"Magic Heart Book!"

Without any extra words, after catching Po Jun, Qi Luosheng directly used "Magic Heart Mirror" to probe into Po Jun's soul memory simply and rudely.

People can lie, but not souls!


In just a few short breaths, Qi Luosheng finished investigating Po Jun's memory and understood the cause and effect.

Breaking the army! Yan Ying! Character summoning system! Accelerator! Four generations of Raikage. Ai!

After learning the information, Qi Luosheng lightly slapped it with the palm of his hand, and the Tianling who was in the middle of Po Jun covered it, and immediately his brain burst, Po Jun fell to the ground and died tragically on the spot, without the slightest struggle.

After killing Po Jun, Qi Luosheng put away the "Heavenly Blade" and "Greeding Wolf Sword". These two weapons are also weapons for slaughtering dragons, and they have some effect on Qiluosheng's plan to slay the dragon.

Qi Luosheng looked in the direction of the Dongying Palace, and a golden and a purple gleam flashed in his eyes.


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 247 Encounter! Kill each other! 【Monthly Pass】

Eastern Ying Palace.

"Ding, the host summoned the character Yanagyu Chuan and was killed (Gui Luocha)."

"Ding, the host summoned Kazuhiko Inoue was killed (Gui Luocha)."


"Ding, the host summoned the character to break the army and was killed."

After a series of system prompts, Yan Yingxiu frowned, and Gui Luocha died when he died. There are also many martial arts masters in "Dongying". A master, he can't even escape, which shows how powerful the opponent is.

"Could it be that the three old monsters shot?"

The first thing Yan Ying thought of was Xiaosanxiao and his son, and only they have such strength in "Dongying"!

"It's still a little bit short. As long as I accumulate one million exchange points, I can summon the "Demi-God-level" powerhouses, and I will be more confident in dealing with them!" Thinking of this, I am afraid that things will change later, Yan Ying With a ruthless heart, he immediately ordered Jue Wushen to summon Gui Luocha back.



As a red fireworks exploded in the sky, Guiluocha, who was catching people outside, quickly returned to the imperial city, but on the way back, they were intercepted by the fire unicorn.

The flames are soaring, burning everything.

The place where Mo Qingchi set foot became a piece of scorched earth, and the huge flame field shot up into the sky.

Although he had obtained a lot of information from the memory of the army, it was only something that the army knew. Whether Yan Ying had any other trump cards, he had no idea what plans he had.

After asking Mo Qingchi to guard the imperial city and not letting anyone in or out, Qiluosheng, just in case, sent a page of "Demon Soul" and "Holy Soul" unharmed, and sent them all to the "Dongying". The palace" galloped away.

The average strength of the three souls is around the early stage of demigods, and their speed is extremely fast, but they arrived at Yan Ying's position in a moment.

"Ding, found the character summoning system! Please pay attention to the host!"

"Ding, found the crossing system! Please pay attention to the host!"

Qiluosheng and Yan Ying were still two miles apart, and they received prompts from their respective systems at the same time. Qiluosheng was already prepared, but nothing happened, but Yan Ying was shocked. Regarding the existence of the seven major systems, Yan Ying also had As far as I know, she just didn't expect to collide with other systems so soon, she has some excitement and some fear!

However, this battle is inevitable, the encounter between the two systems is destined to be only one side can survive!

Qi Luosheng, a page of books, Wu Wushang After the three came to the Dongying Palace, they wrapped Yan Ying and her summoned characters in the middle of the three-talent formation. And the fifty ghosts and Luocha will protect Yan Ying in the center.

No need for extra words, meet and kill each other!

Qiluosheng, Ye Wushang took the lead, with his hands connected to a number of seals:

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, ten places are sealed, and the law is forbidden!"

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, Qi and spirit are blocked, sealed!"

The French seal knot, the formation of the formation, suddenly the wind and thunder whistled, and the sky was low and the earth roared! Qiluosheng and Zhuang Wushang again sacrificed to the two big formations of "Fengdi" and "Fengling", isolating the spiritual energy and the way out, with the Dongying Palace as the center, the formation A huge aura vacuum enchantment.

 The vitality of heaven and earth was isolated, and Yan Ying and others also noticed it. Accelerator, the fourth generation of Raikage, Ai, and absolutely Wushen rushed to Ye Wushang, Qiluosheng, and Yiyishu respectively.

With a long roar, Jue Wushen performed the "Indestructible Golden Body", and at the same time the strongest form of "Killing Fist" - Killing, ruthlessly attacked Zou without injury.

"Kill Fist. Kill!"

The killing fist suddenly appeared, absolutely Wushen quickly hit the heart of the uninjured, decisive and fierce, and the murderous intention was awe-inspiring!

Looking at the killing punch, the corners of Zun Wushang's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile, and he gently waved his right hand to meet him.

"Break the universe!"

From "The Plane of Golden Light", the Miaojiang royal collection "Reincarnation Tribulation", the yin and yang forces are turned away in four or two, and the yin and yang are repaid. If he didn't exert his strength, then Jue Wushen felt a terrifying force penetrate his body, and even "Indestructible Golden Body" was not immune to this kind of strength.

The so-called "Indestructible Golden Body" is only relative, not really indestructible.

There are no absolute things in this world. Even Di Shitian's body transformed by phoenix blood cannot be said to be indestructible, not to mention Jue Wushen, a unique technique transformed and sublimated from "Golden Bell Cover", even if it does not attack The cover door also has a limit on the damage it can take.


Wu Wushang's "Break the Universe", not only broke the "Indestructible Golden Body" of Jue Wushen, but also shattered all its internal organs. Leaving a long string of blood flowers, Jue Wushen flew out directly, hitting a stone step, smashing a deep pothole, and the cracks spread like a spider web in an instant.

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