On the cold night, on the viaduct, several Awakeners who controlled the sound waves roared loudly, conveying information to each other, and their voices were as loud as thunder.

More than [-] fighters and more than [-] awakened people are all waiting for you!

[-] meters below.

The steel torrent composed of thousands of Zerg shone with cold light in the dark night, and a gloomy and frigid aura of brutality rushed toward the face.

"Plop, plop!"

Above the viaduct, everyone heard their own heartbeat.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Facing the boundless Zerg army, many fighters couldn't help trembling all over, and the palms holding the weapons broke out in a cold sweat. The brutal killing was coming, and no one knew whether they could survive after the battle was over! Maybe the next moment, they will die under the mouth of the insect.

However, despite their fears, these people did not choose to back down.




"Bang bang bang..."

Rockets, mortars and cannons roared at the dense Zerg, and countless shells flew in unison, blooming mournful blood flowers in the Zerg army.

"Da da da……"


The machine guns kept shooting, and at the same time, the Awakeners who controlled the elements also shot.

Wind blades, fireballs, water arrows, thunderballs, soil thorns, poisonous fog, and individual psychic abilities controlled the Zerg battle, and the scene was very hot.

Several rot flies whizzed by, spewing corrosive acid.

Fan Wen, who noticed the situation, shouted loudly to his comrades next to him: "Brother Qiang, be careful!"

However, the scene was chaotic, and the person he called Brother Qiang didn't hear it at all. Seeing that the corrosive liquid was about to spill on the person, he suddenly stopped in the air, and then flew under the viaduct.

It turned out that Alice 150, who came over, shot in time. After rescuing the soldier, Alice 150 then used her mind to blast out a few scythe beetles that had just climbed the viaduct, while the machine gun in her hand flew upwards. of carrion flies.

At this moment, a fifth-order fire ladybug came galloping, its mouthparts opened and closed, and a fireball the size of a washbasin shot towards Alice No. 150 rapidly.

Seeing that he was about to hit the Alice clone, he saw a golden dragon-shaped energy fly out, smashing the fireball at one end, and then smashing the fire ladybug into pieces with all his strength.

Alice No. 150 looked at the wild lion and nodded her thanks. The wild lion also said nothing, smiled and nodded as a response, and then immediately dealt with the Zerg who climbed the viaduct!


Thanks to "Stars??", "Xiaoyao Mojun", "Brain-burning" flowers, monthly tickets, thank you for your support! .

258 Insect King [Subscribe]

The artillery fire continued, and the sound of killing was deafening.

The bloody battle between humans and the Zerg started again. Every moment, Zerg or human fell, the roar of Zerg covered the sky and the roar of human beings covered the sky, and the blood splashed all over every inch of the land outside the Second Ring Road.

Various complex elements attacked and hedged, bursting with brilliant and dangerous brilliance.

With the passage of time, the support of the Zerg and humans have arrived one after another. The intermediate (fourth to sixth-order Zerg) such as the blade mantis, fire ladybug, wind lice, and earth star cattle began to join the battlefield. More than [-] fourth- and fifth-order Fire ladybugs and wind lice fly in the air, constantly spewing fireballs and wind blades at the human side.

On the ground, hundreds of blade mantises launched a charge, and their two sickle-like forelimbs danced wildly. The flesh and blood of human beings were like steaks on the dining table, and they were easily divided by them.

Under the "one-one-zero" earth, dozens of terrestrial cows sneaked into the city wall from the ground to launch a surprise attack. Although some observers observed the movement, in the case of backward communication, these terrestrial cows still caused a lot of losses!

Especially through the tunnel dug by the Earth Star Bull, many small Zerg drilled out of it, and the human side was attacked by the enemy, and the situation was in jeopardy!

The human side also joined many powerful combatants, two hundred Alice clones, fifty trackers controlled by the umbrella, two hundred creepers, and thousands of biochemical warriors.Lone Wolf (Xiao Yuanshan), Goshawk (Duan Yanqing), and Xuan Ji (Wu Xingyun) who received the news all rushed over.

There are no extra words, the most cruel fight is the first meeting!

"Blood battle in all directions!"

Lone Wolf was holding a two-meter-long war knife, and he shot wide open and closed, and the knife was vertical and horizontal. Every time the knife fell, several Zerg were cut off and died!

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

Lone Eagle connected his hands, and shot out one after another sharp sword energy, killing the flying Zerg roaring in the sky one by one!

The most ferocious is Xuanji, who looks like a little loli. I saw her use "Lingbo Weibu" to bring up a series of afterimages, and "Tianshan Liuyang Palm" was frequently hit in her hand, and every Zerg that was hit by her, Whether it is a low-level or an intermediate-level, it is impossible to escape the end of the brain bursting, and the cruelty is a mess!

The mad lion is not too much, "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" is unparalleled, the dragon-shaped energy is fierce, and the Zerg under the palms have no enemy of unity!

However, the best performers are the many copies of Alice. Most of the fireball wind blades launched by the fire ladybug and wind lice were blocked by their mind power, and then under their control, countless fireball wind blades converged. , forming a spectacle of beacon fires, rolling back towards the Zerg army, killing tens of thousands of Zerg in an instant, and winning a short respite for the human side.

The trackers are also very outstanding. Fifty trackers are tall, powerful and quick to recover. They all carry a rocket launcher, five rockets, and a six-barrel Vulcan cannon. Just one cannon, and then pick up the six-barrel Vulcan cannon and swept wildly, its powerful firepower output is no less than an army of ten thousand people!

Relatively speaking, reptiles and biochemical warriors have no obvious advantages over Zerg, and it can only be said that they are better than nothing.

The battle between the two sides has become more and more fierce. The Zerg has a numerical advantage, which is more than ten times that of humans. Although nearly [-] Zerg have been damaged so far, the human side has also paid more than [-] casualties. The fighting is still increasing.

As far as melee combat is concerned, except for a few awakened and warriors, ordinary humans are not opponents of the Zerg at all. When the Zerg broke through the fire network of the human side, it was the beginning of the human defeat.

At this moment, five bladed mantises more than two meters long flew towards the lone wolf with their insect wings, and their sharp forelimbs exuded a cold and cold light, as if they were about to smash the lone wolf into tens of thousands of pieces!

"Lord Canglang, be careful!"

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