After a round of "Noble Phantasm" rain, Gilgamesh's attack stopped, and when he thought about it, the opponent should have been smashed to pieces by this time.

"As expected of the oldest young and dangerous boy, he is very skilled at shooting cold arrows behind his back!"

Just when Gilgamesh thought he had succeeded, in the hazy ruins, there was a voice that made him very disgusted.


The beams and stone pillars flew out, and Qi Luosheng stepped out of the ruins without any damage!

Seeing the appearance of Qiluosheng intact, Gilgamesh, who felt that he had lost face, his handsome face gradually became angry and twisted. Thinking that the attack he was determined to win did not hurt the opponent in the slightest, Gilgamesh's flames of anger burned. more ferocious!

"Bastard, why don't you obediently die for this king?"

Gilgamesh roared angrily, leaving only the icy killing intent on his face, and the scarlet eyes became even more red, as if there was a substantial light radiating from the scarlet eyes.

Hearing Gilgamesh spit out "." "Bitch" Kirasheng's expression also turned cold, and he said with murderous intent: "Although I know it's your catchphrase, it sounds really unpleasant!"

"Beast, how dare you speak to this king with such an attitude, let this king die!!"

In Gilgamesh's angry words, many golden light pools suddenly appeared in the sky above him, and in an instant, they grew to more than a hundred mouths, densely packed, and the group of weapons that could cover the sky distorted the space.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Thousands of "Noble Phantasms" blazed towards Kira at an even more violent speed.

"God breaks the world, shatters the world, and kills the eight dragons together!"

The "Noble Phantasm" was as dense as rain, and Qi Luosheng took out the "Or Heavenly Halberd" from the space with a wave of his hand. to the sky.

The battle between the two heroes is horrific, and the four fields are confused.

The endless "Noble Phantasm" is fierce and fierce, piercing the world and killing!

"Or Heavenly Halberd" was drawn together, and the thunder of martial arts reappeared. In an instant, the wind moved nine heavens, and thousands of miles rolled into dust.

Eight dragons dance in unison, and there are thousands of "Noble Phantasms" but none of them can come within [-] feet of Qiluosheng.

Ping ping pong, the steel symphony played at the moment Gilgamesh attacked.

It was already full of potholes, but at this time, the countless "Noble Phantasms" that were knocked into the air were wreaking havoc again.

On the ground to (Good Money Zhao), there are deep pits that were smashed by the "Noble Phantasm", and the "Noble Phantasm" even flew upside down towards Gilgamesh, but it was not close enough to be hit by a new round of "Noble Phantasm". Knock fly!

Seeing that Gilgamesh could not fight for a long time, his anger grew even higher, and he roared: "Damn bastard, it is unforgivable to waste so much of this king's time!"

"Clamour, it's just to show your inadequacies, let's fight seriously!" Qi Luosheng swung his halberd to knock the "Noble Phantasm" shot into the air, and said with disdain.

"I have to admit that your bastard's strength is very strong, but that's it!"

While speaking, another golden pool of light appeared beside Gilgamesh, and a strange-shaped round hilt appeared in the pool of light.

"Deviance Sword·EA": "Anti-World Noble Phantasm" is a sword known as "cutting the world".

The initial form is the key to the king's treasure. When it is used for the first time in the world, it must be used by analyzing the laws of the world. The sword is extremely powerful, and the fault that the sword emits wind pressure becomes a pseudo-space fault to smash the enemy.

"Deviated Sword · EA! Are you going to make a trick so soon?" Yu Guang looked at the "Deviated Sword · EA" that had not been pulled out, and there was a dignified look in his eyes!


Thank you "Gui Xue" and "Wind Snow Burning Dust" for their monthly tickets, thank you for your support! .

249 The star of the development of heaven and earth! 【Subscription】

The moon and stars are rare.

Within the imperial city of Dongying, the beacon fires rise again.

The "Noble Phantasm" in "The King's Treasure" seems to be endless, shooting out like bullets, shooting out swords and rain, setting off a devastating metal storm!

After "Eight Dragons Killed" smashed several waves of "Treasure of Ten Thousand Treasures", it disappeared in the world, and Qi Luosheng once again started the rebound offensive of "Rebel Devil".

"Cut!" Unable to attack for a long time, Gilgamesh opened the treasure vault in the void with an unhappy expression, and took out a strange weapon from it.

This is a weird and peculiar sword with a hilt and gauntlet. The length is similar to that of an ordinary long sword, but the most crucial "blade" part is far from a sword in the traditional sense.

I saw that the three cylinders were closely connected, and the unsharp blades were twisted into a spiral shape. The three cylinders were slowly wound together like chains, and they spiraled and spread out alternately.

I saw that the three sections of the grinding disc-like cylinder echoed the movements of the celestial sphere, each rubbing and rotating with a weight and strength that rivaled the changes in the earth's crust.

"You bastard, open your eyes to this king, my heroic king, Gilgamesh, will give you the last glory."

With a proud remark, Gilgamesh's sword-wielding arm was raised high, and the "Sword of Deviance Ea" began to spin so fast.

"The star of the world's departure from the world!"


Accompanied by the roar, the "Deviance Sword Ea" in Gilgamesh's hand erupted with a huge and turbulent magic power.

The wind howled, the lightning flashed.

The violent magic beam shook the laws of this world and rushed out.

At the same time, seeing Gilgamesh pulling out the "Sword of Deviance Ea", Kirayu's expression froze, and he started to use the supreme technique again.

"God style. Wind and thunder double style!"

Qi Luosheng snorted coldly, and flew up, the power of the holy demon in his body revolved, and four pairs of black wings were born behind his back, and the demon power appeared in the world.

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