The old man An Liman laughed: "Oh, my little comrade, you can eat it, but I don't have to eat my camel."

The people next to him all smiled. At this time, Lin Feng came over with a small bag and took out a small sachet from it and handed it to the people of the archaeological team.

Ye Yixin took the sachet and asked, "Brother Lin Feng, what is this?"

Lin Feng handed one to Shirley Yang and turned around and said: "This is a medicine bag made of lavender, realgar powder, thyme, mint leaves, sage and other materials. There are many rattlesnakes, scorpions and other poisons in the desert. This can be used to avoid Snakes, worms and ants are close, reducing unnecessary danger."

Professor Chen smiled and said, "Comrade Xiaolin is still very thoughtful. We old pedants can only talk on paper. I'll leave it to you all this way!"

At this time, Hao Aiguo suddenly came over and said that he opposed An Liman as a guide. He said that he had learned from the small town that this An Liman was of poor quality and thought that everyone could not put their lives in the hands of such a person. Later, Professor Chen persuaded him: "No need for suspects. An Liman is a living map in the desert. We can't do it without him."

Hao Aiguo finally nodded and said, "I know Teacher, you have been preparing for Jingjue Ancient City all your life!"

Hu Bayi, the leader of the team, saw everyone's unanimous opinions: "If this is the case, then everyone should organize things quickly!"

"Okay..." Chu Jian and the others nodded and started to equip the supplies.

An Liman came over and said, "Have you all finished discussing? I have something to say. Now is the typhoon season, the most dangerous time in the desert. Are you going to die? Well, life is the most important thing, no wonder I!"

Hu Bayi looked at An Liman who was bewildering: "What do you mean, old man? What are you trying to say? It's money, right?"

"Did you see it? Did you see it? This friend is right." An Liman rubbed his hands together, looked at Xue Liyang and said, "Oh, my money is not a penny, we are all friends. ."

Hu Ba whispered to Lin Feng and Wang Kaixuan: "Why do I hear the old man say the word 'friend', it's so awkward. 〃!"

"It's hypocritical!" Fatty Wang nodded in agreement.

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing.

When Professor Chen heard An Liman's words, he said, "Brother, we are scientific research, how can you say that it is a death sentence."

"Scientific research?" An Li spread his hands. In his opinion, choosing to enter the desert during the windy season is no different from courting death. He sighed, "I also hope that you can study it back!"

Although An Liman's words made Professor Chen and others feel unreliable, they finally decided to let An Liman be the guide.

A team of ten people started their own preparations. According to the carrying capacity of the camels and the amount of food they could carry, it would last for less than a month. The clear water was enough for more than ten days, and in several oases and underground rivers halfway along the way, it was OK. Add fresh water.

In addition, there are several large leather pockets of yogurt soup. When you are too thirsty in the desert, you can drink ten sips of water to quench your thirst.Coupled with the various equipment and equipment of the expedition team, the weight of each camel is very large. When traveling, the personnel can only rely on two legs, walk halfway, and ride half of the camel.

Everyone packed up everything and embarked on a journey into the desert.

The initial section of the journey, according to the words of the old man An Liman, was not a desert at all. This section of the ancient river channel of the Kongque River existed before the river was diverted. The riverbed in some sections was not completely dry, and the surrounding sand was also very shallow. There are scattered small lakes and seas everywhere, and occasionally a small group of red-billed gulls and red-billed pochards swim on the water. Along the bay of the Kongque River, there are small oasis, growing sand dates. , Populus euphratica and some shrubs.

When passing by the lake, looking around, the vast and far-reaching blue lake is dazzling, and inadvertently, there is an illusion as if it has traveled to the end of the world.

On the way, Professor Chen explained to everyone: "Our current section is starting from Bosten Lake and going south along the ancient channel of the Kongque River. Bosten means standing, and the name is because there are three lakes. Xinshan, standing in the lake, was also called the Sea of ​​Fish in ancient times, it is the largest inland freshwater huff and puff lake in China, and the Peacock River originates from here and flows to the depths of Taklima.

In the endless desert, the archaeological team rode camels forward. Chu Jian, Sa Dipeng, Ye Yixin, Xue Liyang and others were all attracted by the magnificent desert scenery, and they couldn't help but sang happily.

