With the speed of the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi, it only took half a day to arrive at the "Dongying" boundary.


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246 Kill the broken army [for collection]

Eastern Ying Palace.

Jue Wushen sits on the throne representing the highest power of "Dongying", holding a stunning woman in his arms. She is white and beautiful, can be broken by blowing a bullet, shiny and charming, and her flowing hair is crystal clear and full. The slender body and slender legs show unparalleled charm. It is Yan Ying who succeeded in counterattacking with the "Character Summoning System"!

At this time, Yan Ying was dressed in a gorgeous red dragon robe, and the little bird was sitting next to Jue Wushen, winking like silk. She looked like a lot of demeanor, which made people feel heartbroken. However, deep in Yan Ying's eyes, it was revealed With a bloodthirsty look.

outside the hall.

On the square, hundreds of people knelt on the ground, men and women, old and young, some crying and begging for mercy, some swearing, there are always a variety of people!

Under Yan Ying's gesture of "two two seven", Jue Wushen shouted with an expressionless face:


Following Jue Wushen's order, the surrounding Guiluocha immediately started, raising their knives and slaughtering the hundreds of people who were kneeling.

For a time, hundreds of people's heads fell to the ground, blood stained the sky, and then a mysterious white light flashed, and these corpses disappeared with the wind without a trace!

Such a bizarre scene, even those ghosts who kill people can't help but feel fear in their hearts!

When all the corpses disappeared, the smile on Yan Ying's face became even brighter.

"System, open the personal properties interface."

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Yan Ying's mind moved, and a full-body image of Yan Ying appeared in front of him. Beside the image, the words 'character status' were also marked.

Host: Yan Ying

Race: human

Combat Strength: 132 (1 for normal adults)

Exchange point: 933415

Summoned characters: Gui Luo Cha x55, broken army, absolutely heart, absolutely no god, one-way pass, four generations of Raikage. Ai.

Looking at the nearly one million exchange points, Yan Ying's eyes flashed with light.

"More than [-], it's not enough, we need to speed up!"

With certainty in her heart, Yan Ying withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then secretly issued an order to Jue Wushen.

After receiving Yan Ying's instructions, he has become the character that Yan Ying summoned, and immediately said to the people below: "Accelerator, Ai, stay with the Kamikaze team, and the rest of the people are all dispatched to arrest the people. If they resist, they will kill them. , just return the corpse!"


A group of Gui Luocha walked out aggressively under the leadership of the broken army and determinedly, arresting anyone they saw, and beheading them on the spot when they encountered resistance.

After poisoning Jue Wushen that day, Yan Ying went to the dungeon of "Wu Shen Jue Palace", killed all the masters detained in it, and used the exchange points to summon Jue Wushen!

Afterwards, he secretly used Jue Wushen's power to control the "Wu Shen Jue Palace" to accumulate exchange points for her, and slaughtered tens of thousands of people in just a few days.

Summoned successively, Accelerator from the "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog" plane, and the fourth-generation Raikage Ai from the "Naruto" plane, with the addition of these two powerhouses, "Wu Shen Jue Palace" is naturally even more powerful , and even won the Dongying royal family in one fell swoop a few days ago, becoming the strongest force in Dongying.

However, these are still far from satisfying Yan Ying's growing ambitions. With the existence of a father and son like Xiao Sanxiao, Yan Ying can always feel the threat, so he made several preparations, on the one hand, he pushed Jue Wushen to the foreground. As a shield, on the one hand, constantly accumulate exchange points and prepare to summon more powerful characters!


"Emperor Dongying" and "Shenzhou" are separated by thousands of miles. It was a few days later when Qiluosheng received the news that "Emperor Dongying" had died.

The fire unicorn galloped all the way, and after arriving at "Dongying", it flew towards the imperial city of Dongying.

From a distance, I could see the flames blazing into the sky outside the imperial city, and the cries of killing were incessant. I saw countless ghost-faced people dressed in black everywhere murder and set fire, rape and loot, and the scene was very chaotic.

Qiluosheng didn't care about the life and death of Dongying people, and he came here mainly to see what happened to the "Wushenjue Palace".

A wave of mental fluctuations emanated, and under Qi Luosheng's perception, he quickly found the strongest person below, and flew towards him directly on the fire unicorn.

"hold head high!"

The fire unicorn roared in the sky, and the mountains and rivers were aerodynamic.

Po Jun and Gui Luo Cha, who were below, noticed the powerful pressure in the sky, looked up, and saw a huge flaming beast rushing towards them, and they were immediately shocked...  

Po Jun felt a fatal threat, thinking that it would be better to strike first, the "Heavenly Blade" and "Greeding Wolf Sword" in his hands alternated, and he slammed a "kill the wolf". The ultimate move that Wu Shencai exchanged was naturally extraordinary.

"Fire palm!"

In the face of Po Jun's attack, the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi stepped down with one hoof, and the huge flame palm print fell like a stormy wave, shattering Po Jun's killing "Po Wolf Po".

Under the impact of the huge flame palm, Po Jun flew out without a hitch, and a string of blood was scattered in the air, and he fell more than ten meters away.

The surrounding ghosts were killed instantly, engulfed by the fiery flames, and there were no bones left!

Po Jun was extremely horrified, seeing the unstoppable power of the alien beast, he didn't say a word of ruthlessness at the moment.

"I want to go, have you asked my opinion!"

Stepping like a meteor, fast like lightning, Qi Luosheng flew out, and came to Po Jun in a flash, without waiting for Po Jun to make a move, he took it down in one fell swoop.

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