I saw Qiluosheng holding the halberd to the sky, and the wind suddenly shook with thunder, the heaven and the earth changed dramatically, the vitality between the heaven and the earth rioted rapidly, the wind surged, the lightning flashed and thunder, and a huge thunderstorm vortex appeared in the sky, the power of endless wind and thunder gathered down, It is like a huge upside-down pouring into the "or halberd"!

The long sword pointed to the sky, the halberd slashed the ground, and the two giant forces collided extremely!

"Boom... Kaka!"

After the extreme shock, with the explosion as the center, the surrounding space began to distort under the powerful force, and space cracks spread in all directions like cobwebs.

The ground trembled violently, and the huge crack expanded, swallowing the Guiluocha outside the imperial city.

The crack extended from the ground level to the void, distorting the space, and the atmosphere moved upwards, accompanied by the reverse wind blowing everything around to the end of the void.

Mo Qingchi, who received Qiluosheng's retreat order, looked at the vortex of space that swallowed everything in the direction of the imperial city from a distance of dozens of miles from the runway.

 The huge wave of air blasted out indiscriminately, Qi Luosheng's four wings spread wildly behind his back, and his figure rose rapidly. This was like the shock wave of a nuclear explosion, even Qi Luosheng in the middle stage of the demigod was unwilling to resist.

Gilgamesh below quickly released "Noble Phantasm. Vimana", then grabbed Yan Ying and jumped to the top, and quickly took off into the air to evacuate.

"Noble Phantasm. Vimana": The "Throne of Kings" held by Gilgamesh is also a boat of light made of gold and emeralds that can fly in the sky.

The solar energy used for driving is generated by the mercury-fueled sun crystal, and it can fly at high speed regardless of the laws of physics.

Originally, with Gilgamesh's personality, she would not care about Yan Ying's life or death, but as Yan Ying's summoner, Yan Ying and Gilgamesh concluded a master-servant contract. If Gilgamesh dies, Yan Ying will not. What will be lost, but if Yan Ying dies, then Gilgamesh will be buried with him!

And as Yan Ying's summoner, under the modification of the "Character Summoning System", Gilgamesh will treat Yan Ying as the closest person, as long as it is not too much, Gilgamesh will obey.

Both sides rose high into the sky and looked at each other from a distance.


The four wings are lightly spread, and Qiluosheng is standing above the clouds, with thunderclouds churning under his feet. From time to time, you can see several silver snakes emerging from the clouds, making Qiluosheng's figure flicker and brighter, like a nine-day sky. Demon.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

"As expected of the equipped dog Jin Ling, if it goes on like this, maybe they will escape, and Jin Ling's "Noble Phantasm. Heaven's Lock" is a rare "Noble Phantasm" against Shenwu, I have a "Holy Demon Bloodline" ’, is likely to be affected, it’s time to end!”

Seeing Gilgamesh approaching on the "Throne of the King", Kirasheng didn't intend to drag him down!

Gilgamesh in the air got up from the "Throne of Kings" and stood on a high place. Gilgamesh looked down at Kirasheng who was a little lower than him in the attitude of the king of the world, his eyes were cold, and his face was full of contempt.


No matter where he stood, Gilgamesh had to be higher than the reptile, it was a matter of principle.

But before Gilgamesh could make his arrogant remarks, Qi Luosheng took the lead!

"Sacred Heart Four Decisions. Heavenly Heart Tribulation!"

Bring the enemy's heart with one's own heart, and make the opponent's heart split.

This is a unique trick learned from Di Shitian, as long as it is not immortal, there is basically no solution.

After launching the "Heavenly Heart Tribulation", Qi Luosheng didn't say a word, and directly mobilized the frequency of his heart. At the same time, Gilgamesh and Yan Ying felt a piercing colic suddenly coming from their hearts, and immediately spewed out a burst of pain. With a mouthful of blood, Yan Ying fell straight down to the "Throne of Kings". Gilgamesh was a "heroic spirit". Such damage was not enough to kill him, but as Yan Ying's summoner, Yan Ying died of qi. After that, he was attacked by the contract and died unwillingly.