"We are a good place in Xinjiang.

Tianshan North and South Good Ranch

Gobi beach becomes fertile land

The snow melted and irrigated the farm..."

The first two days after the departure, the three students of the professor were very interested. They were all young. They entered the desert for the first time in their lives. They felt it was fresh and fun. Rush to fight and sing.

With the passage of time, the river has disappeared, it is already a large mobile desert, the wind blows the sand dunes, and the landform is the same every day, without any features!

Thanks to An Liman, those ancient castles, houses, and towers whose roofs were only half-buried by the yellow sand; Populus euphratica, which were slanted by the strong wind and made a thirty-degree angle to the ground; a few trees in the desert. Even the little Suosuo could not escape the eyes of the old man An Liman.

In his eyes, when these things are connected in series, they form a special route.

After another half-day journey, the crowd rested on a sand dune. The camels knelt on the sand and stuck their tongues out to dissipate heat. An Liman took bean cakes to feed the camels.

Shirley Young took the camera to the top of the dunes to take pictures of the amazing beauty in the desert.

Fatty Wang looked at Xue Li Yang's back, and whispered to Lin Feng and Hu Ba beside him, "Brothers, I've been thinking about this all the way, this foreign girl came all the way here, and it took so much effort to spend a lot of time. So much money, why are you looking for this ancient city..."

Hu Bayi looked at Wang Kaixuan hesitatingly, and rolled his eyes at him: "If you have something to say, don't babble."

Fatty Wang looked around and found that except for the three of them, everyone else kept a certain distance, then turned around and whispered: "There must be treasures in this ancient city, and it is absolutely astronomical. , Lord Feng, do you think my guess is correct?"

Lin Feng took off the sun hat on his head, pulled down the face towel, nodded and smiled: "." Fatty, you are only half right. Legend has it that there are countless gold and silver treasures in the ancient city of Jingjue, but in my opinion, this But Xue Li Yang didn't come for treasure, I'm afraid there is another purpose! But it's nothing, we just look at it a little, and whether we can find the ancient city of Jingjue is still too early to think about it now. "

"So, there really is treasure in that ancient city!" Fatty Wang only heard the front part, his eyes lit up, but Lin Feng didn't listen to the words behind him at all!

Lin Feng patted Wang Kaixuan on the shoulder and woke him up from his fantasy: "Fatty, don't think about it, in the desert, water is worth more than gold, even if you find treasure, it's not so easy to bring out. Well, it may be buried in this desert forever."

Fatty Wang laughed dryly, wondering if he had heard Lin Feng's words.

The three briefly discussed it. Hu Bayi walked to An Liman and asked An Liman about the situation in the desert. The water consumption of this group was faster than expected, and they needed to find a water source to supplement it, otherwise they would not be able to walk much at all. Far!

An Liman did not want to move forward, and persuaded Hu Bayi to go back, saying that no one had ever found the ancient city of Jingjue and the gold and silver treasures in it, and that no one could bring out the things in the black desert.

But Xue Li Yang and Professor Chen insisted again and again, and after everyone discussed it, they decided to move on.

In the early morning of the next day, the first ray of sunshine rose from the eastern horizon, reflecting the clouds on the horizon, and the rising and falling sand dunes in the desert were covered with a layer of glow, withered Populus euphratica and corrugated trees. The yellow sand was all reflected in golden red, with strong colors, forming a magnificent picture between heaven and earth.

In order to avoid the scorching sun at noon, everyone was rushing all night, and they were walking tiredly. When they saw this scene, they couldn't help but be refreshed and intoxicated by the beauty in front of them.

Everyone stopped to rest for a while, Xue Li Yang and others took out a kettle to drink water and ate some dry food.

Lin Feng's expression froze when he saw the blood-like cloud. Hu Bayi also saw something was wrong and stepped forward and asked, "Brother Lin, what's the matter, is it going to change?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It's going to be windy in this desert! And it's a black sandstorm that has never been seen in a hundred years. Ordinary sand walls can't stop it. We must get to the Xiye Monument as soon as possible. Only by relying on the buildings there can we resist it. This black sand blast!"

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