The body of absolutely no god. After shaking a few times, there was no sound, and then a white light flashed, and his body disappeared.

On the other side, Qi Luosheng confronted the Fourth Raikage Ai.

"Armor of Thunder Escape!"

The fourth generation of Raikage concentrated Lei Dun Chakra on the whole body, covering the whole body with Chakra and lightning. This move can activate the body, and can use Lei Shun body, and the defense 817 ability will also be greatly improved.With the increase of Thunder Chakra, defense and speed will also increase.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai, used ninjutsu with Lei Dun to form a unique "ninjutsu".

However, because of the existence of the "Spiritual Sealing Formation", the effect of the Thunder Shadow of the fourth generation was greatly reduced, and it was less than the normal five layers.

Feeling the abnormality in his body, the fourth generation Raikage secretly frowned, but he also knew that there was no fairness in the battle, and it was impossible to say that he was not in the state, so let's fight another day!

"Thunder escape. Heavy flow storm!"

The fourth Raikage concentrated Lei Dun Chakra on his elbow, kicked his foot, and rushed towards Qiluosheng!

The chakra of the thunder attribute can stimulate the response cells of the human body, making people's speed become faster and the reaction speed is also faster. The fourth generation of Raikage is even a master in this area. Sparks and lightning all the way.

"The Scroll of God. The Elephant of God's Destruction!"

Qi Luosheng re-exhibited "Bingjia Wujing. God's Scroll", the same "God Destroyed Elephant", but its power was countless times greater than when it was in "Dragon Plane"!


Thank you for the flowers and monthly passes of "Wind and Snow Burning Dust", "Shine Les Miserables", "Laugh All Life", and "At That Time Flashy"!

 248 gold glitter【for collection】

The function of "Spiritual Sealing Formation" is two-way. While imprisoning and dealing with it, it also has restraint on one's own side. The main target is cultivators, magicians, warlocks and other professional practitioners, and restrictions on martial artists Be smaller.

"Thunder escape. Heavy flow storm!"

"The Scroll of God. The Elephant of God's Destruction!"

The stunts of different planes collided, only the fourth-generation Raikage of "Heavenly Peak. Peak" was naturally no match for Qiluosheng of "Demi-God Early Stage", and was immediately smashed into the ground by "Elephant of Destruction" and directly smashed out. A huge pit about ten meters deep, shocking!

Although the fourth generation of Raikage still has a breath, it has completely lost its fighting ability. It's not that Qiluosheng can't kill it, but Qiluosheng noticed the disappearance of Juewushen's corpse, so he didn't kill him.

One Page's battle with Accelerator didn't last long either.

Accelerator wears black and white striped clothes, a pair of shiny black shoes, white hair and skin, red pupils, and a slender body. He looks like a bad boy, out of tune with this era!

He is from the plane of "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog". He is the only seven superpowers (Level 5) in Academy City. He ranks first in strength. He possesses the ability of "vector operation" and can control the direction of energy. Touch, you can freely manipulate the direction of all energy such as kinetic energy, thermal energy, electrical energy, etc., and can reflect all physical attacks.

As far as ability is concerned, it is very good, and it can kill people just by touching it.

"Shit, go to hell!"

Accelerator shouted arrogantly, and controlled "Vector" to step down to the ground, and a huge stone cone protruded directly from the ground, stabbing a page of the book.


The foot of a page of the book shook, shattering the stone cone, and immediately launched "Sacred Heart Four Decisions. Shocking Tribulation", capturing the soul with icy cold eyes, using strength with his eyes, and one look directly made Accelerator kneel.

His soul shook, Accelerator only felt a blank in his mind, his eyes fell to the ground indifferently, and he was slaughtered by others!

It's not that Accelerator is not strong, if it encounters ordinary "Heavenly" masters, Accelerator can use "vector manipulation" to abuse them, but in the face of "Shocking Tribulation" that directly affects mental power, it is Just like the black emperor without a helmet in "X-Men" encounters X teacher, only the part of being abused, this is ability restraint!

What's more, "Vector Operation" is not invincible. It needs to be calculated before launching. It is more than one grade worse than "Reverse Demon Source". As long as the speed is fast enough or exceeds his calculation, Accelerator's lack of exercise, Destroying him is a matter of minutes!

Jue Wushen, the Fourth Raikage and Accelerator were quickly defeated one after another, but this time was enough for Yan Ying to complete a summon!

When he absorbed Jue Wushen again and the exchange point reached [-] million, Yan Ying didn't even have time to check the name of the summoned character, and immediately chose to summon.

When Yan Ying thought about 'Summon', a strong light flashed, and a young man appeared in the hall out of thin air. He had blond hair and red eyes, a slender physique, wearing a golden armor and a black chain-shaped ornament on his waist. Appears extraordinarily noble.

The man's demeanor was very arrogant, and even Qiluosheng and the others didn't take a second glance, and said to Yan Ying, "Are you my Master?"

"Master? What?" Yan Ying didn't understand foreign languages.


Yan Ying didn't know it, but Qiluo could recognize it, and called out the man's name in surprise.

Gilgamesh, whose real identity is ancient Mesopotamia, the fifth king of Uruk, the protagonist of the oldest human epic "The Epic of Gilgamesh", and the oldest "king of heroes".

With the divinity of "two-thirds are gods and one-third are people", he has a proud personality and is the strongest among Servants.It has a treasure trove that contains all the treasures in the world, not only the prototypes of the Heroic Spirit Noble Phantasms, but also the thorny legends as a matter of course.

Because he wore a golden holy garment armor with glittering gold in battle, he was given the nickname "Golden Sparkle".

"Who allowed you bastard to call this king's name taboo! This king is going to tear you to pieces!!!"

Hearing Qiluosheng calling out his name, Gilgamesh's scarlet eyes full of murderous intent stared at Qiluosheng wearing a black dragon robe.

To dare to look at him Gilgamesh with those dirty and interesting eyes, this is an unforgivable blasphemy for Gilgamesh, who has committed tyranny!

After Gilgamesh's stern words fell, Qiluosheng, a page of a book, and Zha Wushang silently appeared behind dozens of golden pools of light, and many knives and guns appeared in the more than [-] golden pools of light. The swords and halberds galloped away together in the air without warning, pouring down on the three of them like a torrential rain.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

In the face of the dense rain of "Noble Phantasm" attacks, Qiluosheng, a page of books, and Zhuang Wushang's three souls instantly merged. After a page of books and Zou Wushang returned to the body, Qiluosheng even used the strongest defense. The ultimate "Reverse Demon Source".

"Boom boom boom!!"

Countless Noble Phantasms attacked the defensive cover of "Reverse Demon Source", and then they were bounced back and forth, and then the reflected "Noble Phantasm" and the "Noble Phantasm" that flew from them kept colliding. As if the bomb exploded, the hall, roof, pillars, and the ground turned into dust and splashed everywhere under this wave of attacks. Even the fourth-generation Raikage Ai and Accelerator who lost their ability to fight were not spared and were shot by lasing. The "Noble Phantasm" was smashed to pieces, and the suffocation was converted into exchange points.

The entire Eastern Imperial Palace, "Fengling" and "Fiefdom" two great arrays also completely fell apart under this wave of attacks!

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