Since Xiaosanxiao came to Dongying, this place has fallen into a disaster. Three "Demigod-level" unparalleled masters duel once every ten days and half a month. This island country is almost crying without tears.

The mountain is collapsing!

Earth Shatters!

Diversion of the river!

Every (last) war is a devastating disaster. For the people of Dongying, the three smiles, the great devil and the master are just like the legendary ancient devils, and it is difficult to compete!

Usually, Xiaosanxiao chases two bear children to fight during the day, and the big boss runs away with the weak big devil!

But whenever the night of the full moon comes, the Great Demon God's power skyrockets, and he will turn around and bring the big boss together to find their irresponsible father to settle the account!

Overall, Xiaosanxiao's strength is stronger than his two bear children, but it is very difficult to take him down in one fell swoop!

The two sides fought a war, each with their own winners and losers. For more than a year, they fell in love with each other and killed each other. They overthrew six cities in Dongying alone. There were countless people who died because of the aftermath of their battle. The people of Dongying treated them. It is both hatred and fear.


Thanks to "One Page Book", "roy19910", "a**", "oplklm" for flowers, monthly pass!.

 241 Godless Palace 【For Collection】

In the sea to the east of the land of China, there is a small island country called "Dongying".

The land of "Dongying" is less than one-twentieth of that of "Shenzhou", but although the sparrow is small and complete, it has been the land of the Central Plains of the Celestial Empire for thousands of years. The people of this island country are good at learning, and they go to the director of each family to enrich themselves. In the past hundred years, the pattern on the island has become unique, and it has gradually become a trend of a hundred flowers competing for beauty.

Among them, the most famous power, even the oldest and most sacred power in the island country, the "Dongying Royal Family", had to give in three points.

It is the "Godless Palace".

The owner of "Wushenjue Palace" - absolutely Wushen, has always been ambitious, and has amazing strength. He is a tyrannical kung fu and has few rivals in Dongying! In the position of "Six Zero Zero" and "Dongying", he is almost on an equal footing with the emperor!

In the grand palace, on the finely carved dragon chair in the center of the treasure hall, a mighty man in a mana robe sits, and he is absolutely godless.

But at this time, Jue Wushen was obviously not in a good mood, and a pair of eagle eyes revealed a cold evil spirit.

"Godless, what are you thinking?"

A delicate and delicate voice came from outside the hall, containing indescribable charm and tenderness.

It was a woman who was very familiar, with a beautiful face, black shawl and long hair, a pretty face like spring, a straight nose, beautiful red lips, and a slender waist that was tightly tied. Hungry looked more and more courteous, and his winking eyes seemed to be able to hook the souls of all men away.

This person is Yan Ying, the wife of King Nie Ren who was known as the "BeiDrink Crazy Saber", and who is known as the most beautiful woman in the martial arts.

A few years ago, Yan Ying, who committed suicide by throwing herself into the river, was rescued by Po Jun, but unexpectedly got an unknown adventure. Originally, Yan Ying was planning to stay with Po Jun and shared this secret with him, but she did not want Po Jun to just be. Using her as a tool, in the end, she actually used her and Jue Wushen to exchange the "Slay Po Wolf" cheats!

At that time, Yan Ying was heartbroken and resentful!

But at that time, she was just a weak woman with no power to hold a chicken. She could only be exchanged by them like goods. If she had resentment in her heart, she could only force a smile!

However, with the passage of time, Yan Ying, relying on her adventures and using the power of absolutely no gods, has been secretly cultivating her own power!

All this, even a generation of heroic absolute gods is ignorant of it!

"Beauty, you are here!"

At this moment, Jue Wushen was in a depressed mood, and when she saw Yan Ying coming, she hugged her in her arms, while Yan Ying smiled tenderly, looked at Jue Wushen with a wink, and said softly, "No God. Are you still worried about the Three Demons?"

Jue Wushen sighed: "Yes! Ever since these three old monsters came out, Dongying has been turned upside down by them. Last month, the battle of Xinye City razed the entire city to the ground, causing thousands of casualties! Gotta get it!"

The voice of absolutely no god is loud, but the tone is mixed with undisguised greed, greed, and a trace of fear that is undetectable by outsiders!

The family ethics battle between Xiaosanxiao's father and son has lasted for more than a year, with no less than [-] confrontations, and the scope of the battle has occupied most of the "East Ying"!

The power of "Wushen Jue Palace" has also suffered a lot of losses, but in the face of Xiao Sanxiao's father and son who can break mountains and rivers with fists, Jue Wushen can only dare to be angry and dare not speak, and has been patient until now!

The power of "Wushen Jue Palace" has also suffered a lot of losses, but in the face of Xiao Sanxiao's father and son who can break mountains and rivers with fists, Jue Wushen can only dare to be angry and dare not speak, and has been patient until now!

Yan Ying snuggled into Jue Wushen's arms and said, "I don't know about martial arts, but I always believe that Wushen you are the strongest!"

"Haha, it's still the beauty who knows my heart well, the three demons are rampant, the unscrupulous, the amazing recovery ability of Quanzhang, and the unfathomable cultivation base, but I have investigated their weaknesses, and now the "Thunderbolt Fire Bullet" has been developed If you succeed, as long as you find an opportunity to lure the three demons into the trap, even if they are extremely talented, they will not be able to escape from my palm!"

The laughter sounded, and the voice full of domineering echoed in the hall, and there was absolutely no god clenching his fists, as if he had already won the ticket.

"I believe that with your ability without God, you will be able to dominate the world. I will give you a toast first."

As Yan Ying said, she picked up the bottle on the table and poured it directly into her mouth.

"Hahaha! Good! Chengmeiren Ji Yan!"

Jue Wushen drank the wine and laughed, but did not notice the cold light in Yan Ying's eyes...  

After half a sound.

Jue Wushen felt that there was an abnormality in the infuriating energy in his body, and he could not be mobilized. He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Infuriating qi is the foundation of a warrior. Whether it is defense or attack, it is indispensable. Once the infuriating energy cannot be controlled, then this The strength of one body can only exert one or two layers at most.

"I was poisoned? When? Could it be..."

Jue Wushen looked at the beautiful figure, and couldn't help shaking all over, his expression changed suddenly, he suddenly understood a lot, his eyes were round with anger, his steel teeth were clenched, and he shouted sharply: "Yan Ying?"

Yan Yingfu didn't show any panic when he heard the shout, and said with a sweet smile, "Have you noticed it? It's a pity it's too late!"

There is absolutely no god to see Yan Ying without any shame, and his eyes are red with anger, the muscles on his face are violently twitching, his blood is flaring, his fists are clenched, and he grimaces at Yan Ying. : "Bitch! Why did you betray me?"

There is absolutely no god's voice hissing, like torn silk and satin, resounding through the hall.

"Hahaha..." Yan Ying seemed to have heard a big joke, and burst into laughter, even tears came out, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Betrayal! When did I, Yan Ying, have been loyal to you, you damned stinky men, Why do you want me to be loyal? Don't try to delay time, your people have already been secretly controlled by me!"

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