The infectious power generated by the sound of the piano and the singing permeates everyone's mind in an all-round way. The open-minded and unrestrained emotions continue to infect the people around them. Gong E wiped away her tears, and her smile and confidence gradually returned to her face.

In one song, the sadness disappeared.


Thanks to "The Prodigal Son", "Xiaoyao Mojun 55", "Prince" for flowers, evaluation votes, and urging more votes! .

 245 Information from Dongying [Subscribe]

Palace, Royal Flower. Garden.

The verdant pines, cypresses and bamboos in the garden are dotted with rocks, forming an evergreen garden landscape, with exotic flowers and plants, pavilions and craggy rocks.

In a long pavilion.


As the last note of Qiluosheng fell, it was like the return of spring to the earth, such as phalaenopsis, lily of the valley, iris, mandala, etc., all kinds of flowers actually violated the laws of nature, competing to release, gathering together, really a hundred~ Dazzling, beautiful!

"Wuming tell me your purpose!" The piano sound stopped abruptly, and Qi-Luosheng spoke indifferently.

Wuming at this time is slightly haggard than when he first saw it, his temples have turned white, and the stubble of the beard makes him even more vicissitudes, his eyes are closed, and he is quiet_zhiyuan.

Feeling the unrestrained and unrestrained voice of Qiluosheng's piano, he was confident and calm, Wuming put down his erhu, got up and bowed to Qiluosheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to ask for here."

"One page book."

Qiluosheng didn't do what he thought and said three words.

"Exactly!" Wuming said.

"Miss Shi must have come for this matter." Qi Luosheng looked at Shi Fei Xuan and said.

Facing the silky blue wind, wearing a simple and light blue robe fluttering in the wind, as if it was integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth, a peerless posture, but it could not give rise to any blasphemous feeling, with a certain rhythm that seemed to be eternal.

Even Qi Luosheng, who was used to seeing beautiful women in the world, couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise.

Shi Feixuan came to Qiluosheng and said softly, "The devil and the Buddha have brought disaster to the world, slaughtering the common people. In recent months, several Buddhist temples have been destroyed, and please ask Your Majesty to stop it!"

Qiluosheng put the Fengweiqin on his lap into the space, and asked back: "Why do I want to stop it?"

The concubine Xuan frowned slightly and said, "The Demon Buddha is tyrannical and ruthless, and all the people of the world suffer greatly from it. As the ruler of a country, how can your Majesty just sit back and ignore it!"

Qiluosheng listened and snorted coldly, "You said that a page of a book is violent and ruthless, how come I don't know?"

"The one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha" used martial arts to bully the weak, and successively slaughtered dozens of Buddhist sects such as "Jingnian Temple" and "Cihang Jingzhai", and there were no less than tens of thousands of righteous people who died in his hands. Martial arts are unparalleled in the world, and he has a magical weapon! We can only ask your majesty for help, and for the sake of the world, get rid of this demon!"

"A person of the righteous way? All the people in the world?"

Qi Luosheng was silent for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter, tears of laughter flowing out.After a while, he stopped smiling, his expression became extremely cold, and he said, "What is the righteous way? Even those sects who dare to claim the righteous way, how can they represent the people of the world? You tell me what they are doing for this. What has the world done? When the people were miserable, did they ever help the people? When foreign tribes invaded, did they defend against foreign enemies? All day long, under the guise of helping people in the world, it’s just that! How dare you dare Inciting people's hearts, interfering in government affairs, trying to control the situation in the world, let me ask you, "Cihang Jingzhai" originally wanted to use "He's jade" to choose the master of the world. I wonder if I can compare to that Li in the eyes of the teacher Family people?"


In the face of Qiluosheng who reigns in the world, Shi Feixuan is not attracted by his momentum. "Cihang Jingzhai" did intend to use "He Shibi" to choose the master of the Ming Dynasty, but it has already set its target at "Li Clan" On the second son Li Shimin, the so-called selection of Mingzhu is just to build momentum for him!

But times have changed, and now Qiluosheng dominates the world, but the "Li Clan" has become a prisoner under the order!

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. This is a law that has been passed down since ancient times.

The defeat of the "Li Clan" means that the "Cihang Jingzhai" who cooperated with it has become a rebel. With Qi Luosheng's position, even if the "Cihang Jingzhai" is not destroyed, it will definitely become the target of suppression!

Politics has always ignored motives and means, and only focused on consequences.

With Shi Feixuan's wisdom, she naturally understood the reasoning, but what she couldn't understand was how did Qi Luosheng know about this?

Wuming frowned when he heard Qiluosheng's words. Although Qiluosheng's words were not unreasonable, they were not completely correct. He wanted to persuade them.

Just then, an eagle chirped from the sky.


After a grey goshawk circled over the palace, it took a sharp turn and flew down to the railing of the long pavilion.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


Noticing that the goshawk's leg was tied with a purple bamboo tube, Qiluosheng groaned, "purple color means urgency, and it will only be used when something very important happens!"

After taking down the bamboo tube, Qi Luosheng checked it. The secret letter was sent back from "Dongying", and what was written on it was a major event that happened recently in "Dongying". Wherever they passed, all living beings were wiped out, and the corpses disappeared mysteriously. The day before yesterday, the "Dongying Imperial Family" was attacked on a large scale. The Emperor of Dongying was defeated by Jue Wushen and a group of mysterious masters. He died in the imperial city, and the corpse also mysteriously disappeared!

Butterfly Effect? ​​Traveler? Or System?

Seeing this news, Qi Luosheng immediately thought of these three possibilities. In any case, this matter has far exceeded the original trajectory. According to common sense, it is impossible to play the emperor with absolutely godless means, especially The mysterious disappearance of the corpse made Qi Luosheng feel a sense of palpitations in his heart.

After reading the secret letter, Qiluosheng was not in the mood to pay attention to the nameless people, and said, "I will handle the matter of a page of the book. If you have nothing to do, you can stay here for a while, and Luoyan will arrange it for you. , I have other important matters to deal with, so I will say goodbye first, please!"

After speaking, Qi Luosheng left first, leaving Shen Luoyan to take care of Shi Feixuan and others.


The evening breeze is coming, and all sounds are silent.

The crescent moon is like a hook, the night sky is like a wash, the stars in the sky are reflected on the sea, and the streamer is like a crystal scattered all over the place.

Above the sea, the blue waves were surging, and a huge fire unicorn stepped on the fire cloud and flew towards the east, as fast as a shooting star.

After explaining the good things, Qi Luosheng rode on the fire unicorn and ran to "Dongying".

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