Lin Feng suddenly stopped and said to the side of the carriage, "What's wrong with Miss Yang?"

"I have something to talk to you about, can the three gentlemen come to my place?" Xue Li Yang said, turning around and walking back to the carriage.

The three of Lin Feng exchanged briefly, and then came to a small carriage.

Xue Li Yang and Professor Chen were both inside. Seeing that the three of them had arrived, they hastily gathered up the documents on the seats.

"Please sit down," Professor Chen said politely, and then closed the door in the carriage.

Xue Li Yang handed a picture to Hu Bayi and asked, "Mr. Hu, is this the bug you saw?"

Hu Bayi looked at the picture, and it was exactly the same as the bug in his impression: "Yes, it is it."

Xue Li Yang asked solemnly, "Mr. Hu, have you really seen the fire ladybug with your own eyes?"

Hu Bayi affirmed: "Yes."

"Xiao Hu, can you tell us about your experience back then?" Professor Chen asked.

Hu Ba took a look at Lin Feng and Fatty Wang, and said, "In that year, a class of soldiers in our class was performing a highly classified mission and needed to go deep into the depths of the Kunlun Glacier. As a result, there was an accident in the middle... After the avalanche, I was the only one who survived! I don't understand why you have to divert there, didn't we agree to go to the desert? Didn't we say we just went to the ancient city of Jingjue?"

Fatty Wang said, "That's right, you Americans like to change?"

Professor Chen said slowly: "Comrade Xiao Hu, this is what happened. The avalanche that year was caused by a low-level earthquake. The earthquake also shook the eastern foot of the Kunlun Glacier."

Lin Feng looked at Professor Chen and said, "Does this have anything to do with us finding the ancient city of Jingjue?"

Professor Chen recalled: "A few years ago, there was a Chinese-foreign joint expedition to Xinjiang, led by an old friend of mine, who was obsessed with the culture of the Western Regions, but this expedition was on its way to the desert to find the ancient city. I don't know why. Changed the route and went to the Kunlun Glacier, and then disappeared, no one came back!" Professor Chen's mood was obviously a little depressed.

"Then how do you know where they disappeared?" Fatty Wang wondered.

Professor Chen explained: "The last distress signal was sent from the eastern foot of Kunlun Glacier, so we analyzed that their disappearance was related to the crack that erupted from the eastern foot of Kunlun Glacier."

Lin Feng asked: "Then we went to a crack, what are we looking for?"

"A notebook is the diary of Mr. Walter, the British explorer at the beginning of this century. In his diary, he recorded in detail how they found the ancient city of Jingjue step by step. It is the most important thing for us to go to the desert to find the ancient city of Jingjue. It's important!"

Shirley Yang continued: "The reason why I want to go to the glacier is not only to find information, but also to continue the journey that my father has not finished. I want to find out why they went to the glacier in Kunming and find out the secrets of the ancient city. "

Lin Feng looked at Xue Li Yang: "The leader of the expedition is your father?"

Xue Li Yang did not speak, but her expression became a little gloomy. Professor Chen sighed: "This is a very rare opportunity. If we can find the ancient city of Jingjue and complete our archaeological research plan, many historical mysteries will arise from this. Open! The study of Western culture is a really happy page!"

Fatty Wang is not interested in archaeological research or anything, so he coughs dryly: "I understand this, one of you is for your relatives, the other is for scientific research results, this matter really has nothing to do with the three of us. ...but that doesn't seem to be too good to refuse...(biab)..."

Fatty Wang continued: "You said it just now, this is indeed quite dangerous, isn't it, Master Feng!"

Lin Feng glanced at Fatty, knowing that this guy wanted to sit on the ground and raise the price, and nodded casually.

Sure enough, the fat man rubbed his hands together and said, "So, let's add some money, five thousand, how about it?"

Xue Li Yang and Professor Chen looked at each other, Xue Li Yang said, "In this case, you can get off the bus at the next stop. I also know that this matter is very dangerous, and it really has nothing to do with you."

Seeing Xue Li Yang's rejection, Fatty Wang took a photo for fear of Lin Feng and Hu Bayi, and signaled that the deal was over!

The three got up and were about to get out of the carriage when Hu Bayi said, "I'll go with you!"

Hu Bayi agreed, Xue Li Yang looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng said indifferently: "Since Lao Hu has decided, I don't care, just take it as an adventure."

Walking back to the aisle of the carriage, Fatty Wang asked Hu Bayi, "Aren't you going to tell me? Why did you change your mind again? What do you think?"

Hu Bayi sighed: "I want to see those old comrades-in-arms. I have been running away all these years, and it's time to face it!"

Lin Feng patted Hu Bayi on the shoulder: "Just figure it out, buddy Ting you!"

"Okay, let's go if you say, what is the little Kunlun Glacier!" Fatty Wang didn't object when he saw that the two had decided.


There is an endless plateau of icebergs.

Arriving at a military station under the Kunlun Glacier, in a warm room, everyone was drinking hot water and preparing before entering the glacier. Because it is a Sino-US joint archaeology, with the above approval, the military station provides a lot of The support of a reinforcement squad was arranged for the protection of soldiers.

The vast snow-capped mountains were covered in white snow, and everyone wore thick cotton-padded clothes. Professor Chen was old after all, and it was indeed very difficult to walk on this snow-capped mountain with thin air.

After walking on the mountain one after another for more than three hours, Hu Bayi, the leader of the group, took into account the physical condition of these intellectuals, and decided to stop and rest on the spot. I found the relics of my comrades in the corner, and I felt sad for a while.

Lin Feng and Wang Kaixuan comforted Hu Bayi, rested for about ten minutes, and the group continued on their way. When everyone climbed a mountain with difficulty, they looked in the direction of Hu Bayi's finger, and there was an endless stretch not far away. In the east of the Kunlun Glacier, there really is a long, narrow and deep crack.

In the ice and snow, Lin Feng and his party lowered the ropes into the bottomless cliff cracks and slowly climbed down the rock by pulling the ropes one after another.

Lin Feng looked at Fatty Wang who was trembling by the crack: "What's wrong, Fatty, you won't have acrophobia!"

Hu Bayi: "Fatty, don't hold back if you can't do it. If you really can't do it, you can stay here and wait for us."

Fatty Wang shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine, you guys get off, I'll get off the third one."

Lin Feng looked at the fat man who was pushing hard: "Are you sure it's okay?"


"Okay, I'll go check on other people's conditions." Lin Feng nodded, then walked towards Professor Chen: "Professor Chen, apart from Ye Yixin, if there are any team members who can't go down, such as their physical condition, or their mental state is not ideal, It is also very necessary to let them stay here and wait for us."

Professor Chen sighed and said, "I asked, and there is no problem. Since we are here, everyone wants to go down and have a look. After all, such an opportunity is very rare, maybe it is only once in a lifetime."

Lin Feng nodded to Hu Ba a little, and Hu Bayi began to make the last emphasis: "Listen, everyone, what I emphasized before, everyone must bear in mind, after going down, no one knows what will happen, and it is very likely to encounter strange phenomena and Creature, Sheng Zhiyu's body! So no matter what emergencies happen, everyone must remain calm and adapt to the situation."

Lin Feng and Hu Bayi checked the equipment again, and after confirming that there was no problem, everyone began to climb down the rope from the crack.

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