When the two arrived here, they saw Qiluosheng about to kill Xiaosanxiao, and immediately shouted.

But Qiluosheng will listen to them, that's amazing!

The halberd waved his hand without pausing, the cold front injected with divine power swept across, laughed three times and screamed, and in an instant, his head was in a different place, and even the primordial spirit was also wiped out.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Xiaosanxiao, does the host convert it into an exchange point?"

Just when Xiaosan laughed and died, a reminder of the "Character Summoning System" came from Kira Sheng's mind.

Qiluosheng said silently: "Transformation."

I saw a flash of white light, Xiao Sanxiao's corpse turned into a light spot and quickly dissipated, and then I heard the system prompting that I had obtained [-] exchange points.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

The Great Demon God saw that Qi Luosheng not only did not stop, but even the corpse that laughed three times was destroyed, he was furious in his heart, and his deeds turned extremely well. The sound was like thunder, and it was a punch to Qi Luosheng.

"Hundred Heaven and Four Wonders. Sting Thunder Fist!"

Thunder suddenly appeared, moving mountains and rivers, and under one punch, the force was no less than [-] tons. Wherever it passed, the land collapsed.


Being disturbed by the Great Demon God, Qi Luosheng was displeased. He raised his left hand lightly and used "Reverse Demon Source".

"how is this possible!"

The Great Demon God and the Great Master were all shocked and angry.

"You are the sons of Xiaosanxiao, Xiaobaoshi, and Xiaoshuotian! Compared with your father, you are far behind!"

Qi Luosheng looked at the two with cold eyes, and the "Eye of the Holy Demon" quickly scrutinized the relationship between the two. The Great Demon God had the cultivation level of "Middle Demigod" in the moonlight, and the master also had the cultivation of "Initial Demigod". Because, in this plane, they can also be said to be top-notch existences, but they are a lot worse than the three smiles!

The Great Demon God has a fiery temper, so he could stand Qiluosheng's contemptuous attitude, and said angrily: "You bastard, don't be arrogant there, when this seat is running around the world, your grandfather is still breastfeeding!"

"Ha!" Qiluosheng smiled contemptuously and said, "Don't talk, that ignorant aura is about to take my breath away! What are you trying to prove, you are older than me, or prove that you have lived on a dog at your age. Strength doesn't depend on age!"

Qi Luosheng didn't rush to do it, but took advantage of the time he was talking to recover his skills. Two battles in a row caused Qi Luosheng to consume a lot of real energy. Although there is "Nazhen Divine Art" to quickly recover his energy, the spiritual energy of this plane The degree is not ideal, and it is difficult to recover completely in a short time.

Qiluosheng was really overwhelmed after just killing one old man and two more young ones.

"Big brother, he is delaying time!"

The big boss is good at calculating, but he saw Qiluosheng's plan. When he wanted to come, Qiluosheng and Xiaosanxiao fought so fiercely that it was impossible without damage and consumption, so he decisively attacked.

· · ·

Although the two brothers have resentment towards Xiaosanxiao, but there is no hatred for love. How can you say that Xiaosanxiao is also their biological father. Even if they die, they can only die in their hands. Now they are killed by Qiluosheng. , then they have to kill Qiluo to vent their anger!

"Tianluo Fire Road"

After the big master finished speaking, he used the power of "Yang Dao" to envoy "Wandao Senluo", and the sky was filled with fire in an instant, and the heat wave hit the sky.

"Overlord thunders. Five thunders hit the top!"

When the Great Demon God heard the words of the great master, he didn't talk to Qiluosheng any more, his strength was raised violently, and amidst the violent shouts, an incomparably condensed Wanjun fist rushed into the sky, turning into five heavenly thunders.

Thunder and fire, forming a lore realm!

Qi Luosheng has only recovered three levels of skill now. If he fights recklessly, even "Rebel Devil" may not be able to withstand it. After all, any martial arts has a limit. It seems easy, but in fact Qiluosheng still suffered a little internal injury!

"Creation of the Gods. The first form. Lei Lin breaks the dawn!"


At the moment of death, Qi Luosheng showed a strange move, and saw that the Great Demon God's "Five Thunder Strikes" was completely absorbed by "Or Tianji" in the blink of an eye.

Immediately turned into a thunder unicorn, rushing to the monstrous flames, the spear of doubting the enemy, the shield of attacking the enemy, taking advantage of the attack of the great devil, and counterattacking the master's unique trick!


Thunder flashed, fire clouds flew, and both sides retreated a hundred feet.

"Forcing me to do this, you damn it!"

Qi Luosheng shouted loudly, and smashed the ground with one foot.

"Bingjia Wujing. Scroll of Life. Final Form... Ha!"

The air is soaring into the sky, and the situation has changed dramatically!

The Great Demon God, the great master was shocked, and he was concentrating...

"Escape the road!"

I saw Qi Luosheng turned into a streamer and rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, it flew out of a kilometer.


"Damn, chase!"

The Great Demon God, the great master didn't expect Qi Luosheng to be bluffing.

However, compared to the speed, Qiluosheng with four wings can't catch up with them. While flying, Qiluosheng used the "Nazhen Divine Art" to restore his skills, and fished the two of them from a distance.

The big devil and the big boss are chasing after them, not only to avenge Xiaosanxiao, but also because of Qiluosheng's strength, which has aroused their fear, and now they have become enemies, not to take advantage of Qiluosheng's injury. Get rid of it, and when Qiluosheng recovers, it will be their bad luck!

Time is fleeting, the eastern sky sees white, and it is almost dawn in the blink of an eye.

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