Hearing Xiongba's orders, the gang members of the "Tianxiahui" who were originally onlookers swarmed up.

"Brush~~~" Bu Jingyun's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of everyone in an instant. With a wave of his arm, the cloak on his body suddenly bulged, and the wind was blowing.

"Pie the cloud and wear the moon!"

The cloak blocked his sight, Bu Jingyun changed his body very quickly, and his male palm quickly shot out, instantly knocking the closest people away.

"The wind blows the building!"

Nie Feng also stood up, his figure spun rapidly, he brought up all the objects around him, and attacked the surrounding "Tianxiahui" gang...  

The gang members of "Tianxiahui", who originally wanted to get cheap, suffered heavy casualties in an instant!

"how is this possible!"

Xiongba looked at the lively and vigorous Fengyun with a look of shock. He made his own hands, and he naturally knew their injuries very well. The rapid recovery of the two was beyond Xiongba's expectations. At the same time, the killing intent in his heart was even more solemn!

"When I don't want to die, no one can take my life!"

When he said these words, Bu Jingyun burst out with an astonishing hostility, and the aura of a god of death without crying was revealed.

The two of them stood side by side.

"Brother Feng!"

"Brother Yun!"

The two said tacitly, everything is silent!

The wind blows dust.

Clouds and rain fall to the ground.

Friendship is promised, life and death intersect.

Nie Feng's whole body suddenly rose into the sky, and his body spun so much that it actually drove the surrounding airflow, and actually formed a tornado storm.

At the same time, Bu Jingyun's body also jumped up, and his cloak fluttered in the air, forming a wanton and crazy tornado around him.

"The combination of the wind and the cloud, the Mahabane!"

In the face of Xiongba, Nie Feng, and Bu Jingyun, the only hope is to use the "Maha Wu 3.8" in combination with the situation.

Maha means incomparably great, and Maha immeasurable means infinitely great!

"Maha Infinite" does not have a real specific move, and there is no sign and impermanence with the metaphor of "indefinite", but the power of this move is truly earth-shattering, and it can increase the power of the two people tenfold.

Two tornadoes roared wantonly in the air, as if two evil dragons were entrenched there, bursting with astonishing power.

For the first time, Xiongba stood in the two tornadoes with a solemn expression on his face, because the two tornadoes on the opposite side gave him a very dangerous feeling!


Thanks to "kevin7412", "tingk91", "Amber", "Don't want to say", "Xixiang" for flowers and monthly passes! .

236 Both sides suffer [for collection]

No wind, no trace.

Clouds are impermanent, ethereal and uncertain.

The combination of the situation and the cloud is the Mahabharata, which is the infinite power!

Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun first showed a magical skill.

In an instant, the wind is blowing!flying sand and stone

The entire three-point teaching field kept trembling under this mighty force.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were spinning like a tornado, and a misty cloud was sprayed out of the [-] pores all over their body!

When the two tornadoes merged into one place, the power suddenly soared several times, and the top of the huge tornado was connected to the sky, turning the originally pure blue sky into dark clouds.

The tornado sucks and pulls everything around, leaves, dust, gravel, and even people can be shaken by this amazing pulling force.

The "Tianxiahui" below helped everyone run away desperately, and those who approached, those with a little skill, were instantly rolled up by this mighty force of heaven and earth and smashed into pieces all over the sky.

Qin Shuang is also running out, not running can't do it, the tornado seems to be growing continuously, if he doesn't run again, with his skill, there is only a dead end!

Only the tyrant Wei Ran does not move. It is not because he is confident in himself and thinks that he can compete with the power of this world, but because this power has locked him, and he knows that unless he destroys it, he will not be able to escape at all!

In the huge tornado, a majestic and infinite power suddenly burst out, which is truly earth-shattering!

As soon as this terrifying power was revealed, even Xiongba was full of shock, extremely shocked.

"In the early days of Xiantian, how could such a terrifying power be able to burst out?" Xiongba opened his five fingers violently, and a strong energy was displayed in the palm of his hand. Cover, do your best to resist "Maha Boundless".

Xiongba was sweating profusely, struggling to support, and his defensive cover was gradually failing. He roared angrily: "Nie Feng, I'll give you food, dress you, teach you martial arts, and cultivate you carefully. That's how you treat me like this?"

Knowing that it is difficult to compete with him, Xiongba began to play the emotional card. At the juncture of life and death, he did not care about his face!Completely forgot to say he was going to clear the portal! As long as there is a chance, he will try any method!

Nie Feng is kind-hearted in the end, and his killing intent towards Xiongba is far less intense than that of Bu Jingyun. Hearing Xiongba's words, he remembers that although Xiongba's original intention was to use himself in the past few years, it was really good...

While thinking, Nie Feng couldn't help but slow down for a moment, and Mohe Boundless suddenly showed a sign of instability. The battle between masters is only on the front line. What kind of character is Xiongba, he will naturally not miss this rare opportunity.

"go to hell!"

Xiongba shouted angrily, "Three Divine Fingers" suddenly pointed at Nie Feng's face, and a domineering energy shot straight away.

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