
"Fengshen Legs!"

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

"Sky Frost Fist!"



On the three-point teaching field of the Tianxia Association, hundreds of members of the Tianxia Association under the leadership of Qin Shuang besieged Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.

However, although the number of people is large, in the face of the great advancement of skills, they show a tendency to retreat, and some people are knocked out from time to time.



Qin Shuang took a step forward to startle the cloud and made a move that overwhelmed the mountains and the sea. He was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew back, and said angrily: "Junior Brother Feng, Junior Brother Yun, Master, his old man treats you well, why did you betray the World Association?"

"Humph! Treat us well!" Bu Jingyun's fist squeezed "Kaka", and he waved the two attackers and sent them flying away. It took more than a dozen people to stop after one practice. There are countless broken bones, and it is impossible to die any more!

Fierce power, the cult members of the "Tianxiahui" did not dare to rush forward again for a while.

"Xiongba, come out and fight!"

Before waiting for the gang members of the "Tianxiahui" around to come back to their senses, they heard a loud shout, resounding through the sky, spreading throughout the entire "Tianxiahui", echoing among the mountains, mighty, shocking people's hearts.


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 235 The combination of the situation and the cloud, the infinite Maha!

The world will be a three-point teaching field.

"Xiongba, come out and fight!"

Before waiting for the gang members of the "Tianxiahui" around to come back to their senses, they heard a loud shout, resounding through the sky, spreading throughout the entire "Tianxiahui", echoing among the mountains, mighty, shocking people's hearts.

"Humph! Rebel! Why did you betray me!"

Flying to the three-point teaching field, Xiongba looked at Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, and immediately snorted coldly, as if a tiger roared in the mountains, his momentum burst out, and he was coercive in all directions.

He was dressed in a black training suit, with gray hair fluttering behind him, and his arrogance was threatening and domineering. Just standing there, hundreds of gang members fell to the ground in an instant, not daring to raise their heads!

"Xiongba, do you still remember Huo Butian, I am his adopted son. Back then, when you destroyed the "May Five Seven" Huo family, I want you to pay for your debts with blood!"

As soon as the bully appeared, the anger that Bu Jingyun had suppressed for many years erupted instantly.

"It turns out that you are the remnant of the Huo family!" Xiongba has a good memory, and quickly understood the cause and effect, and then looked at Nie Feng: "Why did you betray me!"

"My father, King Nie Ren, has already retired to the countryside. You killed both my parents in order to get the Xueyin Dao. This hatred, this hatred, cannot be shared!" Nie Feng was also indignant, glaring at Xiongba.

"Hahaha, good, very good, I didn't expect the old man to raise tigers!" Xiongba's anger increased greatly, with Xiongba's shrewdness, at this time, he still didn't know that he was calculated by the mud bodhisattva!The so-called criticism is simply the rhythm of pitting him to death!

With doubts in mind, Xiongba finally made his move!

"Tear the sky and remove the clouds!"

With the sound of "Peng", the air exploded, and Xiongba appeared behind Bu Jingyun in a blink of an eye at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Tear the sky and dispel the clouds!" Bu Jingyun was horrified, and he slammed his palms with a breath of indignation. Hearing the sound of "Peng", Xiongba's palms slammed down!

Cloud Dispelling Palm vs Cloud Dispelling Palm!

Rao is the current Bu Jingyun to step into the innate realm, but how can he be the old master-level opponent of Xiongba?

A powerful move that is enough to tear the sky apart.

With a muffled sound, Bu Jingyun seemed to be a kite with a broken string, flying over a dozen feet, and finally collided with the edge of the steps.

Fortunately, Bu Jingyun practiced "Moving the Heavens", and his injuries recovered quickly. With just a few breaths, he was able to stand up again full of blood.

And after hitting the flying step to startle the clouds, before he could bring Nie Feng back to his senses, Xiongba's second most powerful move was already killing Nie Feng!


The sixth form of "Fengshen Legs", the strength is like thunder, the legs are as fast as the wind, and it is difficult for anyone to compete with it.

The strong wind hit his face, and Nie Feng was shocked. He didn't have time to draw his sword. When he even played the most skilled "Fengshen Leg", he kicked it out like lightning.

But the shadow of the legs in front of him suddenly disappeared, one move failed, and then there was a loud "Long" sound from Nie Feng's back door!


After Nie Feng hit his leg, he was kicked out, and he threw up inside, and a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately!

It turned out that Xiongba's leg was just a false move, just before the thunder could not cover his ears, Xiongba turned around, his legs were like a wild whip, and he instantly slammed into Nie Feng's back!

Fengyun's martial arts are taught by Xiongba, not to mention that he is familiar and thorough, and he has left the most powerful tricks early without teaching them, just to beware of accidents like this in the future, and it is much easier to clean them up.

"Since you two rebels have come to the door automatically, this old man will clean up the door today! Come on, take them down!" Xiongba was very confident in his attack, and the blow just now had severely wounded both of them.Shicai's attack, if he changed to an ordinary congenital warrior, he would have to lie down for at least half a month to recover.

But what Xiongba didn't know was that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had already been reborn, and had obtained twice the peerless technique.

In just a short time, the situation recovered.

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