And Lin Feng's primary goal is set on the high-level people in the gathering places of the survivors. With the idea of ​​normal people, no matter who gets the "Hymn Fantasy System", he will not be willing to be an unknown person, especially when he meets the In troubled times, without the constraints of the law, there is bound to be something to do.

As long as you find out which character can decompose the creature, plus the recognition ability of the system, it is only a matter of time to find out the "Fantasy System"!

With the scan of consciousness, Lin Feng found more than a dozen survivor bases in the western area of ​​Tianhai City within a day. Among them, there are hundreds of thousands of people in large gathering places, and only a hundred or ten people in small gathering places. Lin Feng killed many swarms of Zerg, zombies, and mutant beasts on the way, and accumulated exchange points to more than 0.8 million points, but he did not find any clues about the "phantom system". [-]

Among them, the leaders of the gathering place saw Lin Feng's strength and wanted to recruit, but they were all rejected by Lin Feng!

He himself is a slacker, how could he be a subordinate to those scumbags with only five combat strengths, some of them are easy to get together, and some want to use force to coerce them.

"Could it be that the 'Xuanhuan System' is not within the territory of Huaxia? Or did it change its direction in the first place?"

Looking at the boundless sea in front of him, he thought, and after flying around several areas along the way, except for the exchange point that went up a lot, nothing about the "phantom system" was found.


Thanks for the flowers of "Moe is Justice", "Prince", "It was flashy at that time", "kevin7412", "Famous Family", monthly pass! .

 263 Blood Prince 【For Collection】

Country f, Paris.

The once romantic capital is now beyond recognition. Bloody fights can be seen everywhere on the streets. Zerg, zombies, and mutant beasts are rampant. On the contrary, the human beings who were originally the head of all spirits can only hide in Tibet. All day long!

The original high-rise buildings are full of bullet holes, covered with unknown rattan.

It was already mid-November, and the weather became extremely cold. There had been a light snow in the past two days, but the vitality of the surrounding vegetation was exceptionally strong, and there was no fear of the cold. The green vegetation covered the entire city. If the danger aside, the scenery is very beautiful!

On the north bank of the River Marne, chestnut trees, lyme trees and colorful flowers bring tranquility to the Tuileries Garden. Bronze sculptures add some solemn atmosphere. The overall neat and refreshing landscape design is typical of French gardens.

There are many statues inside, which are gorgeous and extraordinary, but unfortunately most of them are broken and no one appreciates them.

"Ccrunch! Crunch!"

A seventh-order locust was eating the corpse of a mutant dog with relish. The three-meter-high body, the barbs erected all over its body, and the serrated mouthparts were all daunting.

The harm brought about by the arrival of the Zerg even exceeds the disaster caused by the biochemical crisis. The Zerg in these Zerg worlds are not only numerous in variety, large in number, but also extremely prolific. The most important thing is that they are not picky eaters and eat everything, humans, zombies , mutant beasts, plants, and even individual species of zerg can even eat stones, soil, and metals. Wherever they pass, they are devastated!

The locust with the height of the small building devoured the fourth-order mutant dog with its serrated mouthparts and even the leash, and even chewed and swallowed the bones.

If there is any virtue of the Zerg, it is probably that they never waste food. Of course, this virtue is terrible for humans!

At this moment, the antennae on the top of the locust's head moved, and it immediately became vigilant. It looked around suspiciously with the two huge compound eyes on its head, but only found a few of the same kind in the distance eating trees or small Zerg. A trace of humanized doubt flashed!


At this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly passed under it quickly, and the stubby throat of the flying locust split instantly with a gap of more than three feet long, and the green insect blood and the mutation just eaten The wreckage of the dog came out of the wound like no money.


The flying locust wanted to squeak, but its broken throat prevented it from making a sound, and its stench of insect blood seemed to be under some control, and it turned into a handle at this time. The crystal clear green blood sword fiercely stabbed its entire head into a honeycomb.

