Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor glanced at Sebastian Xiao in ragged clothes, and said indifferently: "My name is 'Abandoning Heavenly Emperor', the God of Destruction and Regeneration, your path has been deviated, destined to lead to Huangquan."

"Hahaha, even if you die, I will drag you all to hell!" Sebastian Xiao smiled miserably, reluctantly gathered all the nuclear energy in his body, formed a nuclear shock wave beam in his hand, and shot directly at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor. .

"Bastard, stop!"

Charles knew Sebastian Xiao's crazy thoughts through telepathy, and found that he actually wanted to detonate the absorbed nuclear energy and kill all the people on the island. He wanted to control Sebastian Xiao again, but The pain from his shoulder made him unable to concentrate. In addition, in order to control Sebastian Xiao, Charles consumed a lot of mental energy, and now he can only watch Sebastian Xiao fully nuclear energy. release.

The shock wave beam of the nuclear bomb looks very similar to Alex's energy ray, but the power is countless times terrifying. At the moment when the beam appeared, wherever it passed, the beach was instantly plowed by the fiery red air. Crystallized deep grooves.

Now Sebastian Xiao is a small humanoid nuclear bomb. The power of fully releasing nuclear energy is enough to raze this small island to the ground. Sebastian Xiao has the ability to absorb energy and is naturally not afraid, but Charles and the others have only one dead end, and now they can only pin their hopes on the mysterious and powerful Abandoned Heaven Emperor!

Reverse the source of magic!

Just when the nuclear energy shock wave beam was about to hit the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven opened his hands calmly, and at the same time, two transparent air hoods that were rotating in opposite directions appeared out of thin air.

"Boom!" A dull sound wave sounded, and a wave of sand rolled around, but the huge explosion that everyone imagined did not happen. The nuclear shock wave beam hit the gas cover, and it was like a drop of water like the sea, without causing any waves!

"not bad."

 The sound of the void came out, and I saw Emperor Abandoning Heaven raised his hand with one hand, and the nuclear energy shock wave that had just been absorbed turned into a red beam of light that was shot into the sky at a diameter.

This beam of light hit the ground, penetrated the atmosphere and blasted a military satellite that was monitoring it into pieces, and then disappeared into the vast space!

The superpowers such as Charles and the people on the American warship and the Soviet warship all looked up to the sky, where the clouds were knocked out of a huge circular vacuum, through which even satellites in space could be seen with the naked eye. Exploding situation.

Everyone thought involuntarily: "Can such a method be done by humans?"

"Red Devil..."

Compared with the shock of Charles, Eric, and others, Sebastian Xiao was more afraid. He didn't expect that his blow with all his strength would still not cause any damage to the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, and immediately called the Red Devil to prepare to escape.


A burst of red fog flashed, and the red devil appeared beside Sebastian Xiao, but just when he was about to teleport away, he found that his ability was ineffective!

"Red Devil, what's going on?" Seeing the Abandoned Heaven Emperor approaching casually, Sebastian Xiao shouted loudly like the Red Devil.

The Red Devil panicked: "This space is blocked, and I can't teleport."

"You... do your best!"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor appeared in front of Sebastian Xiao in an instant, with a flash of light in his eyes, Sebastian Xiao fell to the ground as if his bones were pulled out, and instantly lost his life!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the 'Black Emperor' Sebastian Xiao, does the host convert it into an exchange point?"

Just after Abandoned Heaven used "Shocking Tribulation" to capture Sebastian Xiao's soul with his icy eyes, a mechanized prompt came from the system.


Abandoning Heaven Emperor refused, Sebastian Xiao's ability, viewed alone, is not very powerful, but it is not without merit, and it is worth studying. If it is controlled, then Abandoning Heaven Emperor's immortality body will be more perfect.

After freezing Sebastian Xiao's body and storing it in the inner space, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven turned his head and glanced at the red devil, and walked to where Charles was.

At this time, the red devil was frightened. In his long life, he had seen many strong people, but with the super ability of teleportation, he could come and go freely. This was the first time he encountered an existence that could limit his ability. The Red Devil couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't take action against him. The longer he lived, the more afraid he would die. He had lived for thousands of years, but he still felt that he had not lived enough.


Eric saw that Sebastian Xiao disappeared suddenly after being frozen, and knew that it must have been the Emperor Abandoned Heaven. Although he was afraid of the power of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, Eric still stepped forward and asked: "Abandon, Xiao go. where?"

Looking at Eric with firm eyes, Abandoning Heaven said indifferently, "Dead."

Eric bluntly said "Thank you!" I don't know if it was because he was thankful for the Emperor Qitian for saving his life, or because the Emperor Qitian killed Sebastian Xiao!

Charles and others also gathered, and Moilo briefly treated the wounds for the injured "Angel" Salvador and "Beast" Hank.

At this time, Lingdie came over, knelt in front of Abandoned Heaven Emperor and said, "True God, I want to follow you."

"Okay." Looking at the little Lolita spirit butterfly with a mushroom head, Abandoned Heaven Emperor did not ask why, nor did he refuse her request.

Then Abandoned Heavenly Emperor gathered all the X-Men people together and performed a group "healing technique" for them to restore all their injuries.

Hank touched his intact arm and exclaimed in amazement. His left hand bone was broken by Victor. He thought it would be disabled, but he didn't expect that in that magical white light, he was healed in just a few seconds!

Charles, Eric and the others also recovered, Abandoned Heaven Emperor and Psylocke stood in the middle, Wade and Red Devil stood opposite the X-Men, because Sebastian Shaw was dead, and they did not continue to fight reason.

At this moment, Eric pointed to the warships on the sea with a gloomy expression and said: "I feel that the warships are aiming their muzzles at us, and our presence makes them feel threatened, no matter what the price we pay for mankind, And none of them will allow our threat to exist!"

Eric said this, and took a look at the face of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven. Although he hates Sebastian Xiao, he agrees with Xiao's ideas very much. Now humans have to take the lead in attacking them, which is exactly what Eric intended.


Thanks to "Prince", "Night Demon", "Kevin7412" for the flowers!.

312 Transfiguration 【Subscription】

What is God?In fact, God is also a man, but he can do things that mortals cannot, so he becomes a god.


United States.

The Ministry of National Defense is having a heated discussion, and the issue being discussed is the attitude towards Emperor Abandoned Heaven and others.

The leading member said: "People in the Soviet Union have always agreed with us, and jointly launch an attack on the superpowers on the island. We can end this threat forever. Don't miss this opportunity!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Carter stood up and said, "The X-Men is a department managed by S.H.I.E.L.D., you can't do that."

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