There is absolutely no divine view that there is no ghost Luo Cha entered the hall to rescue the driver. Knowing that what Yan Ying said was true, he was so angry that his forehead was blue and 3.5 tendons jumped violently. Do you think you can deal with me like this?"

Yan Ying knew that Jue Wushen was cruel and insidious by nature, but she was still unmoved when she heard the words. She had been preparing for this day for several years. Since she dared to attack Jue Wushen, she was naturally fully prepared!

Seeing Yan Ying's fearless appearance, his heart was full of anger, his eyes were full of coldness, and he knew that Yan Ying would definitely have a backhand. Jue Wushen hates betrayers the most in his life, since you dare to betray, then - give me death!"


Thanks to "Prince", "Fancy then", "Miscellaneous №1 False", "Fantasy Broken", flowers, monthly pass!.

242 The Death of No God [For Collection]

The murderous intent in the hall is overwhelming!

"I absolutely hate the betrayal in my life. Since you dare to betray, then - give me death!"

When Jue Wushen said the word "death", his voice was sharp, like an angry lion, hissing, his body flashing, and his sturdy right arm swung, and his fist hit Yan Ying's heart like lightning!

There is absolutely no spirit and true qi that cannot be mobilized, but the physique is still there. The body that has been nourished and tempered by true qi for a long time is far beyond the limit of ordinary people. With one punch, with the determination to kill, ordinary innate warriors may not be able to. Next!

Just at this moment, a sharp roaring wind suddenly came from outside the temple, and I saw a figure rushing towards Jue Wushen at an unbelievable speed, flying towards Jue Wushen's head with a kick, the strong wind was overwhelming, absolutely no God. Before he could dodge, he didn't care about hurting Yan Ying, and hurriedly crossed his arm to block.

However, without the blessing of infuriating qi, the speed of absolutely no god was not as fast as before. After all, it was a beat slower. He was kicked in the face, and immediately spewed out 17 mouthfuls of blood and flew out, hitting the column with a "bang". .


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and absolutely no god fell to the ground, only to feel gold stars appear in his eyes, his skull was about to shatter, and his heart was full of anger and anger.

Seeing the person coming, absolutely Wushen felt a chill in his heart, and then said angrily, "Po Jun, you dare to betray this old man!"

Po Jun was silent, and respectfully retreated behind Yan Ying, looking at Jue Wu Shen coldly, like a puppet.

Jue Wushen's appearance of breaking the army is rather strange, but he didn't have time to think deeply. The most important thing right now is to escape. Just when Jue Wushen turned around and wanted to flee, a sudden pain came from his heart. I just felt that my heart was twisted like a knife, my heart was broken, and I couldn't help groaning, my steel teeth clenched, my eyes were round, and I fell to the ground.

Yan Ying smiled and said, "How about it, the taste of heartbroken in three days is not bad!"

Jue Wushen was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes froze, murderous intent surged, and he stared at Yan Ying like a sharp blade: "Bitch! Is it something you did again?"

"You guessed it right, but unfortunately there is no reward!" Facing Jue Wushen's angry eyes, Yan Ying frankly admitted the poisoning.

It turned out that Yan Ying knew that no gods addicted to tea to cause ringworm, so when making tea, she put this colorless and tasteless "three-day heartbroken" in the tea.

There is absolutely no god who favors her, so naturally he will not doubt it, so he is carelessly poisoned.

This "three-day heartbroken" is a strange poison, colorless and tasteless, and it will only attack after three days. Yan Ying is sure that the poison will break out today, and then she will touch the "Hua Gong San" on her lips today. ’, one is absolutely vital, the other is a waste of human power, and the surrounding ghosts have already been secretly controlled by her, making heavy calculations, and the secret of her scheming is outrageous.

When Jue Wushen heard the words, his whole body twitched, his thoughts turned rapidly, and he looked at Yan Ying through gritted teeth and said, "'Three Days of Heartbroken' is the unique medicine of the Emperor's Magic Ninja Sect. Where did you get it?"

"I'm going to ask your good son!" Yan Ying seemed to enjoy Jue Wushen looking up at her, and sneered: "Je Xin, come over and explain it to your father!"

Following Yan Ying's words, a young man wearing a yellow-patterned cloak, his robe fluttering, his black hair draped behind his back, a handsome, cold, murderous young man slowly walked in from outside the hall and stood quietly in Yan Ying. behind!

Jue Wushen almost didn't believe his eyes, his expression changed continuously, his whole body kept trembling and trembling, the person who came was his eldest son Yi Yi Jue Xin!

However, seeing Jue Xin respectfully standing behind Yan Ying, Jue Wu Shen shouted at Jue Xin hoarsely, "You idiot, you are actually uniting with this slut to deal with me!"

With an expressionless face, Jue Xin said in a hurry, "'Three Days of Heartbroken' was a gift from the Emperor, with the purpose of shoveling the 'Wu Shen Jue Palace' and—you!"

The voice is cold, without the slightest emotion.

Jue Wushen almost doubted his ears. After a long time, he regained his senses and shouted to the sky, "You are my son, how could you treat me like this? I am your father!"

"It's because I'm your son that I inherited your legacy of seeking power, so why should you make a fuss." Jue Xin said without shame, as a matter of course.

"You... poof!" Jue Wushen's eyes widened, his anger attacked his heart, and with the onset of poison in his body, he immediately spewed a mouthful of black blood, his body was shaky, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Yan Ying came to Jue Wushen, winked like silk, stroked Jue Wushen's face lightly, and said with a sigh, "Wu Shen, I have served you for so many years, and it's time for you to repay me!"

"You bitch..."

Before he could say the word "human", Yan Ying cut him off, only to see Yan Ying's slender jade hand pinching Jue Wushen's neck and even lift it up!

You must know that Jue Wushen has a strong physique, plus the special battle armor on his body, at least two or three hundred pounds, but now Yan Ying is holding it in his hand like a mouse, which is extraordinarily abrupt.


In the quiet hall, the voice of the broken throat bone was particularly clear, Jue Wushen's eyes were round, and a pair of hands that once made countless people tremble, finally hung down weakly.

"Bang" a muffled sound!

When Yan Ying let go, Jue Wushen's corpse fell to the ground and died!

The hound must die in the mountains, and there is absolutely no god. Since he is a tyrant, he knows that he will inevitably die in the battlefield one day... But he never thought that he would die at the hands of a woman in the end, and he died in such a useless way. The godless eyes still have unwillingness and resentment, and they can't rest their eyes!

At the moment when 207 was absolutely absent, a mechanized voice sounded in Yan Ying's head: "Congratulations to the host for killing Jue Wushen and obtaining [-] exchange points."

At the same time, Jue Wushen's body was shrouded in a burst of white light and instantly turned to ashes.

The bizarre scene in front of them, the three people present turned a blind eye, as if they were used to it!

Yan Ying closed her eyes and communicated with the "fantastic object" in her head: "Summoning system, I have more than [-] exchange points now, can I summon those characters?"

"Returning to the host, now you have a total of 15560 exchange points, and the system recommends five summoning characters." In Yan Ying's sea of ​​consciousness, a purple light ball emitted a ray of light, and an interface was generated in Yan Ying's sea of ​​consciousness:

1 Naruto plane, the peach land will not be cut again, 10000 exchange points.

2 Qin Shi Mingyue plane, Bai Feng, 11000 exchange points.

3 Kung Fu plane, Fire Cloud Cthulhu 13000 exchange points.

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