Then, Lin Feng and the others borrowed three horses from the villagers, as well as some daily necessities such as drinking water and dry food. Hu Bayi, just in case, asked Yanzi to help prepare some things, such as bird cages, glutinous rice, and black donkeys. Hoofs, crowbars, a vat of vinegar, soju, etc.

When everything was ready, the three started to set off for Savage Ditch.

He was riding on the road when suddenly there was a barking behind him. Lin Feng turned around and saw a fresh and capable girl with short hair carrying a shotgun, chasing after him on a horse.

"Yo!" Fatty Wang laughed when he saw the person coming, "The savage in the savage ditch is so handsome!"

Hu Bayi said, "Fat man, be serious, can this be a savage?"

"Drive, drive..."

The girl quickly caught up with the three, and Fatty Wang called out with a smile, "Sister, is something wrong?"

"Brother Hu, Brother Fat, Brother Feng, I'm Yingzi, from the Oroqen tribe, the old party secretary doesn't worry about you, let me come to protect them." The girl stepped forward and said cheerfully.

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Lin Feng and Fatty Wang, Hu Bayi looked at each other and smiled, Fatty Wang said with a smile: "Protect us, you are the only girl?"

Yingzi was unconvinced and said: "What's wrong with the girl! You can't get out of this forest at all, besides, there is no man!"

Fatty Wang still felt that a little girl was unreliable, but Lin Feng said, "Then I will trouble Miss Yingzi!"

Fatty Wang looked at Lin Feng and said, "Brother Lin, why are you making fun of you? Isn't her a little girl's film making trouble?"

Being underestimated, Yingzi said displeased: "Stop talking nonsense, you have already gone the wrong way, this way." After speaking, she took the lead in riding to the other direction.


Lin Feng shrugged and followed, Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi also remembered Yingzi's childhood.

Riding a horse for a few hours, and walking forward is the boundless virgin forest. Yingzi leads the way with four big dogs, Fatty leads a pony with tents and other supplies and equipment, and Hu Bayi walks behind with a shotgun. , and sometimes asked Lin Feng for some questions that he did not understand, and Lin Feng also told the truth about what he knew, and the group entered the mountains and mountains on the border between China and Mongolia.


The four of them traveled all the way through mountains and rivers, and traveled in the mountains for a few days. On the way, they occasionally drank game to satisfy their cravings. Because Lin Feng has rich experience in wild survival, he was not tossed by Yingzi, but Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were despised by Yingzi before. Yingzi was called to and fro.

Hu Bayi laughed at himself while chatting with Lin Feng: "My company commander is like a soldier being tossed around by this little girl these few days."

However, they are still convinced by Yingzi. This girl does have two skills, hunting, finding ways, looking for spring water, distinguishing whether mushrooms are poisonous or not, and how to find fungus, mushrooms, hazelnuts, persimmons, Codonopsis, Schisandra, etc. in the deep mountains. There is nothing in this forest that she does not understand.

When he arrived at Yerengou, he didn't know if Fatty Wang had a close relationship with wild boars, but when he was going out, he ran into a big wild boar weighing more than [-] kilograms. While running, he kept shouting: "Help, help..."

As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, this does not mean that wild boars are stronger than tigers and bears, but that wild boars are more aggressive to people, and they are social animals, so they have a higher chance of encountering in mountains and forests.

This wild boar didn't know what to do when he saw Fatty Wang.

Hearing Fatty Wang's miserable cry for help, Lin Feng was the first to react. Although his ability was sealed by himself, his physical strength was still far beyond comparison. He soon saw Fatty Wang running, with a head more than one meter behind him. Tall boar.

Lin Feng took out the dagger from his waist and threw it at the wild boar. This dagger was unusually slow, and it stabbed into the wild boar's head in an instant. The whole dagger fell into the handle and destroyed its brain. on the ground.


Thanks to "Kevin7412", "Mo Luo Jiutian", "The Flashy Time", "Night Demon", "88", "The Storyteller" for flowers, monthly pass! .

 317 Hold the Moon Bay 【Subscription】

The wild boar was dead, and the hounds behind him rushed over. Fatty Wang ran too fast just now, and now he is breathing quickly. Lin Feng reminded: "Fatty, fasten your belts, it's not good to be seen by that little girl Yingzi. "

"Oh!" Fatty Wang still had lingering fears, he regained his senses, and quickly tied the belt.

At this time, Hu Bayi also rushed over with a military shovel and Yingzi with a shotgun. Hu Bayi asked, "What's going on?"

Fatty Wang calmed his breath and said, "Didn't I go to the convenience just now? A big wild boar suddenly came out. Fortunately, Brother Lin Feng pulled out his knife in time to help, otherwise I might have explained it here!"

Yingzi walked up to the wild boar and was a little surprised to see the fatal wound on the wild boar's head between the eyebrows. Seeing this situation, I was a little shocked. The skull of the wild boar is extremely hard and hard, and ordinary shotguns may not be able to pierce it. However, Lin Feng was able to pierce its skull with a thrown dagger. The strength of this can be imagined. .

Fatty Wang sighed: "I'm a good boy, right between my eyebrows, this skill is really amazing!"

And "Six Eight Three" Hu Bayi thought that Lin Feng's running speed just now exceeded ordinary people's speed. In terms of speed, it was at least twice his own. Thinking of some strange things he encountered when he was a soldier, he secretly speculated: "Could it be that Lin Feng is also an alien?"

Although he was puzzled, Hu Bayi didn't ask Lin Feng. He knew that everyone had their own secrets. Since Lin Feng didn't mention it himself, he wouldn't go to the bottom of it.

At night, the bright moon is in the sky.

The fire was burning, and on the grill, a thick wild boar leg was grilled to the point of "squeaky" and oily. The rest of the wild boar was given to Yingzi's hunting dog. The hind leg alone weighed thirty or forty pounds, enough for Lin Feng. The four of us had two meals!

Yerengou belongs to the remnants of the Daxinganling Mountains. The mountains on both sides are gentle. The whole valley runs north-south, with hills and hills on the east and west sides.

While eating the wild boar, the fat man asked Hu Bayi next to him: "You said that the savage ditch is so big, where should we go to find the Guandong Fortress."

Yingzi cut wild boar meat all over his head and handed it to Lin Feng's bowl. Hearing Fatty Wang's words, he thought he was asking himself, so he said, "I don't know. I'll just do it!"

Hu Bayi asked Yingzi, "Why is this place called Savage Ditch? Is it possible that there are Savages?"

Yingzi turned the wild boar legs on the grill and said, "This place used to be called "holding the moon", and it was the cemetery of the nobles of the Great Jin Kingdom. They were all thrown into the ditch, so the locals called it the "dead man's ditch". Later, when a savage appeared, it was called the savage ditch."

Fatty Wang said nervously, "Big sister, have you ever seen a savage?"

"No, I just listened to what my father said. The old people who have seen the savages are gone." Yingzi said that he was going to pick up some firewood. The savage ditch was cold at night, so he needed to light a fire to keep warm. It also prevents wild animals from approaching.

After Yingzi left, Lin Feng ate the oily wild boar and looked at the bright moon in the sky to Hu Bayi: "Old Hu, take out your compass and take a look."

Hearing this, Hu Bayi carefully looked at the terrain in the valley according to the "Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", took out the compass to identify the direction of the gossip, and then showed a hint of joy on his face.

Fatty Wang wondered, "Old Hu, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Fatty, do you know why this place used to be called Pengyuegou?"

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