The first time he met someone who couldn't see his thoughts, Charles was curious and a little uneasy, thinking that everyone was transparent in front of him. Suddenly an invisible existence appeared, and he instinctively felt a little repulsive. Fortunately, he Be open-minded and don't care too much.

"Abandoned Emperor used to be from China. Besides, it's not what a professor should do to probe other people's thoughts." Abandoned Emperor shook hands with Charles, although in "X-Men", Abandoned Emperor just avoided Charles. The way of fighting is a bit uncomfortable, but it is undeniable that Charles is indeed a respectable person, with firm principles, committed to the peace and balance of humans and mutants, and Abandoning God has always been more tolerant to people with principles , of course, provided that the other party's principles do not touch his bottom line.

"Sorry, this is a bad habit, I'm trying to correct it." Charles said sincerely, he also knew that spying on other people's thoughts was an immoral behavior, but out of precaution, Charles would still use telepathy to detect people around him. The idea of ​​​​this is a subconscious self-preservation!

"Hey, Charles, is this your friend? How come I don't know each other?" The moment that girl was not pregnant, the moment Abandoned Heaven Emperor walked into the bar, the handsome and handsome face conquered the hearts of most of the women present. 3.0 Ruiwen is right here. Teenage girls don't have much resistance. Seeing Charles walking in front of the handsome white-haired guy, he walked over with a glass of Coke and said.

"This is my sister Rui Wen, this is Tian Di Qi, a friend I just met." Charles smiled and introduced the two of them.

Ruiwen looked into the eyes of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, I'm Ruiwen Darkholm, it's a pleasure to meet you, your eyes are very charming, one golden and one purple, it is a mutation , heterochromia, you are a mutant too!"


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The Origin of 300 Mutants 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Hearing Rui Wen's words, Abandoning Heaven said, "I am not a mutant, but I have some peculiar abilities. In human terms, you can call me—God!"

"God?" Charles frowned. He dared to call himself a god. He was either arrogant or arrogant, or he had absolute confidence in his own strength. Judging from the tone and demeanor of Abandoning Heaven Emperor, he was very peaceful and calm, as if he was narrating a fact.

"Ridiculous, the so-called gods are just myths and legends made up by people, how can there really be gods in this world." Moilo, a CIA agent, suddenly walked over and said, listening to his tone, he didn't believe it.

With a snap of his fingers, except for Moilo, Rui Wen, and Charles, the rest of them stopped moving like a frozen video. The originally noisy bar was silent in an instant, leaving only the surprised three people who were terrified. Curiously looked at Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

"What did you do to them?" Charles looked at his friends, colleagues and the people around him stiffly, and couldn't help asking Abandoned Heavenly Emperor.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor had just finished a glass of wine 18, a bottle of whiskey flew into the air to pour wine into the glass, and then flew back to its original place again.

Hearing Charles' slightly nervous question, Abandoned Heaven said casually: "They are fine. For ordinary people, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing."

Looking at Mo Yiluo who touched his hand to his waist, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven said indifferently: "A few days ago, did you believe that there are mutants in this world? How big is this universe, how much do you know, what you know is only The sky above the well! The gods in Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, and Eastern mythology have all left their footprints on the earth. The water in this world is far deeper than you think, if you live long enough , maybe one day, you will be able to see these characters living in myth with your own eyes!"

As for Abandoned Heavenly Emperor's words, Moylo did not doubt it, but judging from the ability displayed by Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, it seemed that there was no need to deceive himself, and he immediately asked: "Then, Lord God, can you tell me about mutants? Is it the matter?"

Moilo has changed his attitude and used honorifics. In order to get more information, he doesn't care about the agent at all!

"Why not? The origin of mutants came from tens of thousands of years ago. After the discovery of human beings on earth, the Cosmic Deity Group conducted experiments on primitive people and achieved success, that is, the x gene. This gene has a lot of Strong mutation and possibility, after countless years of evolution, the first mutant was born in the history of the earth in 3000 AD. He was born in ancient Egypt, and his name was En Shaba Nur. You may be unfamiliar with this name, but he has other You must have heard a name - Apocalypse!"

