
After a while, Mo Qingchi stepped on the fire cloud and came out of the sky...  


Time is fleeting, fleeting.

In the five years of "Hua Xia", Song Que came to power and became the second emperor of "Hua Xia". After five years of recuperation and vigorous development, "Hua Xia" can be described as a strong army. Under the rule of Song Que, he began to conquer the surrounding countries. Brigade, Song Que was also known as the Jagged Emperor because he maintained an iron-blooded policy to foreigners.

Under Song Que's order, the four frontier armies of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu all launched their operations one after another. Among the swords and fires, each small country and city-state surrendered or was destroyed one after another.

Between countries, there is no justice and morality, and everything speaks with strength!

Song Que followed for several years, blood flowed into rivers, corpses piled up like mountains, fought for several years, and suffered countless casualties, in exchange for the unification of China and no foreign countries!

Among them, it is difficult to comment on the merits and demerits!


In the ten years of "Huaxia", Song Que abdicated, and the new emperor Kou Zhong ascended the throne.

Royal study.

Kou Zhong looked at the pile of memorials, his face like a pig's liver.

During Song Que's reign, he achieved an unprecedented unification of China, but such a large site was very troublesome to manage.

Kou Zhong rubbed his aching temples, looked at the mountains of memorials on the desk, and couldn't help asking, "Are these all today's memorials?"

"Your Majesty, it is!" A servant said respectfully.

"Send my will, and summon the prime minister to come and see me!" Kou Zhong stood up and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The servant saluted and quickly went out to convey his will.

quite a while.

A burst of footsteps came, and Kou Zhong's spirit was shaken, and he quickly judged that the man was his good brother, the prime minister of the court - Xu Ziling.

Sure enough, after a while, Xu Ziling, dressed in a Confucian robe, walked into the imperial study.

Xu Ziling held up his hands, bowed, and said, "I don't know if your Majesty has summoned his ministers, what is the important thing in 3.6?"

Kou Zhong looked at the servants around him, waved them out, then put down his dignified look, and said to Xu Ziling with a smile: "Young Master Ling, I'm from the world, two brothers, the blessings and the misfortunes are the same..."

Before Kou Zhong finished speaking, Xu Ziling understood his plan and said helplessly, "Do you want me to help you appraise the memorial again?"

"As expected, he is my good brother, he really understands everything!" Kou Zhong stepped forward and patted Xu Ziling's shoulder, without the majesty that an emperor should have.

Xu Ziling was used to it for a long time, and sighed: "Master Zhong, it's not that I don't want to help you, there are more official documents in my house than you have here, I really don't have time!"



The two brothers and sisters looked at the pile of memorials and sighed while patting each other's shoulders.


Thanks to "a555842", "Master Liu", "Amber", "Wenluo", "wsh^hua" flowers, monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

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In addition, the next crossing plane is determined by the voting results, and the voting time ends in March!

 254 The Day of Surprise [For Flowers]

Ten years of ups and downs and drunk alone,

Dilemma when waking up.

There are no flowers and no space for the moon,

May the wind pass without a trace!


Eternal ancient and secluded, ten years passed in a blink of an eye!

Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Aotian, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Qin Shuang, Duanlang and others have grown into young people, each of whom has made a career, married and had children. Much better!

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling fulfilled their dreams when they were young and became emperors and prime ministers, but they will be painful and happy in the face of a large number of official documents tomorrow.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng resigned after the war and went into hiding. For them, intrigue in the court is not suitable for them. They prefer a free and unrestrained life!

Qin Shuang, Duanlang, and Aotian continued to stay in the court and became the prefect.

Everyone has their own aspirations, and Qiluosheng did not interfere with the choices of the apprentices.

During this period, Qiluosheng slaughtered all the masters above the innate talent of "Dongying". He also fought on the battlefield several times and accumulated more than [-] million exchange points before and after, but Qiluosheng was not in a hurry. Summons characters, but intends to summon them when they accumulate [-] million.

Time passes day by day!

Finally, the period of shocking auspiciousness is approaching. The day of shocking auspiciousness of Shijiazi 17 is the day when the dragon was born.

Shenlong is incomparably powerful and immortal. It is not easy to slay a dragon. You need to collect seven magical weapons, and at the same time pierce the seven fate gates of Shenlong. Of course, just having magical weapons is not enough, you also need seven. Only a master who has at least reached the "heaven level" and is in harmony with the gods and weapons, and this method is used by the emperor to kill the dragon.

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