong is my apprentice of Qiluosheng. , before you move, consider whether you can withstand the anger of the "Boundary Sword".

Of course, Qi Luosheng didn't explain to Shuanglong about this, but just asked them to spend more time to practice in the future, and pointed them to some doubts about martial arts.

One night off, the next morning.

Qi Luosheng swaggered on a fire unicorn that was several meters tall and walked away.

This scene was watched by many people, and many ordinary people even knelt down and shouted immortals.

And the forces that know more about the inside story are even more afraid of the lord of "Bounding Swords in the World" - Qi Luosheng, and they are also in awe of the "Shuanglong Gang"! They will not be found in a short time. trouble!

And what Qiluosheng wants is this effect.

Ssangyong is now at the peak of martial arts practice. Qi Luosheng has high hopes for Ssangyong, but he doesn't want them to be strangled in the cradle by others before they grow up.

Before leaving, Qiluosheng also deliberately told Shuanglong the location of Lu Miaozi and "Yanggong's treasure house" and let them go on their own.

Lu Miaozi is a rare all-rounder in the world today. He has dabbled in martial arts, medicine, institutions, the Book of Changes, astronomy, gardening, architecture, art of war, and gambling.

Together with the treasure weapons of "Yanggong's Treasure House", it is enough to increase the power of the "Shuanglong Gang" by a dozen times. By then, the double dragons will be full of wings, and it will be difficult for these people to deal with the double dragons!


Top of the Tianshan Mountains.

In the first floor of the world, the former tyrant, full of thinking that he can lay down an iron bucket, achieve the majestic hegemony, and be the well-deserved number one person in the world.

It's a pity that even if he is a hero in the world, it is difficult to defeat the will of God.

Since his return from "Baijian Villa", Xiongba has become gloomy and low-key.

In the past six months, Xiongba has understood a lot of things. The troubled waters of the rivers and lakes are far from being as simple as they seem on the surface.

Qi Luosheng from "The World Seals the Sword", the one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha", Bai Suzhen from "Unparalleled City", as well as the missing Xiao Sanxiao, Wu Wudi, Di Shitian and others, are like mountains standing in the way. in front of him!

Qi Luosheng from "The World Seals the Sword", the one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha", Bai Suzhen from "Unparalleled City", as well as the missing Xiao Sanxiao, Wu Wudi, Di Shitian and others, are like mountains standing in the way. in front of him!

Fengyun's departure is a huge blow to Xiongba, "How can Jinlin be a thing in the pool, a dragon will change when it encounters Fengyun."This was the order of the "Mud Bodhisattva" to be a tyrant in those days. Now that the situation has left him, it also means that he has completely lost his luck to dominate the Chinese state.

Even so, Xiongba still does not change his true character, and is still meticulously carrying out his grand plan to dominate the world.

Just like at this moment, Xiongba was in the first building in the world where he was squatting, listening intently to Wen Chou Chou, his confidant who was kneeling in front of him, and reporting the latest information in the martial arts to him, never slack.

"Help lord, after the recent continuation of "Jingnian Temple", "Cihang Jingzhai" was also destroyed by the one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha", Ning Daoqi, the first Taoist man who went to help the battle, the four great Buddhist monks and many masters All of them were beheaded on the top of the "Emperor Tread Peak". The nameless "Wulin Myth" is still unknown. It is said that the day of the war, the sky and the earth changed color, lightning and thunder, and even the "Emperor Tread Peak" shattered most of them. It was really scary! "

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Wen Chou Chou shook the feather fan in his hand, and with a lingering expression on his face, he recounted the information that the "Tianxia Hui" had discovered. While speaking, he carefully observed Xiongba's face.

Companion to the king is like a tiger, especially when doing things around Xiongba, especially when Xiongba is in a bad mood!

Xiongba was about to speak, but he heard a scream of killing in the distance, frowned, and had a bad premonition in his heart, Xiongba got up and said to Wen Chou Chou: "Chou Chou, you go to Lake Heart Small. Zhu looked at You Ruo, and if I didn't feel that I was here, you would take You Ruo away from the secret passage."

"Help Master, is there something wrong... I'll go right now." Wen Chou Chou wanted to ask about the situation, but he was stared at by Xiongba, and he didn't say much, and ran to the "Huxin Xiaozhu" in a dejected manner.

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