"Bang bang bang!"

The people he rescued not far from Canglang saw their hearts twitched, shouting in the dark, and some shot the Blade Mantis directly with machine guns, hoping to give Canglang a chance to breathe.

"Cracked Scroll. First Form. The Mystery of Cracked Universe!"

At a critical juncture, Canglang transported the "Bingjia Wujing" again, raised his sword and slashed horizontally, and a spiral-shaped sword-like blast shot out!Immediately, the five-headed blade mantis was hit by the thunderous sword light, and the flesh and blood flew, and fell to the ground with a miserable howl.

On the other hand, after the Alice clones fired their bullets, they pulled out the long knives behind them and began to fight with the Zerg who climbed the viaduct. They all have about the strength of Tier [-] (first-class masters), ordinary sickle beetles. , Iron-backed centipedes are not their opponents, and with the help of psychic power, they can kill the Quartet for a while...  

The stalker was much more rude, and directly pulled out the lamppost as a stick, and the lamppost knocked the one or two meter large Zerg flying with the sound of "woo woo", the carapace shattered, and the insect blood splattered!

"Kang Long has regrets!"

The mad lion roared and knocked more than ten fire ants off the viaduct. He took a deep breath of cold air and asked Ning Liang next to him, "How are the casualties on both sides of the enemy and us now?"

"Lord Mad Lion, the result is very unsatisfactory... The Zerg casualties are more than [-], and our casualties are about [-]. The Zerg has broken through our fire blockade. If this continues, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand..."

The mad lion kicked the steel spear under his feet and inserted it into the eyes of a giant pincer beetle, and then said, "Ning Liang, can you determine the location of this group of Zerg, the Zerg King?"

After more than half a month, the mad lion also has a very deep understanding of the Zerg. Each species of Zerg has different living habits, and some are even natural enemies, killing each other, like so many Zerg of different races attacking the city together , There must be a worm king behind this, catch the thief first and capture the king, only if this worm king is solved and the zerg chaotic, human beings will have a chance!

Ning Liang also saw the mad lion's thoughts, and admired the mad lion's courage and courage. I have to say that the mad lion has the 3.6 temperament of a leader. The kind of pride that leads the soldiers and whoever leaves me is easy for people to worship. .

Hearing this, the blue light in Ning Liang's eyes flashed rapidly, and he finally locked his gaze in the southeast direction, where the life fluctuations were the strongest, like a moving hill.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ning Liang's eyes seemed to be pricked by a needle, and two lines of blood and tears flowed out.

"Hmm! What's going on?"

Noticing Ning Liang's situation, the mad lion stepped forward to help Ning Liang up.

Ning Liang said anxiously: "Lord Mad Lion, don't mind me, the worm king is in the southeast at this time, and it is about five miles away. It is a huge scorpion-shaped zerg. It has just discovered my spying, maybe Will change direction, adults quickly take people to rob and kill, it will be too late!".

259 Blood War Insect Tide【For subscription, for collection】

War has always been cruel, especially war between different races!

There is no winning or losing, only life and death!

Fear that it will change later.

After the mad lion handed Ning Liang to the medical team and brought it to the rear, he immediately gathered more than a dozen top experts to kill in the direction of the insect king.

The Insect King is at least the seventh-order (Xiantian Zhenqi) strength, and may even be the eighth order (Xiantian Gangqi). If you want to kill him among thousands of Zerg, you can imagine the difficulty!

Even the mad lion is not sure, and can only take a risk.

Hundreds of thousands of Zerg, this is too tricky. If you fight recklessly, even if you fight all the people in the base, you may not be able to fight. Of course, they still have the ultimate weapon nuclear bomb to use. If you find the Zerg early The trend, it can still be used in places far away from Tianhai City, but it is already too late, the Zerg has already approached the scope of Tianhai City, and using nuclear bombs at such a close distance is tantamount to perishing, unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise it will not be used.

