"I don't know." Fatty Wang shook his head neatly.

Lin Feng explained: "It's because when the moon rises directly over the valley, lying on your back in the deepest part of the valley and looking up at the sky, the peripheral vision of your eyes will create an illusion that the tallest hills on both sides are like hills. Two huge arms, the bright moon reaching out to the sky! Judging from the feng shui pattern here, there must be a large tomb!"

Hu Ba nodded and said: "That's right, let me tell you this! The terrain here is stable and majestic, and it has the potential to swallow everything. One end is the grassland, and the other end is connected to the Daxing'an Mountains. The Outer Mongolian grassland is like a vast ocean. Yuegou is like a big river that flows into the sea. Although the feng shui style here is not enough to bury the emperor, but it is more than enough to bury a high official such as the prince and the general of all households!”

Fatty Wang said in surprise: "So, how did you find the right place!"

Patting Fatty Wang's shoulder, Lin Feng said, "We will..."

"Ah... bang..."

Suddenly a scream and gunshot interrupted Lin Feng's words.

Fatty Wang: "It's broken, Yingzi has an accident, hurry up."

Hu Bayi picked up the engineer shovel and shotgun: "Let's go and have a look."

Lin Feng was the fastest, running at the front, holding a flashlight and throwing off his legs, dashing on the fallen leaves, rushing to the depths of the forest, after running for a while, he suddenly saw Yingzi brought a hound running towards him .

Lin Feng stopped and asked, "Yingzi, you fired the gun, what happened?"

Yingzi's face turned pale, and he ran out of breath: "Brother Feng, you scared me to death... I saw a shack in the front of the pimple just now, so I went in to take a look, and it turned out that all of them were dead, and the black ones were all rotten. I didn't see it clearly at the beginning, I thought it was a savage, so I fired a shot, and at the end I didn't see who's body it was."

"Yingzi, are you okay?" Hu Bayi and Fatty also ran over at this time.

Lin Feng said: "Yingzi found some dead bodies just now, let's go take a look."

"Okay!" Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other and said in unison.

Fatty Wang found out that this maddened little girl who didn't let Little Chili peppers have a weakness too - she was afraid of dead bodies, and Fatty Wang thought she was not afraid of anything in the forest.

Lin Feng also saw that Yingzi was afraid to walk beside her and walked side by side with her. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, two heartless guys, walked in front with flashlights. After a while, the four of them came to Yingzi to find out. Where the shacks are, these shacks are very rough, built with a mixture of mud and straw, and also use a small amount of wood. They are all built in the densest areas of trees, and the colors are also very hidden. If you are not close, it is difficult to find them. Less bones.

Fatty Wang looked at the bones on the ground and said indifferently, "Yingzi, what should I do, it's just some bones!"

The fat man said that he stepped over a small pit, and as a result stepped on a big leg bone, he fell into a big somersault...  

Lin Feng teased: "Fatty, are you alright!"

The guy got up immediately, feeling a little embarrassed, and said unhappily, "It's okay, it's okay, who is it, I'll provoke you fat man even if I die." Then, seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly rubbed the place where he fell.

And Hu Bayi walked ahead and found some different corpses. These corpses were all wearing woolen coats. They had been worn for many years, and it was estimated that they had been tattered and dirty for decades. Judging from the scars on the corpses, most of them died of suicide by incision.

Lin Feng stepped forward and picked up a knife on the ground. He pulled the knife out with a bang. The steel mouth of this knife is very good. He cherishes it very much, and must wipe it from time to time. Lin Feng said to Hu Bayi: "It's a Japanese saber. It seems that it shouldn't be far from the Kwantung Army fortress!"

Hu Bayi found a notebook in a military accompanying bag. It was written in Japanese. The paper was yellow, and the handwriting on it was still recognizable.

Lin Feng saw that Hu Bayi could not speak Japanese, and stretched out his hand: "Show me."

Fatty Wang said to Lin Feng, "You can understand Japanese characters too?"

Lin Feng took the notebook, shrugged and said, "Of course, I really don't know many words and languages ​​in this world."

As for Lin Feng's words, Fatty Wang didn't have any doubts, and immediately said, "You're a jerk, then tell me, what is written on it?"

Lin Feng flipped through the notebook and said, "The person who wrote the diary is a Japanese officer, Major Namiki. After a defeat, this guy took the remaining squad of soldiers and fled to a secret underground fortress in Heifengkou. The rest of the Kwantung Army converged, and when it was about to arrive, the only soldier who knew the location of the fortress and the guide who led the way fell into the swamp and drowned. The rest of the people never found the entrance to the secret fortress. They wanted to go back and lost. Lu, there was no communication equipment, so I had to live in the deep mountains for more than 5.2 years, and then a group of [-] tomb robbers came..."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng pointed to the bones outside the shack: "These corpses should be the tomb robbers of the year. These tomb robbers told the Japanese here that Japan has surrendered, and the Japanese refused to accept this result, so they Killed all these tomb robbers, and finally chose Yusui."

Fatty Wang asked suspiciously, "What is jade broken?"

Lin Feng pointed to a short knife on the abdomen of a Japanese officer: "Jade broken refers to the defeated Japanese who cut their abdomens to commit suicide. The Japanese used burial as the noblest way of death for samurai."

Fatty Wang: "Does that mean that the savages in the woods are the Japanese?"

"There is a possibility, let's go first, if there's anything else, we'll talk about it at dawn." Lin Feng saw that Yingzi was more afraid, and decided to come back tomorrow, holding the Japanese saber and throwing the notebook aside. , The tomb wall in the valley is almost corroded, and there is nothing of value. Although he knows that this should be the tomb, Lin Feng is not in a hurry, anyway, the tomb will not run away.


Thanks to "Amber", "Suhozhen", "Wenluo", "Levine7412" for the flowers!.

318 Into the Tomb 【Subscription】

The white sun broke the dawn.

After a night of rest, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang returned to the place where the tomb robbers were found last night with great interest.

After some fiddling, I found the tools left by the tomb robbers, and then followed the traces of the tomb robbers and began to dig holes.

After a while, Lin Feng and Yingzi came over with the hound.

Hu Bayi took out two sapper shovels from the toolbox on the side, took one Lin Feng, and threw the other to Yingzi: "It's just right, help dig it, find the antiques early, leave this ghost place as soon as possible, and sell it for money. Build a road for the villagers."

After taking over the engineer shovel, Lin Feng and Yingzi also joined the digging ranks. The engineer shovel in the hands of the four flew up and down, poking up a large piece of silt formed by dead branches and leaves with each stroke.


With a light sound, Lin Feng stopped, and used a shovel to dig up the soil, revealing the emerald green glazed tiles below, and then asked several people to stop.

Fatty Wang said suspiciously, "What's the matter, why stop now!"

Lin Feng said: "I just dug up the Tianbaolong Fire Glass Top, but luckily I didn't dig it up, otherwise we would all become fireballs."

Yingzi asked curiously, "What is the Tianbaolong Fire Glass Top?"

Hu Bayi explained: "Tianbaolong fire glazed roof is a commonly used anti-theft technology in some noble tombs in the Northern Song Dynasty. The technology of this structure is very advanced. A bag of Western Fire Dragon Oil, on top of which is another layer of glazed tiles, and then the sealing mound. As long as there is an external force entering, the top will be broken as soon as it is touched, and the Western Fire Dragon Oil will see the air. Burn 15 pieces of essence, so that the tomb robbers will get nothing."

Fatty Wang said with lingering fears: "I'll be a good boy and die together!"

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