
Abandoned Heaven Emperor at the speed of light, time seems to be extremely slow!

When he came to the cabin, Qi Tiandi first put the long knife in Lingdie's hand back into the scabbard, hung it back on her waist, and then carried her to the beach outside.

Then Qitiandi returned to the cabin, and threw aside the short stick and dagger in the hands of Moilo and Ruiwen. Qitiandi looked at Charles who was frozen, thought about it, and threw away the stun gun in his hand. In his arms, after everything was done, the Heavenly Emperor had just walked out of the cabin, and suddenly retreated back, looking at Rui Wen who had turned into a Mystique, and pinched her blue face gently, um!Not to mention, it feels really good!

Satisfied with a little bit of bad taste in his heart, Abandoning Heaven Emperor came to Victor's location in a flash. At this time, Victor was a few centimeters closer to Darwin, and Darwin's anxious expression could be reflected in his eyes. Abandoning Heaven Emperor walked to Victor's side, grabbed his shoulder and slammed it, Victor was still flying slowly towards the sea...

Qitiandi has come to the side of Eric who was frozen in mid-air, removed Sebastian Xiao's hand, Qitiandi stood on top of Sebastian Xiao's head, stretched out his hand and lightly moved Eric back. With a slight push, followed by a movement, he appeared on the right side of Sebastian Xiao, a whip leg slapped Sebastian Xiao, and then he exited the streamer speed state!



Everything returned to normal, the stun gun, the short club and the dagger fell into the cabin one after another, making a crashing sound.

Charles was about to use the stun gun to shoot Spirit Butterfly, but in a blink of an eye he found that the Spirit Butterfly had disappeared, and the stun gun was also out of hand, while the female agent Moilo was in his arms. The two were embarrassed and got up in a hurry.

Rui Wen was holding a short stick to resist the stab of the spirit butterfly, but when she came back to her senses, her body almost twisted to her waist. She didn't see the trace of the spirit butterfly, but saw Charles and Moilo hugging each other. He snorted coldly, but felt some pain on his face, as if someone had pinched him.

Lingdie stood on the beach and looked around. She remembered that she should be fighting Ruiwen and others in the cabin. She didn't understand why she suddenly appeared here, and the long knife around her waist was not sheathed. , Did you fall into the other party's "Illusion", and everything just now was your own illusion?

"Ah...I'll be back..."

At this time, Victor's shout came from the air, and Lingdie followed the voice, and saw that Victor drew an arc and flew to the sea hundreds of meters away from the beach...

Darwin in a forty-five-degree shape fell to the ground under inertia, and Hank, who was pounced, lost Victor's figure, fluttered in the air, hugged his injured arm, and grinned! Then he turned his head and saw Howl Calling Victor who flew into the distance, his mind was full of question marks, wondering why Victor suddenly flew out?

Don't say that Hank didn't understand, even Victor himself didn't understand how he flew out so well!

At the same time, Sebastian Xiao smashed a coconut tree with a "bang", and then hit the beach with all his strength, smashing the ground into a deep pit of more than ten meters!


Sebastian Xiao, who was lying in the deep pit, felt stuffy in his heart, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Three of his ribs were kicked off by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor. If it wasn't for his ability to absorb most of the damage, he would have He was kicked and blown up by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor!

And Eric, who should have been caught by Xiao, retreated more than ten meters in the air and stabilized his body. Eric, who had reacted, looked at the seriously injured Sebastian Xiao below, although he did not He understood what was going on, but in line with the policy of taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Eric decisively controlled the metal scattered by the nuclear submarine to kill Sebastian Xiao.


Sebastian Xiao covered his heart and gritted his teeth and stood up, using his ability to resist the overwhelming metal attack, but after all, he was injured and couldn't be as calm as he was repairing Eric in the nuclear submarine before. The metal controlled by Eric kept pounding, and blood kept flowing out of Sebastian Xiao's mouth...


Thank you "Ye Yao", "Wenluo", "748402zong", "a**" and other book friends for their flowers! .

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Just like Mei Xuxun's snow is three-pointed white, but snow loses a section of plum fragrance, similar things have their own unique style and charm, which can form their own charm.


"Ding ding ding dong..."

Countless steel wrecks hit the deep pit where Sebastian Xiao was, and the pit was filled almost instantly, and Sebastian Xiao was buried in the torrent of steel.


Eric used metal to knock Sebastian Xiao and himself staggered out of the air and fell, kneeling on the beach and exhaling.

At this time, the others also came to their senses. Hank and Darwin ran to the comatose Sean and Salvador respectively to check their situation. Alex also walked slowly from the sea.

The people on Xiao's side, now only Lingdie is standing alone on the beach, Wade is lying on the ground with a large font, Victor has just fallen into the sea, it is estimated that it will take some time to swim back, and the red devil will be faint when he arrives. He woke up, but the scene was a little weird, he didn't attack rashly, and a teleport came to the side of Lingdie, wanting to ask the situation first and make plans.

Eric looked at the Psylocke and the Red Devil and said, "Today our battle is over!"

"Eric, be careful!" Charles shouted suddenly as he stepped out of the supersonic plane.


Just as Charles shouted, a huge explosion sounded suddenly from the steel ruins, and I saw countless steel spurts out. Eric used his ability to fix the incoming metal in front to form a barrier, but tight. The shock wave that followed it knocked it out in an instant!

"No..." Eric shouted with horror on his face when he saw the unmatched fiery red shock wave.

"The price of being careless and reckless, you can't afford it."

A voice came from outside the sky, empty and distant, full of sacred and unquestionable aura like an oracle, and then a white figure appeared in front of Eric's eyes, and all the shock waves that spread were easily isolated two meters away.

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven slowly appeared, and everyone looked around, only to see a pair of cold eyes, a peerless appearance, a white gauze radiating holy brilliance, wrapped around his vigorous body, wearing a golden ring feather crown on his head, and his back He had two pairs of broad white wings, and his waist-length white hair was flying, adding a bit of ethereal divinity to him.

"Oh my god!"



"It's Abandoned. Heavenly Emperor, is he really a god?"

Moilo, Darwin, Hank, Charles and others were shocked.

"how come?"

In the deep pit, the surrounding soil was melted by the high temperature and turned into reddish crystals. Sebastian Xiao, who came out of the deep pit, looked at the Heavenly Abandoning Emperor in horror. He still remembered the appearance of the Emperor of Heaven.

Sebastian Xiao looked at the flamboyant Abandoned Heaven Emperor, and said with an ugly expression, "Who the hell are you, or something? Are you doing a ghost just now?"

Sebastian Xiao thought of the fact that he was just shot flying for no reason. The only person who can do this here is this unfathomable mysterious person in front of him!

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