240 【For Collection】

Zeguo Jiangshan entered the war map, Shengmin He Jile Qiaosu.

Relying on Junmo's words to seal the affairs of the princes, one will succeed in a thousand bones.

Wagangzhai's cries of killing gradually weakened, and the "Young Marshal's Army" encountered less and less resistance, and everything was moving towards victory.

The residence of the great leader Zhai Rang.

"Li Mi, you were the one who focused on the battle at the beginning, but now the army of 'The World Sealing Knife' has reached the door, tell me what to do now!" In a discussion hall of the Zhai mansion, Zhai Rang said angrily to Li Mi, Like an ant on a hot pot, it was uneasy to stand and blamed the second master Li Mi for the current situation.

"Dragon Head, you agreed to the strategy when you set it up, and you think I'm willing to make it into the current situation!"

Not long after Li Micai escaped from the tower, he was disgraced and embarrassed.At this time, seeing Zhai Rang pushing everything on his head, he was very angry. He couldn't bear the blame, and he didn't want to bear it. Let's completely tear out the face.

"Dragon Head, the second head of the family, we should retreat from the secret passage first, leaving the green mountains there, and we are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we are still alive, we will have a chance to make a comeback sooner or later!"

Seeing that the two bosses of Wagang Village were arguing, the advisors below hurriedly stepped forward to persuade them that the situation was unfavorable, and the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, but it was not time to shirk their responsibilities. Intend.

In fact, in the final analysis, what a comeback is just self-deception! Most people are afraid of death. In such a situation where life is at stake, many people put their lives in the first place, and it is good to survive.

"Report! The 'Major's Army' has already come in, and our troops can't resist it at all!" A general rushed in and reported to Zhai Rang terrified.

"So fast!"

Hearing the news of the general, the people in the room became more anxious, looking at Zhai Rang anxiously, waiting for his order.

"In a panic, in what manner, the sky fell down and used it as a quilt cover, and told the soldiers below to prepare to fight to the death~ˇ." Zhai Rang gave the death order decisively.

After the general took him away, Zhai Rang looked at the people around him and said baldly, "Let's retreat from the dark passage!"

After saying this, Zhai Rang seemed to have aged a lot, and the power he had worked so hard to manage for many years now handed over to others.

Unwilling to fight, the high-level officials of Wagang Village fled into the secret passage one after another, leaving only some junior generals and soldiers who did not know the insider to defend.


On the other side, the "Major Army" drove straight in like a destructive force.

Along the way, all kinds of screams and screams staggered up and down, and finally over [-] soldiers of the Wagang Army were eliminated, and thousands of soldiers simply abandoned their weapons and surrendered. The Wagang Army can be said to be completely defeated!

Kou Zhong rode on his horse and said loudly: "The front is Zhai Rang's mansion. Brothers work hard, and you can camp in Wagang Village tonight!"

Kou Zhong commanded the order, preparing to attack Huanglong directly, and bring the swarms here!

"Oh!! Kill!!"

The soldiers below cheered, their morale was high, and they shouted and rushed to Zhai Mansion.


The two armies were strangled together, like a huge grinding disc of flesh and blood, constantly devouring life, but when Kou Zhong led his army into Zhai Mansion, the high-rise buildings of Wagang Village were already empty!


The mountain behind Wagangzhai is a hidden place.

Several figures climbed out of a cave one after another, carefully observing the surrounding situation.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, and there were no signs of enemy troops.

 The surroundings were unusually quiet, and there were no signs of enemy troops.

After reporting this information back.

After a while, more than [-] people quickly got out of the cave, ready to leave quickly. After all, this is still a dangerous place, and the "Major Army" may kill you at any time!


At this moment, a series of silver bell-like laughter suddenly sounded, listening to everyone's ears, but it was like a death-like voice, scaring them to the core.

"As expected, I really escaped from the secret passage. I didn't waste this girl waiting here for so long!"

The figure of the little witch appeared from the mountain wall, staring at Zhai Rang, Li Mi and others below, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, like a little fox stealing chickens.

With the appearance of Wei Wei, and then hundreds of experts from the Demon Sect, silently walked out from all directions.

The faces of Zhai Rang and the others showed a pale color. Unexpectedly, just after getting out of the tiger's mouth and entering the wolf's den, they were caught by the people of the devil's sect. It's better to stay in Wagangzhai!

"Meet me, you are unlucky, just accept your fate!" She looked at the people below playfully, not at all worried that they would run away from her!

At this time, the masters of the Demon Sect had already gathered around, looking at Zhai Rang and the others with a sneer.

"Take them all down, those who resist, kill them!" She ordered coldly.

After hearing that, the masters of the demon sect rushed to Zhai Rang and others, and they were about to be captured.

However, the upper levels of "Wagangzhai" are not vegetarians, almost all of them have martial arts skills, and they are not weak, so naturally they will not be obediently captured.

".¨Since you don't know the good and the bad, don't blame this girl for being cruel!"

She flew down, and the "Magic Field" immediately unfolded, rushing these people around. She was obviously a beautiful girl, but she was like a tiger entering a flock. Not many people could take her tricks, even if they Li Mi was the best in martial arts, but he was knocked to the ground after only ten moves.

Soon after, these guys were all arrested and escorted away.


East Ying.

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