Hu Bayi put away the military shovel: "I think that group of tomb robbers must have dug a side hole next to this. Let's find it separately."

Then Lin Feng and Fatty Wang hurriedly filled the hole they dug to avoid accidents, while Hu Bayi and Yingzi split up to find the tomb.

At this moment, Lin Feng heard Yingzi's exclamation again, and hurriedly rushed over with Fatty Wang in the direction of the sound. On the way, he bumped into Hu Bayi who was also coming.

When Lin Feng and others arrived at the scene of the incident and found that Yingzi had fallen into the hole, Hu Bayi speculated that this was most likely a side hole dug by tomb robbers.

Then Fatty Wang tied the rope, and Lin Feng took the lead to climb down the rope.

After Lin Feng went down to the pothole, he stepped forward to help Yingzi and asked, "Yingzi, how's it going!"

"It's alright, I just broke my leg when I fell!" Yingzi, who was supported by Lin Feng, said blushing.

Lin Feng held Yingzi next to the crypt, took off the boots on Yingzi's feet, and pressed them on her sprained foot: "Be patient."

Yingzi lowered her head, not daring to look at Lin Feng's face, she just gave a soft "um".


With a slight crisp sound, Lin Feng moved Yingzi's displaced bones back to their original position, and said to Yingzi, "I've already set the bones for you. I'll go up for some medicinal wine later, and the swelling should be relieved tomorrow."

At this time, Hu Bayi shouted at the entrance of the cave, "Brother Lin, what's the situation? Yingzi is okay!"

Yingzi replied, "I'm fine."

Lin Feng looked at the surrounding situation, the cave was dark, with an underground passage on both sides, and a tomb door on the left: "Below is a tomb passage, this hole should have been dug by the tomb robbers before, the air is well-ventilated, there is no problem, take it Come down guys!"

Tombs are usually closed underground for hundreds of thousands of years, and the air inside is not circulated. Before the corpse rots, it must first swell and be filled with corpse gas, and then the flesh and internal organs begin to rot from the inside out. It is a vacuum environment in the sense, but if it is not ventilated, the odor of the carrion will still be contained in it, even after hundreds of years, it will not dissipate, even if there is no corpse, it is just air that has not flowed for hundreds of years. , it will also form poisonous gas that is harmful to the human body. Once a person inhales this poisonous gas, it will cause dizziness and death from poisoning. However, this tomb was opened by the previous tomb robbers. Blow out the harmful gas here!

Hu Bayi was very convinced of Lin Feng's judgment. He immediately packed up his tools and climbed down the rope. Not long after Hu Bayi came down, Fatty Wang followed him down the tunnel.

"Fatty, why did you come down! Didn't I tell you to guard it!" Hu Bayi said when he saw Wang Kaixuan.

"There's nothing on it, what am I guarding!" Fatty Wang is not a quiet master, and he is not timid. He was very curious about the situation in the tomb. Fatty Wang stood up, patted the dust on his body and asked Yingzi. Said: "Big girl, are you alright!"

"It's all right."

"It's fine." Fatty Wang said with a smile, then looked around, looking around with a pair of thief eyes.

Hu Bayi handed the gloves to Lin Feng and Yingzi, and the two quickly took them on. The things in this tomb have been stored for many years, but they are not very clean. Wearing gloves is an extra layer of protection.

Lin Feng looked at Yingzi: "Can you go?"


At this time, Fatty Wang took out a bundle of thick ropes and played with it in the tomb passage. Yingzi asked curiously, "Brother Fatty, what are you doing?"

Fatty Wang said: "See if there is any mechanism, don't let all arrows shoot out and turn us into candied haws."

Yingzi said admiringly, "Brother Fat, you know so much!"

Before Fatty could be complacent, Hu Bayi exposed his old bottom: "That's right, your fat brother has been studying all the way, now you're learning and selling it now."

Lin Feng pointed at the tomb door that had been blasted in front of him and said with a smile: "Fat man, don't mess around, there are people here who have passed by, and there will be nothing wrong."

Fatty Wang sneered and said, "It's not a big mistake to be careful!"

Entering the tomb through the tomb passage, the tomb is not large, at most about [-] square meters. It seems to be designed according to the living man's house, with a main room, a back room, and two ear rooms.

The location where we came in happened to be an ear room.

Yingzi flashed a flashlight on a face on the wall, startled, hugged Lin Feng's arm and screamed.

"Don't be afraid, it's a mural."

Lin Feng used a flashlight to shine on the wall of the tomb mentioned by Yingzi, and there were paintings embossed on it. The figures in the paintings were simple and lifelike.

Fatty was also quite frightened when he heard Yingzi's screams: "There are murals all around, which startled me."

Lin Feng took a flashlight and pointed at the people in the murals and said: "During the Tang and Song Dynasties, most of the princely tombs had murals, which were used to record the major deeds of the tomb owner's life. This should be the tomb owner. Judging from the murals, the tomb owner was He was a general before his death."

Fatty was not interested in the murals, so he ran to the back room to have a look, and shouted to the three of Lin Feng: "Brother Lin Feng, come and have a look, here."

Hearing Fatty's words, Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, and Yingzi all walked over. This ear room was filled with the tomb owner's grave goods, all of which were weapons, shields, pots and the like, and were of little value.

As soon as Lin Feng said that these things were worthless, Fatty Wang immediately became disinterested.

After looking around, the four walked into the main tomb. The fat man took a flashlight and took a picture of the tomb, but found nothing. He wondered: "You said that the coffin is hidden there, there must be a mechanism." touch.

Lin Feng looked at Fatty Wang's big-handed appearance and said, "Don't move around, be careful to run into traps."

Lin Feng has only seen the plot of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", but he does not fully know it. Of course, if Lin Feng used his mental power to scan, he would definitely find the mechanism quickly, but in this way, it would be a lot less interesting. Lin Feng doesn't care about Jin Silver treasure, what he cares about is this process.

At this time, Hu Bayi found a relief of a square on the wall and called everyone over.

"I think there must be something wrong with this."

"No 583 will be an organ!" Fatty Wang said and pressed the relief down.

Fatty Wang looked at Hu Bayi: "I can really press it!"

"I saw it!" Hu Bayan wanted to stop it, but he was still a step too late. After the fat man pressed down the relief, nothing happened, so he let out a sigh of relief.

Fatty Wang walked to the other side again and saw an identical square relief: "Old Hu, there is another one here."

Lin Feng and Hu Bayi shouted at the same time, "Don't move!"


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