It can be considered that Gilgamesh is unlucky and is implicated by Yan Ying. Otherwise, with his many "Noble Phantasms", if he fights recklessly, even if he can't beat Qiluosheng, it will not be difficult to escape!

The corpses of Yan Ying and Gilgamesh fell quickly, and Qiluosheng ignored Gilgamesh and quickly chased after Yan Ying's corpse. "Character Summoning System" comes, but it's a far cry.

Thanks to "Prince", "zq**", "No Name", "Xiaoyao", "Wenluo", "kevin7412" for flowers, monthly tickets, rewards, thank you for your support!

250 smiles and three smiles are coming! 【Subscription】


The strong wind blew his face, Qi Luosheng retracted the wings behind him, like a shooting star in the dark night, piercing the sky at high speed, his clothes squeaked under the strong wind, and the "Eye of the Holy Demon" had been watching with no trace of life. The Yan Ying, to be precise, is the "Character Summoning System" in Yan Ying's body.

Qiluosheng's speed was extremely fast, almost close to sub-light speed, Yan Ying's body fell a few meters, Qiluosheng grabbed it, shook it into powder with one palm, and then under the guidance of the "traversing system", Absorbed a purple ball of light into his sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, Gilgamesh's body and all his "Noble Phantasms" began to dissipate in a streamer!

He was originally a "heroic spirit", relying on Yan Ying as a medium to materialize in the world and appear as an entity. Now that Yan Ying is dead, Gilgamesh is a rootless duckweed and can no longer survive.

quite a while.

A mechanical indifference sounded exactly like the "traversing system".

"In the process of binding the character summoning system, the binding progress... 17 percent... [-] percent... [-] percent... [-] percent... [-] systems of the character summoning system are successfully bound! Respect The host of , the character summoning system greets you!"

"Yeah!" Not long after Qiluosheng received the notification from the "Character Summoning System", he suddenly felt that someone was peeping in the dark, and his face sank immediately, showing a sneer: "Since you're here, why hide, don't you laugh at the predecessors? Want to sneak attack?"


Following a burst of hearty laughter, the space a few miles away from Qiluosheng suddenly distorted, only to see a smiling, white-haired old man showing his figure.

The beards are as white as snow, and he looks like a kind old man who doesn't know how old he is.

This seemingly amiable old man is the one who came to "Dongying" earlier with a smile. He has four joys in his life, and encountering old friends in a foreign land is one of them.

But when the old friends reunited, Qi Luosheng frowned secretly. Although he said that he was unexpected to solve Jin Shan, but the battle just now also weakened his two-layer skill, and he could not recover in a short time. At this time, three smiles appeared, Qi Luo Sheng didn't think it was as simple as a thousand-year-old old man who just wanted to see the excitement.


For Xiaosanxiao, Qiluosheng has always believed that he is the biggest black hand in this plane. This old man who has lived for more than [-] years has experienced countless disasters, but he can live happily. There is no need for this. Said that there is no trick, Qi Luosheng would not believe it, even in these disasters, there are more or less shadows of smiles and smiles!

The feeling of Xiaosanxiao to Qiluosheng is much more dangerous than that of Emperor Shitian. Although Emperor Shitian is also a gamer, he regards the world as a playground, but in terms of scheming, Xiaosanxiao is worse than his strength. As far as Xiao Aoshi (the great master) and Xiao Jingtian (the great demon god) who promoted "The Great Tribulation of the Thousand Autumns", their encounters can be said to be caused by three smiles.

The main martial arts of the Great Demon God and the Great Master are divided into "Wandao Senluo" and "Hundred Heaven Four Wonders", which are the highest martial arts in the world that Xiaosanxiao has painstakingly researched for many years. If the cultivator has insufficient foundation, the long-term practice will be corrupted by the demonic nature and cannot extricate himself.

After Xiao Sanxiao met the dragon turtle, he drank the blood of the dragon turtle and became one of the twelve panics. He possessed the body of immortality, and married a mortal woman by chance. Mrs. Xiao Sanxiao gave birth to Xiao Jingtian. After laughing at the world, Xiaosanxiao left his wife and two sons soon after. Before leaving, he cut "Wandao Senluo" and "Hundred Days Four" from his wife, and told his two sons not to read it, and met him in the future. hand it over to him.

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