4 Inuyasha plane, reverse hair knot, 14000 exchange points.

5 Thunder plane, Cold Mist, 15000 exchange points.


Thanks to "Xiaoyao Mojun 55", "Amber", "j1025638", "qwe5958317", "Master Liu" for flowers, monthly pass! .

 243 Summoning System 【For Collection】

1 Naruto plane, the peach land will not be cut again, 10000 exchange points.

2 Qin Shi Mingyue plane, Bai Feng, 11000 exchange points.

3 Kung Fu plane, Fire Cloud Cthulhu, 13000 exchange points.

4 Inuyasha plane, reverse hair knot, 14000 exchange points.

5 Thunder plane, Cold Mist, 15000 exchange points.

Yan Ying looked at the characters on the colored square interface board and frowned. She didn't know any of the characters on it, nor did she know any abilities. The only thing she knew was that the characters with higher exchange points have comprehensive abilities. the stronger.

After years of exploration, she has also mastered the use of the "Character Summoning System".

Take Juewushen as an example, killing Juewushen can get [-] exchange points, but to summon Juewushen, you need [-] exchange points. That is to say, to summon a character, you need five of the same level. Character's life source transformation exchange point!

Po Jun, Jue Xin, and some of the ghosts in "No God's Palace" were gradually designed and killed by Yan Ying, and then secretly summoned through the "Character Summoning System", so they obeyed Yan Ying's words.

The reason why Yan Ying has so many exchange points is also thanks to Xiao Sanxiao's father and son who love and kill each other. There is a saying that gods fight and mortals suffer. Although Xiaosanxiao and his son are not immortals, for ordinary people, they Not much different from a fairy!

Because the number of people who died in the battle between Xiao Sanxiao's father and son was as high as [-], Yan Ying secretly converted some of the corpses into exchange points, so that he was able to summon the broken army and desperately summoned.

But now that no god is dead, Yan Ying doesn't need to be secretive!

Yan Ying did not immediately summon new characters, but after blocking Jue Wushen's death, she led Po Jun and Jue Xin to the dungeon of "Wushen Jue Palace", where many martial arts captured by "Wu Shen Jue Palace" were imprisoned. A master, for Yan Ying, is the best starting target!


620 AD, March 3.


Inside the former Sui Dynasty palace.

Qiluosheng, Ying Wushang, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Aotian, Qin Shuang and other disciples, as well as the high-level members of the affiliated forces all gathered together.

The forces in all parts of China have been eliminated. Except for a few recalcitrants who escaped, the rest either died in battle or surrendered.

Even the "Li Clan", the most powerful clan, led [-] Turkic troops from outside the Great Wall to enter the border, but it did not change the situation of defeat, and even accelerated his defeat!

Qiluosheng was very unhappy because of "Li Clan"'s act of bringing wolves into the room, so after hearing the news, Qiluosheng rode a fire unicorn and killed the past, just a big move "Tathagata Forbidden Sword. Dream Bubble" solved the opponent's ten Wan Dajun, the rest will kneel on the spot!

There is no way, in the face of such a humanoid nuclear bomb, I will ask you if you are afraid!

Destroying [-] people with one move is simply something that only gods and demons in mythology can do. These ordinary soldiers still dare to fight against Qiluosheng. Except for a few die-hards, most of them directly kneel down and beg for mercy. spirits!

Qiluosheng personally swept up the top leaders of the "Li Clan", and the Turkic army suffered heavy losses. So far, in the Central Plains, the "World Sealing Sword" has become a well-deserved overlord.

Now that Shenzhou is unified, as the supreme leader of "The Seal of the World", Qiluosheng is logically the official emperor.

The capital of the country was chosen in Chang'an City, which used to be the capital of more than a dozen dynasties.

However, the establishment of the country and the proclamation of the emperor did not come so quickly, and there are still many trivial matters that need to be properly handled.

Qi Luosheng sat on the custom-made new dragon chair, and in front of it was a huge round table with fifty people sitting around.

After some discussion, Qiluosheng looked at the people below and said loudly: "The military aircraft battalion will be handed over to Lu Qing (Lu Miaozi) in charge. I believe that with your ability, you will be able to show off your skills. This is the national policy I drafted. , Aotian, send it down for everyone to see~〃!"

Aotian nodded respectfully, and then distributed the stack of papers that had been placed on the round table to everyone present. After sending it, he sat back to his original position.

"This is a future development plan, including management planning for the military, the country, people's livelihood, martial arts, etc."

After everyone read it, Qiluosheng said, and woke up the people who were immersed in deep shock. His plan was really too big, it included almost everything, and many advanced ideas made everyone a little unclear. so.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing I don't know. Why does the emperor have to cede to the throne after only five years in office, and the election system is still adopted?" Song Que, the "Heavenly Sword", said suspiciously.

The people below also looked at Qiluosheng with some doubts. The throne has always been an inheritance system, and it has almost become a tradition to inherit the throne from the father. adapt.

"." This is to prevent the emperor from acting arbitrarily and to ensure the stability of the country! The reason for using the electoral system is that it represents the interests of the majority of the people, the policy can be stably implemented, and if the election is wrong, it can also be elected and dismissed "..." Qi Luosheng began to explain why he used the Concession System, and the benefits of it!

Qi Luosheng will leave this plane sooner or later, and naturally he doesn't care about the emperor's position. He is an absolute forceist, and what he pursues is to continue to become stronger.

However, apart from the uninjured, none of the people present knew Qiluosheng's true thoughts, and they were all moved by Qiluosheng's "selfless" feelings.

Afterwards, everyone argued loudly about Qiluosheng's (or Zhao's) plan for a long time. Qiluosheng's plan was so huge that it even included several other continents, which involved a lot of entanglements of interests. , plus everyone's point of view is different, naturally there is endless debate...

Three days later.

The enthronement ceremony was officially held in the original palace of Chang'an City.

Many people have come under his command, and major events such as those who have made contributions to the battle are also carried out together with the enthronement ceremony, and the scene can be said to be unprecedentedly grand.

Everything was going on smoothly, no one who was not open to the eyes came to make trouble, the enthronement ceremony was successfully completed, and the awards, the addition of officials and titles followed closely.


Thank you "Before the Sky", "a-555842", "Winged Angel", "oplklm" for flowers, monthly pass!

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