In just a short moment, the seventh-order high-level Zerg locust died silently, and then a white light flashed, and the locust's body turned into a cloud of fluorescence, which was absorbed into the body by a young man with silver hair and red eyes.

This person is Yang Sihai who has obtained the "Mystery System". At this time, Yang Sihai is already the Duke of the Blood Race (equivalent to a master of Innate Astral Qi), and has exchanged the "Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes" through the "Mysterious System", and many others. Magic weapons, secret techniques, even against the ninth-order insect emperors (equivalent to innate true essence masters), they can still not fall behind.

It took only two months from the moment he obtained the "Xuanhuan System", and Yang Sihai took control of the eleven districts of Paris, from an unknown little person to the most powerful person in Paris!

This time, he is here to regain the first area. This first area was occupied by him two weeks ago, but since the ninth-order locust king came out of the insect world channel, Yang Sihai was in the first area. The power of District [-] was taken over by the locust king and the locusts he led.

Yang Sihai also led his blood clan to fight against the Locust King before. At that time, his "Sharing Eyes" was only in a kaleidoscope state. In addition, the brains and retinas of the Zerg were different from those of human beings. The locust king does not play a big role, and the locust king also has special talents and abilities, and there are a large number of Zerg guards around him. The first two wars ended with Yang Sihai fleeing, and most of his subordinates were killed and injured. .

However, the two trials were not entirely fruitless. Although Yang Sihai came alone this time, he was full of confidence.

Then Yang Sihai started to kill the locusts on the edge in the same way, while accumulating exchange points, while reducing the living power of the locust king.


Although Yang Sihai's movements are concealed, there is a peculiar spiritual network connection between the locust king and the locusts, which allows us to understand the general movement of the locusts. The wisdom of the locust king is no less than that of human beings. With the harsh sound of insects, locusts in all directions began to gather.


Following the order of the locust king, the overwhelming migratory locusts flapped their wings and began to search around. Soon a group of migratory locusts discovered where Yang Sihai was. Immediately, these dozens of migratory locusts, which were even more vicious than tigers, said, "Hula. La" rushed over.

"Since it has been discovered, let's fight head-on! Susanoo!"

 Yang Sihai unfolded a pair of silver bat wings behind Yang Sihai, his fangs elongated, his fingernails became sharp, revealing the complete state of the blood clan, the diamond-shaped dart-shaped "eternal kaleidoscope" in his eyes quickly turned, and the blood energy visible to the naked eye burst out. , In a moment, a skeleton body with a half body of about ten feet was born.

The half body of this huge skull is blood-red, constantly escaping mysterious energy like flames. The two eye sockets are scarlet and eerie as if watered with blood, and the circles of ribs are clearly visible, and Yang Sihai is surrounded by the ribs. In the protection, he looked at the flying locusts with a sneer.

"Bang bang bang!"

Some of these locusts hit with their bodies, while others attack with natural elemental energy. However, in the face of "Suzanohu", which is known as the absolute defense of "Hokage Plane", their attacks are like hitting an alloy steel plate. , can't hurt Yang Sihai in "Susanenghu".

"The worm should have the worm's consciousness, and the evil blood will be buried!"

Yang Sihai's palm stretched forward, and those locusts that smashed their heads into blood were instantly killed by the sharp swords that their own blood turned into, and then turned into exchange points and absorbed by Yang Sihai.

In less than a minute, more than fifty fourth-order locusts were all beheaded by Yang Sihai.

However, the movement here attracted more attention from locusts, and a large number of locusts began to attack Yang Sihai in a dense manner.

"Susanoh. Second Dan!"

The blood-colored energy skyrocketed, and the skeleton of the skeleton-shaped "Susanoo" became even taller. On the basis of the skeleton, it was covered with meridians and flesh and blood, and was wrapped in a coat-shaped chakra. Completely shrouded, like a giant red giant.

Yang Sihai raised his head to look at the flying Zerg, and the "Susanohu", who had reached a height of thirty feet, also made a gesture of looking up at the sky, and then, on top of the red hands, spun like two triangles. Dart's red shuriken!

"Blood Shield. Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

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