Qiluosheng and Xiaosan smiled while fighting and shifting the battlefield. Qiluosheng's "or halberd" in his hand slashed, swept, stabbed, and picked, and used countless subtle moves in a series.

The two fought fast, like two streams of light fighting fast in the night sky.

The skills of leveraging, transforming, and imperial power are superb in the hands of the two! The power of elements such as wind, fire, water, and thunder is even more dazzling.

The wind and fire are in the air, and the thunder is overwhelming!

The two of them are like gods and demons that destroy the world. There are no less than ten mountain cities that have been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. Wherever they pass, the world is turned upside down, and there are many sorrows. Whether they are civilians or martial arts people, they are like ants in front of them. As long as it sticks to a little aftermath, it is the end of the dead body!

Speeding up, after several confrontations, Qiluosheng and Xiaosanxiao moved the battlefield to the holy mountain of "Dongying".

Above "Mt. Fuji", the snow is capped, the wind is cold, and there is less and less confrontation in the distance, with killing in the eyes!

Xiaosan smiled and looked at the land of Dongying, which seemed to be punished by heaven, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Young Master Qi, if we continue to fight like this, the land of Dongying must be sunk by us. How about one move to determine the outcome!"

Qi Luosheng had a smile on his face. Through the observation of the "Eye of the Holy Demon", he had already mastered most of the trick of Xiaosanxiao. At this time, when he heard Xiaosanxiao's words, he simply said: "Come!"

"Hundred days and four musts!"

After getting Qiluosheng's answer, all three smiles and four must be returned to one move, and the four forces of water, fire, wind, and thunder to check and balance each other between heaven and earth emerged at the same time.

"Tianguan Four Transformations!"

Qiluosheng also diverts water, fire, wind, thunder, and four qi into one, only to see the power of the four elements condensed around Qiluosheng, which is quite different from the moves used by Xiaosanxiao!

The only difference is that Qiluosheng secretly injected a small amount of divine power into him when he was making moves!


Thank you for the flowers, monthly tickets, and reminder tickets for "Fashionable That Time", "Yu Chen", "Wind Snow Burning Dust", "system", and "**"!

 252 Call the old to the small [for collection, for flowers]

The top of Fuji.

Soaring into the clouds, towering thousands of feet, the turbulent earth brings a strong sense of oppression, and the world is opposed to each other, and the heaven and the earth shake together.

"Four Wonders of Hundred Heaven" and "Four Transformations of Heaven Pass", the same powers of water, fire, wind, and thunder are completely different changes in the hands of the two.

At this time, Qiluosheng lost his usual calm and indifferent temperament, and he was full of madness, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

The energy ball condensed by the power of the four elements of water, fire, wind, and thunder surrounds the surroundings, and then water and fire blend, wind and thunder advance together, and the four elements of mutual generation and mutual restraint merge into one, and all of them are absorbed by the "Or-Sky Halberd".

The opponent's cultivation base is clear to each other, and there is no room for mercy. He laughs three times and jumps into the cloud, his hands are transformed, the clouds are surging, the sky is thundering, and the power of the four elements merges into a force that destroys the world under his control.

The universe shakes, the universe hangs upside down, the grand and powerful, shocks Jiuxiao, and strikes first!

Laughing Sanxiao Yun uses the four-element extreme move, water, fire, wind and thunder, and four qi gather together to capture people's power and strike down with both palms.

"Hundred days and four uniques. A blow to the world!"

As soon as the heroic power fell, Qiluosheng's eyes narrowed, and he was unyielding and rushed forward with the "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his hand.


Extreme collision, the power of destroying the world is difficult to destroy. Qi Luosheng is used to entering the mountain wall by this powerful force. Suddenly, the land collapsed and the giant peak collapsed.

The huge crack that went straight down was split hundreds of thousands of feet, and in an instant, the rocks collapsed into the clouds, and the sand and dust covered the sky.

Just when I smiled three times and thought I succeeded!

He sees the soaring beam of light pouring into the sky!

"How could..."

Xiaosan laughed and the sound of horror did not fall.

"Dead Heaven Slashing Star Art!"

The four wings behind Qi Luosheng expand, and the "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his hand absorbs the power of the four elements, turning it into a giant halberd and slashing straight down. The last bloodstain.

The name of "Dead Heaven Slaying Stars" was borrowed, but the power did not cut corners.

The giant halberd swung down, leaving a huge crack several feet wide on the ground, and Mount Fuji was actually divided into two from it, and the core magma spurted out under the shock, reflecting the red night sky and sunset!

Xiao Sanxiao even had the blood of a dragon and turtle to protect his body, but he couldn't withstand such a powerful attack.

"For thousands of years, you are the strongest person I have ever met!"

Blood was gushing all over his body, and Xiao San smiled with amazement and unwillingness in his eyes, and said to Qi Luosheng who was walking behind him.

"You're not bad either!"

After the words fell, Qi Luosheng turned around and waved his halberd.

At this moment, two loud shouts came from the sky:

"Bastard, stop me!"

"Three smiles can only die in my hands!"

The person who came was the son of Xiaosanxiao, the great devil and the master.

The real name of the Great Demon God is Xiao Jingtian. He is the eldest son of "Twelve Dismay" and Xiao Sanxiao. He is tall and burly, and his whole body is full of muscles.

His real name is Xiao Aoshi, the second son of Xiao Sanxiao. He is a very mysterious and unpredictable person from Dongying. From the appearance, the big head is ordinary in shape, wearing a blue full-body suit. There are eight ties at the back.The clothes are covered with images similar to gossip symbols, the face is quite round, the hairstyle is ordinary, and there are a few small braids on the back of the head. From the outside, it looks like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifty.

The two first noticed the fluctuation of the battle in the Imperial City of Dongying, and they rushed over quickly, and then they traced it all the way.

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