At this time, the entire city of Tianhai has been cut off from water and electricity. Zombies, Zerg, earthquakes, and wildly growing vegetation have destroyed the power supply system of the entire city, so that most electrical equipment is paralyzed. Only a small number of solar generators, and The fuel generator can be used, and in just half a month, everyone has returned to the primitive society of slash-and-burn farming.

Fortunately, many of the survivors have become awakened ones, possessing various peculiar abilities, and with the support of the Umbrella Company of the Resident Evil Plane, otherwise Tianhai City would not be able to hold on to it at all!

"Woooo (bhbg) woo..."

With the arrival of the Zerg, the city's danger alarm sounded again, and the loud screeching sound woke many people from their sleep.

All fighters get up quickly, pick up their weapons and gather outside. War will make people grow up quickly. Looking at fighters of different ages, it is hard to believe that more than half a month ago, they were still the employee bosses of a certain company. , or teachers and students of a certain school, in this short half month, they lost their relatives, friends, lovers and many things, but they also learned a lot of survival skills and fighting experience, and completed a huge change in their lives. , became a trained fighter.

As the order was conveyed, a group of fighters, by the faint moonlight, came to the simple defensive city wall on the second ring road of Tianhai City with resolute faces.

This city wall is built on the basis of the second ring viaduct, it is very simple, many places have not been filled, and its function is limited. It can only be said that it is better than nothing!

At the same time, as the alarm sounded, the ordinary survivors living in Tianhai City also fled to the hive base in panic!

Although the hive base has been expanding, it still cannot accommodate tens of thousands of survivors in a short period of time, so many survivors still live in Tianhai City!


Above a deserted building on the second ring road of Tianhai City, the mad lion (Xiao Feng) stared coldly at the dense black spots in the distance, listening to the report of an awakened person next to him.

"Lord Mad Lion, the number of low-level Zerg this time is more than twice as many as last time. The intermediate Zerg is about [-], and there are three more high-level Zerg."

The Awakener who spoke was a young man in his twenties. He had several scars on his face. He was wearing a black suit. His voice was cold. What was striking was that he had a pair of blue eyes, which faintly emitted strange fluctuations!

This awakened person is named Ning Liang, and the awakened person is a perceptual power. Through his eyes, he can observe the fluctuation of biological energy within a few miles, and accurately determine the quantity and level.

Hearing Ning Liang's words, the mad lion frowned. Four days ago, the Zerg attacked the city once, causing thousands of casualties. In the end, the Zerg was successfully repelled by the missile provided by the umbrella company. I didn't expect the Zerg to be so fast. It's making a comeback again, I don't know how many people will be sacrificed this time!

The mad lion has to be cautious and wait for it, because tonight's large-scale battle will be extremely tragic. After all, fighting with hundreds of thousands of insects, even a master like the mad lion is very dangerous. will die!

Just imagine, there are endless insects in all directions, and even a highly toxic centipede more than ten meters long, a giant pincer beetle the size of a vehicle, and there are sprays of highly toxic corrosive liquid, fireballs, wind blades, and above the head. The rampaging fire ladybug and the blade mantis, that picture makes people shudder!

Looking at the flying Zerg who approached first, the mad lion gave the order to attack. .

257 Insects under the city【for collection】

The lonely moon is cold, the night wind is cold, outside the city of Tianhai, let’s fight to the death again!

Following the mad lion's order, the human side took the lead in attacking.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, more than [-] of Umbrella's most advanced armed fighter jets took off from nearby high-rise buildings. After adjusting the phalanx, the cannons on the fuselage fired violently, setting off a metal frenzy.

"Bang bang bang..."

Strings of flames shot out from the muzzle of the machine gun, covering the attack, tearing a large number of flying zerg into pieces, green worm blood and broken limbs and broken arms flew down from the air.

Fighting with the Zerg, the flying Zerg and the ground Zerg are the most difficult to deal with. The two can easily break through the human formation and bring huge casualties to the human side. Therefore, before the war, the primary target is placed on the flying Zerg. , These flying Zerg are above fighter aircraft in terms of flexibility, but their long-range attack is far less than fighter aircraft!

And their flight altitude and speed are not comparable to fighter jets, and they lose a lot as soon as they come into contact!


The insects chirped continuously, wind lice, fire ladybugs, rot flies, and other flying Zerg seem to know that the flaming iron head is not easy to mess with, after killing and injuring hundreds of Zerg, they spread out around.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After pouring a round of bullets, taking advantage of this gap, each fighter immediately launched two rockets towards the Zerg on the ground.

In an instant, forty rockets dragged long smoke tails and slammed into the Zerg on the ground.


The huge explosion sounded as the fiery flames spread, and thousands of Zerg died in an instant.

However, these casualties are only a drop in the bucket for the huge number of Zerg, the sky-high fire, the death of the same kind, did not make these Zerg fear, but made them more bloodthirsty and crazy.

A mile away, the black insect swarm is getting closer and closer, and their eyes are emitting red or green shimmers. From a distance, it looks like countless light spots are flowing.

This group of Zerg torrents of various colors and races exudes fierce killing intent, even if they are hundreds of meters apart, they can feel the cold to the bone.


A giant pincer beetle first stepped into the minefield that had not been set up for a long time, and was stepping on a mine, only to hear a loud noise, and several Zerg next to it were blown to pieces.


Like a chain reaction, the sound of mine explosions was deafening after wave after wave.

The fighter planes in the sky also fired at full force. The Zerg had rough skin and thick flesh, and it was difficult for ordinary firearms to cause damage to them effectively, but they were still papery in the face of the cannons.


The loud chirping of insects suddenly resounded through the sky, rolling in like a wave. Although the fighters had a lot of firepower, they were limited in number. After launching several rounds of missiles to eliminate more than [-] Zerg, they were finally broken through by the insect swarm.

There are also long-range attack methods in the Zerg. Some fly in the sky and send out fireballs and wind blades, and some crawl on the ground to eject energy balls. Several fighters can’t dodge and crash on the spot. Over a catastrophe.


In the sound of tight footsteps, the Zerg army gradually approached. The ferocious appearance was accompanied by the fire of the explosion, and soon entered the sight of the survivors in Tianhai City. Countless large Zerg stepped on the ground and made a dull explosion, forming a terrible sound. The resonance of the earth made the earth tremble. Tremble!

"Everyone is stable, our last home is behind us. We can only defend it to the death. Follow-up support will arrive soon. We must hold our position before the support arrives."

"Awakeners cooperate with the attack, block the center of the insect tide, and hand over armed personnel on the left and right flanks."

Everyone is in their place, the snipers target the intermediate Zerg and the flying Zerg, be sure to kill them before they get close, the melee personnel step forward to suppress, and the awakened people pay attention to whether there is a Zerg raid underground..."

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