Up to now, the Great Demon God and the great master are getting more and more anxious. If they can't kill Qiluosheng quickly, when the sun rises, the Great Demon God's skill will be greatly reduced, and their chances of winning will be greatly reduced!

The master looked at Qiluosheng who always kept a distance from them, frowned secretly, and said coldly to the big devil: "Brother, the time is coming, that guy is far faster than us, but he has been keeping a distance with us, It is very likely that we know the flaws of "Four Wonders", we should withdraw it first and make plans in the future!"


Thank you "Prince" and "Wu Jun Luohu" for the flowers, urging more votes! .

253 years [for flowers, for collection]

Under the starry sky, three figures broke through the sky and pierced through the clouds, galloping at extreme speeds.

"The Four Wonders of Hun Tian" uses the sun and the moon as the medium, which can absorb the four major forces in nature and use it for its own use. It is full of power at night (especially the night of the full moon). , during the day, the power of the Great Demon God will leak out, and the strength will be greatly reduced!

When the Great Demon God heard the words of the master, his expression changed, and then he resolutely said: "This person's strength is unfathomable. If you don't take the opportunity to eradicate him, he will be a big problem in the future. It seems that the only way is to use that trick!"

There is no turning back when the bow is opened. Since it has already started, there is only a life-and-death situation. Both parties are very clear about this.

The three of you chased after me, and soon came to the sky above an uninhabited island.

At this moment, Qiluosheng suddenly stopped, his power has recovered five layers, and the sunrise is approaching, the power of the Great Demon God is constantly passing, one is getting stronger, and the other is getting weaker. Under this situation, Qiluosheng's advantages gradually increased, and he didn't want to have more variables. Qiluosheng was going to solve the two of them here!

"Stinging Thunder Fist!"

Seeing that Qiluosheng stopped, the great demon god who followed closely followed him, and his shot was the most "nine-five-zero" skill in "The Four Wonders of Hundred Heaven".

The head of the family did not take action immediately, but stood in shock, and at the same time secretly speculated, who is Qiluosheng?Why have I never heard of such a strong master?

Just as he was guessing, the Great Demon God and Qi Luosheng fought again. At this time, the Great Demon God's strength had fallen to the "early stage of demigods", which was on par with Qi Luosheng, who had not regained his skill at this time.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fists and palms collided, and the true essence collided with each other. The two of them showed extraordinary abilities, sometimes thunder and fire, and sometimes wind and clouds.

The entire island was almost destroyed by the aftermath of the two people's head-to-head encounters.

However, with the passage of time, the sky became brighter, and the Great Demon God became more and more exhausted, and gradually revealed his failure.

"Wandao Senluo!"

Seeing that the situation is unfavorable, the boss finds an opportunity to join the battlefield.

At this time, Bai Yang broke the dawn, and the strength of the Great Demon God declined rapidly. Although he had the help of the big boss, it was difficult to adapt to such a fierce battle rhythm. The waves lifted several feet, and the rocks pierced through the air. In this torrent that was attacking everywhere, the Great Demon God whose combat power was greatly reduced was the first to be injured, and several mouthfuls of blood were sprayed on the ground.

"Damn brat! Pfft!"

The next time he spat out a mouthful of blood, the Great Demon God flew away and retreated. At this time, his skill had dropped by half. If he continued to fight, he would be more fortunate than others, but the great master would be hard to support. If he let go at this time, both of them would die!

It was difficult to ride a tiger, and in order to win the chance, the Great Demon God stimulated the dragon and turtle blood in his body.

Knowing that the opponent's strength was amazing, the Great Demon God had to come up with the last trump card. At the cost of burning the dragon and turtle blood in his body, he exploded all his potential. ' realm.

"Second child, get out of the way!" The voice fell, and the Great Demon God's whole body was surging with true energy, and the wind in his palms roared wildly like a hurricane, and the momentum was far greater than before.

"Nine Heavens Profound Wind!"

The Great Demon God slammed out with a single palm, and the ferocity and unparalleled turbulent wind surged out. The turbulent wind like a blade swept all directions. Wherever it passed, the grass, trees, rocks and rocks were all churned into powder.

The head of the family heard the Great Demon God's call, slapped his palms, and retreated.

When the ultimate move came, Qiluosheng once again displayed the "Sacred Style of God" and waved his palms to resist.

"Land of God!"

With the same style of wind, the level of "Land of God" is far higher than that of "Nine Heavens Profound Wind". I saw Qiluosheng smashed the attack of the master with a halberd, and then his left palm waved forward suddenly, a A cyan spiral storm slammed out towards "Nine Heavens Profound Wind".


The extreme strokes are opposite, the trees are broken and the rocks fly, and even the small island trembles because of this violent collision.

Divine power is above the law and belongs to higher rules. In this world, since the extinction of gods and demons, no one can do this step. This is a qualitative difference. The power of the gods did not condense the divine power (immortal energy).

Although Qiluosheng's current divine power is still very weak, it is not something that the Great Demon God and the Great Master can compete against. I don't know how long it took before the storm gradually subsided.

The dust settled, and in a huge pit, the two people were in a state of embarrassment. The Great Demon God had shrunk a few times, his skin was dry and wrinkled, and his expression was sluggish. Giants are connected.

The big boss is not much better, the clothes on his body are tattered, blood can't stop flowing from his body, and most of his hair has been removed by the wind blade. This style, go to beggars without makeup!

"Boy, you..."

don't want……


Ignoring the angry and resentful eyes of the two of them, he raised his sword and fell without showing any mercy, Qi Luosheng slashed his halberd directly to kill the Great Demon God and the Great Master one after another.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Great Demon God, the master, may I ask if the host will convert it into a redemption point?" Two people died, and the "Character Summoning System" in Qiluosheng's mind soon sent a prompt.


Although the Dragon Turtle bloodline is good, it is not of much use to Qi Luosheng. It is better to use it to accumulate exchange points.

Qi Luosheng's voice fell, a white light flashed, and the corpses of the Great Demon God and the Great Master turned into light spots and quickly dissipated, and then heard the system prompt to obtain [-] exchange points (the Great Master was [-], and the Great Demon God was burned because of the burning. The blood of the dragon and turtle, so there are only [-]).

"Huh!" With a long breath, Qi Luosheng ignored the system and lay on the spot on a large rock.

It was a long night, and the battle was endless. Although Qiluosheng finally won, he also suffered a lot of trauma, especially the last blow of Xiaosanxiao, which severely injured the "magic body". Qiluosheng was also there. At that time, I changed into the "Holy Body", and then I unexpectedly killed Xiaosanxiao in one fell swoop!

On the island, it was devastated. About two-thirds of the island of more than [-] miles had been sunk. There were many rocks, and it was more and more shocking under the sunlight.

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