
 326 Nine-story Demon Pagoda【Seeking Monthly Pass】

After Lin Feng and his party went down to the bottom of the mountain, Sa Dipeng found a rigid body. Because of the cold climate of the Kunlun Glacier, the body was extremely well preserved and did not rot.

Lin Feng walked over and took out the pistol in the corpse's hand, opened the magazine, there were still seven bullets in it, reloaded the magazine, loaded the bullets, and then took off a few magazines in the corpse's backpack and put them in himself. in the backpack~.

At this time, Shirley Young recognized that the body was her father, a member of the expedition.

Professor Chen wondered: "How could this person die here?"

Hu Bayi looked at the complete corpse and said, "It's definitely not attacked by the fire ladybugs. After they attacked, they should leave ashes, but I read it, this is not bad news, at least it can prove that you received it before. The signal location is accurate!"

Gawa patrolled around, ran over and said, "Captain Hu, we have seen the surroundings, and there is only one direction to go."

After checking the surroundings, no other valuable things were found, and then everyone began to follow the crack and go into a cave.

On the other side, the archaeological team Ye Yixin and Xiao Liu, who stayed on the top of the mountain, received a message from the camp, saying that there would be a snowstorm in three hours, and they hoped that the archaeological team could return quickly after the inspection.

Below the glacier, everyone was walking in a dark and damp cave with flashlights.

Lin Feng and his party walked in and found a slow-flowing underground river.

Fatty Wang said curiously, "Old Hu, this is the underground river. It's the first time I've seen it!"

Hu Bayi observed the lake surface. The underground river is not wide, about ten meters. Hu Bayi turned to Professor Chen and said, "Professor Chen, we may have to wade across the river. Let's rest in place first. Well, I'll go check the situation with Brother Lin and Fatty."

At this time, Gawa, who was at the end of the walk, suddenly ran over and said that Xue Li Yang was gone. When everyone was worried, Xue Li Yang followed up with a camera, saying that she was going to take pictures of the scenery.

Fatty Wang felt that she was hiding something from everyone, and said in a bad tone, "Did you find something?"

"No." Xue Li Yang denied.

"Okay, everyone is fine, I and Lao Hu and Fatty will test the depth of the water." Lin Feng said, giving Fatty a wink, and then the three of them walked to the edge of the dark river with flashlights and ice axes.

Fatty whispered: "Old Hu, Master Feng, I think there is something wrong with this American girl. Professor Chen and the others are doing archaeological research. I understand, but what is she planning?"

Lin Feng squatted down, picked up a stone by the river, threw it into the middle of the dark river, measured the water level, and said at the same time: "Everyone has a secret, there is no need to get to the bottom of it, we just pay more attention."

"Yeah!" Fatty Wang replied. After all, Xue Liyang was a rich man, and she had to rely on her to get a beautiful knife and put this matter down. Fatty Wang asked Lin Feng, "Is this water deep?"

Lin Feng washed his hands, stood up and said, "The water is not deep, and it's still warm. There should be a geothermal source nearby, but it's not a good thing."

The fat man asked suspiciously, "Is the plumbing still good?"

"Come here, everyone." Professor Chen suddenly shouted, but Lin Feng didn't continue talking, and walked over with Hu Bayi and Fatty.

Everyone came together and saw some strange words on the stone wall. Fatty Wang looked at the words on it and asked Lin Feng, "Master Feng, what words are there?"

Lin Feng looked at the writing on the stone wall and said, "This should be the writing of the Ghost Cave Clan, but I don't know what was written!"

Hearing the words, Professor Chen said excitedly: "Comrade Xiaolin, are you sure this is the writing of the Ghost Cave Clan!"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "This kind of writing is the writing of the country of the best. It is called Ghost Cave writing. I have seen it before. Although I don't understand the meaning, there is nothing wrong with the shape."

Professor Chen said with a smile: "Very good, today's discovery will open a new chapter in Western culture! Shirley, it seems that it makes sense for your father to detour the Kunlun Glacier. Now I get him the book about Jingjue Ancient City Looking forward to the diary even more!”

Then Professor Chen turned his head to Hao Aiguo and said, "Aiguo, you quickly take the students to record the words on this rock wall."

"Know, know."

Hao Aiguo responded, took Sa Dipeng, and Chu Jian to record the words on the stone wall. With this discovery, Professor Chen was very excited and said to Hu Bayi: "Let's hurry up and continue to move forward, Go on!"

"no problem……"


 At this moment, a strong light flashed, Lin Feng looked back at Sa Dipeng, who was taking pictures, and shouted: "Xiao Sa, you can't turn on the flash, turn it off! Creatures living in the dark are particularly sensitive to light, We don't know what's going on in this crypt, it's not good for anyone if something happens!"

"Oh, good, good!" Sa Dipeng quickly turned off the flash when he heard the words, while Hu Bayi looked around, fortunately nothing happened.

Recording the words on the stone wall, everyone rested for a while, and then started to cross the river. Hu Bayi looked at Xue Li Yang at the end of the team, and finally couldn't help but persuaded her not to ignore the danger just for her own purpose, but also to consider everyone. feeling!

Everyone crossed the river nervously, wringed the water on their trouser legs, and then continued to move forward. After traveling for more than ten minutes, everyone found that there was a dark cave in front of them.

Hu Bayi waved his hand to signal everyone to stop, and said, "Everyone, don't move for now. Brother Lin and I will go check the situation first."

Lin Feng nodded, took a flashlight and followed Hu Bayi to the cave, and found that there was a "gold"-shaped wooden tower made of thousands of giant trees. There were countless blue flashes on the tower. Looking at the faint flash, the base of the wooden pagoda is nearly [-] meters wide. The dry skeletons of men, women and children of all ages, and every big tree is engraved with strange secret texts.

Looking at the strange building in front of him and the dense fire ladybugs on it, Hu Bayi's body froze for a moment, and he said in horror, "What the hell is this?"

Lin Feng lowered his voice and said, "This is a nine-story demon pagoda. It is an ancient demon kingdom. It is the funeral form of the tombs of the kings of the past dynasties. It seems that these fire ladybugs use the corpses buried here as nourishment."

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Fatty Wang whispered from behind, "Old Hu, what's the situation?"

Hu Ba whispered to Professor Chen and the others: "Turn off the headlights, and don't shine the flashlight directly."

When Gawa saw the nine-story demon tower, she remembered the ancient legends in the clan, and knelt down in fright.

Fatty Wang said, "Where is this place, so many people died!"

Hu Ba made a silent gesture to the crowd, pointed to the tower behind him and whispered to the crowd: "Be quiet, don't make a sound to alarm them."

Seeing Hu Bayi's nervous appearance, Fatty Wang also knew that the matter was a little serious, so he lowered his voice and asked, "What alarmed you? The dead man in the tower?"

Hu Bayi pointed to the ninth-floor demon tower and said, "Ladybugs all sleep on dead bodies, and the dense blue light on them comes from the ladybugs."

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