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Lin Feng landed in front of the mad lion and the others, and with a wave of his hand, the light-based "healing technique" enveloped several people and repaired their wounds.

"Everyone is fine!"


The light of dawn gradually rises, and the long night will finally pass.

After the war, although the bodies within ten miles of the entire battlefield had been cleaned up by Lin Feng, the peculiar smell of insects and the choking smell of insect blood still made people uncomfortable.

Outside the viaduct, flaming flames were burning, and black smoke was rising into the sky.

It was the Fire Element Awakened who was burning the bodies of the dead.

Each fire group was surrounded by many comrades-in-arms or relatives of the deceased. They all choked silently. The atmosphere at the scene was quite dignified. No one spoke quietly, only tears fell silently.


The raging flames devoured the body of the dead and turned into clusters of white powder...

"Creation of the gods. The first style. Vientiane rejuvenation!"

Many injured people were gathered together by Lin Feng, and they used the light-based healing technique in "Chuangshenjue" to treat the injuries of these injured people.

In this battle, the survivors of Tianhai City also suffered heavy casualties, more than half of the casualties, if Lin Feng arrived half an hour late, these people may have been wiped out!

The white light of healing shone on the wounded. The bloody wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The damaged internal organs were also repaired slowly in the process. The wounds with missing arms and legs also healed quickly. But can't grow back.

"Vientiane Rejuvenation" also only stimulates the potential of the human body and doubles the resilience in a short period of time. If a person is damaged too much, it will be difficult to repair it.

In fact, Lin Feng can also regenerate a broken limb, but the consumption is relatively large. A dozen or [-] people are fine. If there are too many, it will lose the foundation. He has no sentiment of sacrificing himself for others, so he did not use higher cultivation techniques. .


Thank you for the monthly passes of "Reverse My Way", "Jiejie Upwards" and "Bodhi Books Without Trees".

"Prince", "Master Liu", "Moe is justice", "a-55584", "then flashy" flowers, thank you for your support! .

262 Looking for the fantasy system 【Subscription】

After the war is over, there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

The families of the fighters who died in the battle need compensation, the damaged city walls need to be repaired, and the corpses left by the Zerg need to be distributed, but these Lin Feng have no time to deal with.

The corpse of the lonely eagle was recruited by Lin Feng from the belly of the earth star and stored in the space. After the injuries of most of the seriously injured people were stabilized, Lin Feng directly used the space ability to return to the hive base, while the mad lion and others stay to clean up the battlefield.

Hive base.

In a closed room, Lin Feng placed his hands on the top of Gu Ying's body, and a white light full of life appeared. Under the coverage of this light, Gu Ying's injuries quickly recovered.

Even though he was already dead, he was able to recover from his injuries. Even his broken arm and legs, which had been corroded into bones by the stomach fluid of the "Sansanqi" star ox, were restored to their original state in the white light.

Life and death, flesh and bones, even the "God-level" powerhouse may not be able to do things, but it is not difficult for Lin Feng who controls "Sacred Heart Decision" and "Power of Regeneration".

Reviving the Lone Eagle consumes a small part of Lin Feng's life energy, and eats a few blood bodhi to make up for it.

Lone Eagle felt that he had been asleep for a long time, wandering constantly in the endless night, but could not find a way out.

"Am I... dead?" Lone Eagle opened his heavy eyelids and looked at the bare ceiling. He remembered that he was swallowed by a strange insect emerging from the ground, followed by severe pain, and then fell into In the darkness, he should be dead. Could this be the underworld? How does the layout look similar to the hive base?

"Stand up when you wake up, how long do you want to lie down?" Lin Feng said, looking at Lone Eagle who was still a little confused.

This is the first time that Lin Feng used "Sacred Heart Decision" to resurrect the dead in the main world, but from the current point of view, Lone Ying's condition is still good, there is no hidden danger, but his body is still a little weak.

When Lin Feng's voice came, Gu Ying subconsciously stood up and bowed: "Subordinate Gu Ying, see the Lord."

Gu Ying clasped his fists with both hands, only to realize that the broken arm was intact, and he didn't even have any injuries on his body. Could it be that he was having a nightmare before? But the tattered clothes on his body made him deny this idea.

"No doubt, you have indeed died once, and it was I who brought you back to life." Lin Feng hugged Mo Qingchi, who was already asleep, in his arms again, as if to say something insignificant.

"Resurrection?" Lone Ying was a little unbelievable at first, but he was relieved when he thought of Lin Feng's incredible abilities. No matter what, it's good to be alive!

Gu Ying knelt on the ground and made a big gift to Lin Feng, and said gratefully: "This subordinate thank you for the re-creation of the Lord. In the future, you will be stubborn and do whatever you want."

Lin Feng said: "Get up, there are still a lot of things to deal with outside, you can also follow me to help!"

"Yes!" Gu Ying got up and followed behind Lin Feng, a space barrier wrapped them and teleported them to the viaduct in an instant.

Lin Feng suddenly appeared with Lone Eagle. Many people who knew Lin Feng and Lone Ying looked at them with respect, especially Lin Feng. Because of his appearance, the battle situation was completely reversed, but Lone Eagle did not attract too many people. Attention, most people didn't know the news of Lone Eagle's death, only the mad lions who rushed back were surprised.

However, since Lin Feng didn't say much, they didn't ask more, but just hid the question in their hearts.

In this war, the human side suffered heavy losses and gained a lot. Although Lin Feng alone transformed most of the Zerg, there are more than [-] Zerg remaining outside the viaduct. The third-order Zerg with insect crystals in the body alone has There are as many as tens of thousands, so there are nearly [-] low-level and intermediate-level insect crystals harvested by humans!

Insect crystals of Zerg, not all Zerg can condense, such as fire ants, rot flies, such first- and second-order Zerg bodies, only a small part can form insect crystals, only the third-order Zerg can condense insect crystals [-]%. !

Nearly [-] insect crystals, after purification, are enough to increase the combat effectiveness of all combatants!

It took nearly four hours to deal with the Zerg corpses, distribute the spoils, treat the wounded, bury the ashes of dead humans, clean the battlefield, and appease the emotions of the people. Dali, it's already 9 am.

After dealing with these matters, Lin Feng handed over the hive base and Tianhai City to Kuangshi, Xuanji, Claire, and Alice for management. It would be a massive attack by Zerg, zombies, and mutant beasts. All the members of the door are unblocked and handed over to the four...  

After doing all this, Lin Feng rode the fire unicorn and galloped towards the west.

It really came and went in a hurry.

Compared with the base, Lin Feng is more concerned about the whereabouts of the "Mysterious System". If the unstable factor is not ruled out, Lin Feng will never rest assured. Now that his strength has fully recovered, it is time to find out the whereabouts of the "Mysterious System"!

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