While the two were shouting, Fatty Wang had already pressed down on the relief, and then it seemed that some mechanism had been activated, and the entire tomb was shaken twice.

Lin Feng pulled out the Japanese saber he picked up last night and shouted to Fatty Wang, "Get behind me."

Hearing the sound in the tomb, Fatty Wang also felt that something was wrong. He ran behind Lin Feng and joined Hu Bayi and Yingzi in one place.

At this moment, many holes the size of bamboo tubes were exposed on the surrounding walls.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi shouted, "Get down!"

Fatty Wang and Yingzi both followed their words and climbed to the ground together with Hu Bayi, but Lin Feng was unmoved. Although he claimed his skill, he was still arrogant.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Countless organ crossbow arrows with phosphorous fire flew out, but Lin Feng had a calm expression, and his feet were scattered. He held a knife in one hand, and wielded a sheath in the other.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

In a short while, Lin Feng knocked all the crossbow arrows shot from all directions to one side, but because he didn't use True Essence, the scabbard of the saber was smashed by the phosphorous fire on the crossbow arrow, and smoke came out.


Thanks to "the person who listened to the story", "Amber", "Su Huanzhen", "Night Demon" for monthly tickets, flowers, thank you for your support!

Friends who do not have a collection, like everyone, click to collect, thank you! .

319 Ghost Blowing Lamp【For Collection】

"Everyone is alright!"

Lin Feng threw the tattered scabbard on the ground and asked the three behind him.


"Okay, I passed through the thousands of flowers, and the leaves don't stick to my body. I learned this practice there!" Fatty Wang said in shock. Although Fatty Wang knew that Lin Feng's skills were unusual when he saw Lin Feng kill wild boars earlier, he Seeing Lin Feng flying hundreds of crossbow arrows, he was still amazed!

Hu Bayi and Yingzi also stared at Lin Feng, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Don't be stunned, leave first."

"Okay, hurry up." Hu Bayi came to his senses for a while, and felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time.

Fatty Wang was also jumped by the mechanism just now, and hurriedly walked to the door, but he couldn't see the road clearly, and was overwhelmed by a beast carving in the tomb!

"Ouch." Fatty Wang fell to the ground and cried out in pain, "Old Hu, I'm knocking on my leg, it hurts Fatty!"

Lin Feng stepped forward to help him up, and as soon as he walked to the door of the tomb, there was a sound behind him.

When everyone looked, they saw that the stone platform in the center of the tomb opened, and a coffin rose from it.

The coffin of the tomb owner is not small in size. It is mahogany black lacquer with golden decorations on it.

Lin Feng and the others stopped, and Fatty Wang looked at the beast sculpture that had toppled him: "So the mechanism is here!"

Lin Feng looked at the raised coffin and said, "The pattern on this coffin is the totem of the Jurchen clan, and the wood of the coffin, although not as good as the royal family, is considered extremely luxurious. It seems that the tomb owner had a high status during his lifetime. "

As soon as Fatty Wang heard it, his legs and feet became more agile, and he said with a cheap smile, "The good things must be inside!" He wanted to open the coffin, but Hu Bayi grabbed it.

"What are you doing?" Fatty Wang looked at Hu Bayi, who was holding him.

Hu Bayi said seriously: "Don't move."

"No, it's all in front of you, you don't want to open it and see?"

Lin Feng patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder: "Don't be impulsive, Fatty, leave it to Lao Hu."

Hu Ba nodded a little, took out the compass from his arms, began to calculate the bearing, and then lit a candle in the southeast corner.

Yingzi couldn't understand and asked, "Brother Hu, what are you doing?"

Hu Bayi pretended to be high and deep: "People light candles, ghosts blow lights!"

"What?" Both Yingzi and Fatty Wang didn't understand, but they still didn't realize it. In fact, it was the first time Hu Bayi went to the tomb. These things were read from ancient books.

Hu Ba Yiyihao Candle explained: "This is the rule left by the elders, which means that the coffin can only be opened by lighting a candle in the southeast corner. If the candle is extinguished, it must be withdrawn quickly, and nothing can be taken. This is A contract between the living and the dead, passed down for thousands of years, without exception 〃々!"

Hu Bayi glanced at Fatty Wang intentionally or unintentionally as he spoke, obviously not very concerned about this Fatty.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang inserted the engineer shovel into the gap of the coffin board, prying it hard, the two worked together, and the coffin made a "creaky" sound, finally prying open a large gap.

Lin Feng also stepped forward to give a hand, and then the three of them worked together to lift the coffin lid, and a stench came out from it.

I saw a tall male corpse lying inside. The moisture of his corpse had evaporated, and only the dried purple skin was left with a bone frame. , with a black mask on his face, most of the clothes on his body are rotten, his feet are wearing cloud boots, and his hands are on his heart.

Fatty Wang took off the mask, revealing a dry and sunken face. Although his facial features were collapsed, his eyes and nose had turned into black concave holes, but his face was still vaguely recognizable. He was about forty or fifty years old.

Yingzi stretched out from behind Lin Feng, took a look inside, screamed in surprise, and quickly looked away, not daring to look again.

Yingzi said this, and Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi also followed with numb scalps. Fatty Wang folded his hands and bowed three times to the ancient corpse in the coffin: "We were curious for a while, and strayed into this place, borrowing some of your clothes to go back, Don't be blamed if you offend! In the future, I will definitely spend money to build bridges and roads to improve people's lives. My Fatty Wang will also learn to do good deeds from Lei Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the objects in the coffin and said to Wang Kaixuan: "Fat man, don't fix these useless things. I think that mask is good, and it should be able to sell for a good price."

"Really!" Fatty Wang is a typical person who wants money and not his life. When he hears something good, he doesn't make a fuss there, so he rushes up and takes out the mask.

After looking at it, Fatty Wang asked uncertainly: "This thing is dark, and it is really valuable."

Hu Bayi is not very good at antiques now, and also looks at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the mask and weighed it: "It's gold, but it took too long to get black rust."

Fatty Wang said with a wide-eyed smile: "Really, oh, I'm going, it's not in vain, how much is this thing worth?"

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