Wild Lion, Lone Wolf, Goshawk, Xuan Ji, three trackers, and five Alice clones formed an elite team. After a brief negotiation, twelve people (are trackers a human?) left the viaduct. Jump up and down, face the insect tide, and rush to the southeast.

Now that a month and a half has passed since the end of the world, ordinary awakened people are no more than fifth-order, and there are many people with outstanding abilities, but due to time constraints, they cannot be summoned immediately. The remaining third- and fourth-order awakeners are not much. To use it, it would become a burden, and the position also needed to be defended, so even though he knew that this place was extremely dangerous, the mad lion did not choose to bring too many people there.

In order to preserve its strength, the mad lion opened the way with trackers. The three trackers rushed forward in a triangle. The six-barreled Vulcan cannon in his hand shot the Zerg in front like a harvester. Attacking, the mad lion and others rushed forward while killing the Zerg approaching from all directions.

The tracker can fight melee at close range, and can suppress firepower at long range. The mind power of Alice's replica is also very practical. The lion, wolf, lone eagle, and Xuanji are all masters of the innate true aura. Beetles, iron-backed centipedes, fire ants, giant pincer beetles and other Zerg directly crushed and killed them.

"Squeak...puchi, puchi...¨"..."

As the only team that rushed into the insect tide, the mad lion and others naturally ushered in the focus of the Zerg. A violent and fishy wind descended from the sky densely and charged towards them.

Wind blades, fireballs, and body collisions, Alice's replicas turned pale, and the defensive barriers were shattered.

"The Scroll of Destruction. The universe is destroyed!"

Seeing the fierce attack of the Zerg, Xuan Jiting came out, seemingly only thirteen or fourteen years old, but burst out with amazing fighting power.

The destructive energy is like a long river running, and it is born in the insect tide to open a road ahead, and all kinds of Zerg in front of it are killed and injured by hundreds in an instant. With the strength of Xuanji's innate qi in the early stage, it can be used up to three times a day!

After the attack, Xuan Ji let out a long breath, her feet floating a lot.

A few miles away, if it were normal, it wouldn't take even a minute, but under the heavy siege of the Zerg, it was impossible to move an inch.

"Damn, these bugs are too many, we must fight quickly."

The lone wolf slashed to death a giant pincer beetle with one knife, and then slashed the flying wind louse into two pieces.

 However, the Zerg were invincible, and the waves were not settled. Several people walked dozens of meters, and soon a large number of Zerg came to them.

"The scroll of the earth. Slash in the air!"

Lonely Eagle jumped, the huge sword behind him was unsheathed, his whole body was full of energy, and he turned back and slashed, and the sword energy swept out in the shape of a fan, slashing hundreds of Zerg into two pieces, blood and flesh flying, broken. Countless limbs.

At this moment, all the bullets in the tracker's hand were finally fired. The fifth-order blade mantis, which was more than two meters long and taller than one person, took the opportunity to fly forward, and its sharp forelimbs cut off the frontmost tracker's arm. Originally, the blade mantis was going to cut off the head of the tracker, but at the critical moment, the tracker blocked the blow with his arm.

Followed by the stalker's remaining right hand, he grabbed the triangular head full of barbs of the blade mantis, and pinched it alive!

Brains splattered, and the Blade Mantis, who lost its head, struggled on the ground to die immediately.

Before the tracker with the broken arm continued to move, the two third-order fire ants rushed up, and the sharp and powerful jaws clamped the tracker up and down. The fire ant was also difficult to break free, and was quickly pinched off by the fire ant's huge jaws. This serious injury was difficult to recover even with the tracker's resilience, and he was drowned in the insect wave after struggling a few times.

"."Be careful behind your back!"

The terrified exclamation of Alice No. 133 sounded next to the wild lion.

However, he saw an iron-backed centipede suddenly sprang up from behind the mad lion, and dozens of sharp-edged worm limbs opened wide, stabbing towards the mad lion that had just killed the giant pincer beetle.

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