The bartender walked away and poured the wine. Eric looked at the photo on the wall next to him. In the photo, Sebastian Xiao was standing in the middle, with one person on the left and one on the right. It was the two drinking behind him. Looking at the photo of Sebastian Xiao, Eric's heart was burning with anger.

At this time, the expressionless bartender brought the beer to Eric, who asked, "German beer?"

The bartender shrugged and said, "Of course!"

Hearing the other party's answer, Eric understood, and understood that this bar was also one of Sebastian Xiao's accomplices, and also put it on the death list.

"This is Bitberg beer, do you like it? Hahaha..." A bald man in his fifties who was sitting behind Eric interjected, and there was a hint of pride in his tone.

"Ha!" Eric sneered: "Best beer!"

With that said, Eric turned around and asked, "How did you come to Argentina?"

The bald man who spoke earlier didn't notice Eric's strangeness and said with a smile: "The weather here is nice, I'm a pig farmer, hahaha..."

And the man with a mustache next to him also laughed and said, "I have been a tailor since I was a child, and my father is the best tailor in Düsseldorf."

Eric agreed to smile back, walking over to the two's wine table and saying, "Really? My parents are from Dusseldorf too."

When the man with the mustache heard that he was from the same village, he became interested and asked, "What are their names?"

"They don't have names!"

Hearing Eric's answer, the two people who were smiling at first turned gloomy in an instant. There is only one kind of person without a name in Düsseldorf, and that is the prisoners of war in Auschwitz. They were once officers of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

"Their names were taken, by pigs, by tailors¨〃!" Eric said, clinking glasses with the two.

The three of them held up their wine glasses, and the atmosphere became solemn. The bald head and the mustache looked at each other and guessed that Eric was here to seek revenge!

When they came out, they had to pay it back sooner or later. They moved to Argentina because their hands were covered in blood at the beginning, and they were afraid of being approached by their enemies. They didn't expect to be found. I wanted a dagger, but I didn't know that Eric had the ability to manipulate metal. When he walked into the hotel, he had already detected all the metals in the hotel.

Eric turned his hand to reveal the serial number of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The bald man pulled out a dagger and stabbed Eric, but Eric grabbed his arm and twisted the bald man's dagger with a backhand. The word, Eric said ruthlessly: "Bloodline and glory, do you like that?"

The bald man said with some fear: "We just follow orders!"

"Then let's bleed!" Eric stabbed the dagger into the palm of the bald man's palm without hesitation. The red blood flowed out, and the mustache stood up in fright. At Eric, but under the control of Eric Metal, the muzzle turned towards the mustache beside him.


A shot rang, and the bullet hit the mustache's heart. Eric took the opportunity to pull out the dagger and threw it at the bartender, killing the bartender in one fell swoop. Then the dagger flew back to Eric's hand like magic, and stabbed the bald man's palm again. Heart.



Langley, Virginia, CIA headquarters.

"The arrival of the era of nuclear war may accelerate the process of genetic mutation. People with superpowers may be among us. Thank you everyone." After Charles explained the possibility of mutants to CIA officials, he sat back in his own room. Location.

After two days of deliberation, Charles still decided to help Moilo, on the one hand out of his liking for Moilo, and more importantly, to protect the hard-won peace.

But the officials clearly didn't quite believe Charles' words.

"McTaggot, do you really think that with just one nonsense scientist, we're going to believe in the existence of women with silver glitter and men who can teleport? I think you need to be quiet, the meeting is over!"

"and many more!"

Through telepathy, Charles saw that these officials attached great importance to them. There was not as much pie in the lunch canteen. Charles also knew that these people would not believe if he didn't come up with something of a practical nature. After a brief consideration, Charles said in a showdown: "I'm sorry everyone, I didn't confess to you. In fact, I am also a mutant. My mutation can actually allow me to do many things that ordinary people can't do. For example, I can read what you are thinking. ."

The senior agent Stratunk on the side smiled disdainfully: "I have seen this magic show, do you want us to think of the numbers from one to ten now?"

Charles chuckled lightly and said, "No! Agent Skenduk, although it's not bad for me to ask your son William (William Stryker, the ruthless man who made Wolverine, but he's still a little kid)! But I would like to ask more about the U.S. deployment of Jupiter intermediate-range missiles in Turkey."

Charles' words surprised the officials present. Only a few high-level people know about Turkey and it is a state secret.

The officer next to Agent Sktunk's face changed greatly, and he pointed at Charles and the female agent Moylo McTagogue and said, "He's a spy, you brought the spy in the door!"

Hearing the chief's accusation, Moilo retorted loudly, and the glasses colleague sitting next to Moilo also defended Moilo.

Just when several people were arguing, Ruiwen, who was impatient with Charles being accused of being a spy, stood up and turned into a Sktunk agent.

This move of Rui Wen shocked everyone, and the meeting room immediately became silent, staring at Rui Wen in disbelief.

Seeing everyone's unbelievable expressions, Rui Wen changed back to her original appearance.

Charles, who was beside Rui Wen, looked a little ugly and said: ".〃What do you think of this magic?"


At this time, the slightly fat man who had been sitting at the end said in a stunned manner.


The affairs of Charles in the CIA have been passed to the ears of Emperor Qitian. Over the years, many high-level people in the M country have secretly communicated with Emperor Qitian. With the "Sacred Heart Decision" that can increase his lifespan, Emperor Qitian can easily get along with him. These power-holders reached an agreement, and even the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency (SHIELD), the Emperor of Heaven is also one of the main founders, but his files are top secret, and few really know his true identity. less!

"It seems that the good show is about to start. At this time, it is almost time for Professor X's good friend Magneto to appear! Well, now is not the time to intervene, so let's just sit on the sidelines for the time being!"

The potential of mutants is not small, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven also pays more attention to them. In this "Marvel" world where many planes are mixed, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven also needs a team with superior strength. These days, if you can fight in groups, try not to single out. , In this world of superheroes teaming up, there is no future in going it alone!

Although Abandoned Heaven Emperor can also use the "Character Summoning System" to summon powerful subordinates, but the road ahead is still long, and no one knows what troubles will be encountered in the future. .In the case, it will not be used easily until the necessary time.



Eric dived and quietly approached a cruise ship. This was the information he obtained from the bald man by torture, and pulled out the dagger engraved with "Blood and Glory". Eric walked to Sebastian Shaw's In front of him, he said coldly, "Hello doctor!"

Seeing Eric holding a dagger, Emma the "White Queen" and Torrent became vigilant, but Sebastian Xiao smiled as if he had seen his relatives: "Little Eric!"

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