Charles speculates: "Apocalypse in the Bible?"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor smiled and said: "Or the Bible is adapted from the deeds of Apocalypse! Apocalypse's strength is very strong, even surpassing ordinary gods, he is a rare multi-ability person, super strength and endurance, flight, control elements, Molecular control of the body, etc., you can even transfer your consciousness into a new body through special rituals, and obtain the gift of this body, with the long years, his ability has gradually improved, tending to be omniscient and omnipotent!"

Abandoning Heaven took a sip of whiskey and continued: "But when this ceremony was held, the Apocalypse Society was very weak, so he recruited four powerful mutants to protect him, which is the origin of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse..."

Hearing about the origin of mutants, Moilo, Ruiwen, and Charles were all attentive. Although they were skeptical about what Abandoned Heaven said, they all had new directions for reference.

Ruiwen looked at Charles and cast a look at him. She had a relationship with Charles, and naturally knew that Charles had the ability to spy on people's hearts, and wanted to ask whether what Emperor Abandoned Heaven said was true.

Charles looked at Raven, shook his head, and told her telepathically, "I can't sense his thoughts, but my gut tells me that he's not lying."

Rui Wen was very surprised to hear that Charles could not sense Abandoning Heaven's thoughts, but Rui Wen also trusted Charles' intuition. A telepath's intuition is much stronger than a woman's sixth sense. Since Charles said so, then The man who claimed to be God Abandoned Heaven on the other side probably didn't lie, or rather, he believed deeply in what he said.

Moilo heard a lot of exciting news today, and felt that an unknown door was opening to her. Although she was an agent of the CIA, she could not read some extremely confidential documents. The people in front of her seemed to know a lot of things not to do. Knowing things, Moilo asked tentatively, "How much do you know about Sebastian Xiao?"

"Sebastian Shaw!"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor put the half-drinked wine glass on the bar and said: "Sebastian Shaw is the founder of the Hellfire Club, an international organization that gathers global social elites, mainly controlling mutants and society. The rich, whose status is far beyond ordinary people, are in the hands of government officials.

At the same time, he is also a mutant. His ability is to absorb the energy his body comes in contact with and convert it into his own use, and can use it to enhance 217's own strength, speed and endurance, but the energy he absorbs cannot be stored for too long. At the same time, if the absorbed energy exceeds his carrying capacity, it will also cause a lot of damage to itself. "

"Yeah! I've talked about it here today, and maybe there will be a chance to meet in the future."

After Abandoning Heaven Emperor finished speaking, the whole person disappeared out of thin air, as if everything just now was their hallucination, and at the moment Abandoning Heaven Emperor disappeared, the people who were originally frozen in the bar also moved again, and they had nothing to do with what happened just now. Knowing, self-seeking pleasure.


Walking out of the bar, Charles, Moylo and Raven fell silent.

Everything wanted to be a dream, which made them feel a little unreal. They had different thoughts about the mysterious Abandoned Heaven Emperor. Rui Wen felt exciting and a little yearning.

And Moilo was wondering if she should report the information she got today. Will her boss think she is mentally ill after reporting it?

The mature and prudent Charles felt that the ordinary life was about to leave him. He had a hunch that the future life would not be peaceful, and he also began to consider the future direction.


Thanks to the two book friends, "Emperor of Devil's Breath" and "Su Huanzhen", for their rewards, thank you for your support! .

301 million Magneto arrives 【Subscription】

There is a secret corner in everyone's heart, and he doesn't want to open it for others to discover.Because discovery does not mean that what is shining in is sunlight, maybe even darkness.So he hides and hides, but what's the matter, people live together with hiding.

Argentina, Hotel Villa Gesell.

In order to find Sebastian Shaw to report the revenge for killing his mother, Eric Lanchel (Magneto) went around to inquire about the news. I came to this peaceful mountain village in a hurry.

It's dusk now, and the sun is setting in the west!

Stepping into the afterglow of the setting sun, Eric entered the hotel. There were only three people in the bar downstairs, a bartender and two guests, which seemed a bit deserted.

Hanging the coat and hat on the hanger of the bar, Eric said hello calmly: "Good evening, friends."

The bartender replied coldly: "Good evening, the weather is really hot, what do you need?"

Eric didn't care about the bartender's tone, he sat on the bar and said politely, "Please bring me a beer, thank you!"

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