244 Heavenly Sword Reappearance【For Collection】

Xuanwu Gate.

On the huge square, there is a sea of ​​people, and there is no end in sight.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Hundreds of ministers and tens of thousands of people knelt down and shouted at the same time, in a long, deafening voice.

On the high platform of the square, Qiluosheng was dressed in a purple dragon-patterned costume, with a dark gold dragon robe on the outside, and three thousand silver silk like silk behind him, looking graceful and luxurious, and extravagant!

Today is clear and clear, Qiluosheng will hold the founding ceremony of the country and announce to the world that from today onwards, the name of the country will be changed to "Huaxia"!

The corners of Qiluosheng's mouth rose, with the domineering domineering of the world: "Everyone loves the whole life!"

The officials and the common people shouted again: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qi Luosheng stood on the high platform, looking down at the world, and said loudly: "The former emperor was incompetent, he was very happy, he was coddled and luxurious, corrupt officials were rampant, so that the people were starving and dying, and the people were struggling! , peace and prosperity...

Starting today, the "Huaxia Empire" is officially established, and the whole world celebrates it, tax exemption for three years, and amnesty for the world!"

Qi Luosheng's sonorous and powerful voice resounded through the entire Chang'an City under the impetus of high-level skills, and clearly resounded in everyone's ears.


"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!!"

The people below bowed down again, and Qiluo said thousands of words in a eloquent manner. The previous words were not understood by the common people who did not know a single big character, but they knew the last few words. People, the requirement is actually very simple, as long as you are full and not hungry, you are satisfied!

"Place drive, go back to the palace!"

Qiluosheng gave an order, and then rode slowly toward the palace in a carriage pulled by eight tall horses. The ministers followed the carriage to the palace hall one after another. Hua Xia's first court after its establishment, everyone knew that it would be time to reward heroes.

In the Ziwei Palace, Qiluosheng sat high on the dragon chair. Below, Aotian, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Song Que, Zhu Yuyan, Dugufeng and others sat quietly around the round table. .

"Luoyan, declare the decree." Qi Luosheng smiled and said to Shen Luoyan behind him.

Because he didn't like eunuchs, Qiluosheng dismissed all the eunuchs in the original palace before that, but some things still needed people (bhdj) to do and manage them, so Qiluosheng put "Wagangzhai" in the sky prison The captive Shen Luoyan brought up the crime and made merit, so there was a scene in front of him.

Although he was not satisfied with this mission, the situation was stronger than people, and Shen Luoyan could only be the chief executive of Qiluosheng. Hearing Qiluosheng's words, Shen Luoyan immediately took two steps forward, and immediately opened the imperial edict in his hand. , began to read:

"Fengtian Chengyun, the emperor's edict said: Song Que will be appointed as the regent, Dugufeng will be appointed as the prefect of Luoyang, and Kou Zhong will be appointed as the military marshal. , Zhong, the five legions each govern [-] troops, guarding the borders of the four sides of "Huaxia". Bu Jingyun is the Marshal of the Qinglong Legion in the east, Duanlang is the Marshal of the White Tiger Legion in the south, Qin Shuang is the Marshal of the Xuanwu Legion in the west, and Aotian is the Marshal of the Suzaku Legion in the north. Marshal, the Central Kylin Corps is under the personal control of His Majesty the Emperor."

"In addition, martial arts academies, hospitals, security bureaus, and urban management brigades are set up in various towns... In order to improve the physique of the people of "Huaxia", from now on, the "World Sealing Sword" will collect the martial arts in the world, summarize them, and organize them into a book , before being handed over to the Martial Arts Academy to issue the world, be sure to let the whole people of "Huaxia" practice martial arts and build an unprecedented and powerful dynasty. Appreciate this!"

"My emperor is holy!"

The ministers stood up and bowed.


"Huaxia" is newly built, and a hundred wastes are waiting to be done. The policies are issued one by one, and the following ministers are busy in circles!

And the first emperor of "Hua Xia", Qi Luosheng, was leisurely playing with others in the imperial garden. Sitting opposite Qi Luosheng was a middle-aged man.

This man has a handsome face, and his hair is casually scattered behind him. Tingba wears a blue-gray silk robe on his body and holds a pair of erhus in his hands. There is no trace of coercion emanating from his body, and he is extremely peaceful. There is a feeling of closeness when people see it.


The right hand and the right wrist slammed and sent, and the little finger of the left hand flexibly cooperated with the press and lift. The erhu suddenly made an inexplicable sound of grief and tears, and in the bursts of notes, a dim cloud covered the sky, as if a heavy rain would fall at any time.

Now that Qiluo is an emperor, the one who can play the piano and sing with him is naturally not an ordinary person. This middle-aged man is the long-lost martial arts myth "Heavenly Sword" - nameless!

Although Wuming's eyes were useless at this time, judging from his breath, his skills were more refined than before, and he already had the cultivation of "Heaven-level Peak".

Behind Wuming stood a man and a woman. They were his disciple Jian Chen and the last successor of "Cihang Jingzhai", Feixuan.

Qi Luosheng didn't quite understand why the three of them came together after walking, but he didn't bother to ask.


With the nameless hustle, an inexplicable mood of grief enveloped the surroundings. The nearby Gong E was infected by this mood and couldn't help crying. Even Shi Feixuan, who had reached the realm of "heart and soul", couldn't help but recall "Ci Hang" Jing Zhai' was in a tragic state, with a depressed expression.


Dressed in a dark golden dragon robe, Qiluo was indifferent, sitting in front of the qin, with her graceful and calm hands on the strings, the strings were plucked lightly, and with a low and thick hum, the originally gloomy sky suddenly changed to When it turned sunny, the soft sunlight suddenly illuminated the earth again.

"Ding ding ding dong dong!"

Playing the fingers and plucking the strings, accompanied by the deep and distant sound of the piano, Qi Luosheng's elegant and deep voice sounded in the play:

"The Duke of Heaven leaned slightly and sprinkled a jug of wine

How much the world is transformed, the destiny is wind.

Lingxiu raised her eyebrows, and her arrogance was stored in her chest

Seven points of insanity are more gentle

True and false, all are desired

Fame and fortune, used to serve wine

Sound and color, but flesh and blood. "

The world is full of strife, half-body madness I own!

Laughing and scolding are all enjoyable, and whoever speaks is romantic.

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