At this time, the fiery red clouds were reflected in the sky. An Liman took out a blanket from the camel and spread it on the yellow sand. He knelt on it, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked pious. He stretched out his hands to the sky, and then He covered his face again and recited aloud.


Thank you "**", "j**", "Heavenly Marks Emperor Tubaye", "Soybean Dudu", "Cultivation of the Meditation Ring" and other book friends for their monthly passes, thank you for your support! .

330 The Elf in the Desert 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

The morning glow does not go out, the sunset glow travels thousands of miles, and the red clouds in the desert are not a good sign.

Professor Chen and the others were still resting. Everyone took out the water naan and dried meat, and ate a few random bites. Seeing An Liman praying there, he didn't know why, so Lin Feng walked down the sand dune and shouted: "The wind is going to be strong, so today We can't rest, we have to rush to the ruins of Xiye Ancient City in one breath."

Shirley Young asked, "How much wind can it blow?"

Lin Feng said: "From the perspective of astronomical phenomena, the wind is not too small. Even if a sand wall is built, it will not be able to stop it. We must rush to the ancient city of Xiye before the sandstorm comes, otherwise it is very likely that we will be buried in the desert."

After experiencing the Kunlun Glacier, the members of the archaeological team are more convinced by Lin Feng's words, and this kind of thing would rather be believed than not. Professor Chen said: "We believe Comrade Xiaolin's judgment, then we quickly get on the camel. Let's go!"

Fatty Wang saw that An Liman was still praying there, and said, "What's wrong with this old man? Don't care!"

Lin Feng looked at An Liman and said, "He is praying to Hu Da for safety, don't worry about it, hurry up and get on the camel, Fatty, Lao Hu, you will walk in front later, I will watch from the back so that no one is left behind. "

Knowing that the situation was serious, everyone hurriedly climbed onto the camel. Wang Kaixuan looked at An Liman and said, "Isn't this old man really worth it?"

At this time, An Liman also finished praying, rolled up the blanket three times or two times, jumped onto the camel like a spring, and made a long whistle: "Oh yo yo yo... hurry up, run fast, if you run late, you will It was buried in the black desert." After speaking, An Liman urged the camel under his crotch to run faster than anyone else.

"Hey, this damn old man..." Hu Bayi and Fatty looked at An Liman who was running at the front, and scolded secretly. 063 also urged the camel and ran after An Liman.

The intuition of animals is more sensitive than that of human beings. These camels sensed the danger signals from the sky and ran wildly in the desert with their four big hooves. Don't look at the usual walking on camels, which is very interesting, but once the camels once As soon as they started running, they were bumped so badly that everyone was leaning on the camel's back, for fear that they would fall off if they couldn't grasp it.

After running for a while, the originally clear sky turned dark, and the strong wind blew the yellow sand on the ground. Everyone wore goggles on their eyes and covered their nose and mouth with a headscarf.

At this time, the camels were all out of control, staring and breathing heavily, following the big camel of the old man An Liman, running fast.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan took care of everyone at the front, while Lin Feng stayed at the end to prevent anyone from being left behind!

They ran until noon. Rao was that these camels walked vigorously and well. At this time, they were also sweating profusely. Professor Chen and others were also beaten by the camels. Hu Bayi had no choice but to let An Liman slow down.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the dust was obscuring the sky. The visibility was very limited. Everyone stopped to count the number of people. Fortunately, no one was left behind.

Lin Feng asked everyone to take advantage of this time to eat a few mouthfuls of dry food and drink more water. There is an underground river in Xiye Ancient City. As long as you get there, you don't have to worry about drinking water. Give your feet a little boost!

The years are not forgiving. Professor Chen is old after all. He was out of breath by the camel all the way, and could not say a word; Ye Yixin, the youngest female student, had a tumbling stomach and vomited "wow wow wow" After a few sips, the two of them couldn't eat anything and only drank two sips (bfcb) of water.

And Hao Aiguo's glasses also fell in a panic, and everything he saw was blurry. He was so anxious that he turned around in a circle. Fortunately, graduate student Sa Dipeng was also short-sighted and had a spare pair of glasses. Their degrees were not much different. , This solves Hao Aiguo's urgent need!

Lin Feng looked at Xue Li Yang who was still riding on the camel and said, "Miss Yang, are you alright!"

"I'm fine!" Xue Li Yang gestured to Lin Feng, maybe Lin Feng saved her life when she was on the Kunlun Glacier, Xue Li Yang thought about it and said, "Just call me Xue Li in the future!"

Lin Feng nodded, without saying anything, and began to check the supplies on the camel. Just now, everyone rushed all the way, and everyone couldn't care about anything. Now, after checking, some water bags and food have indeed escaped. Fortunately, there are only a few, the problem is not Big!

At this time, the sky in the distance gradually turned a dark yellow, and the old man An Liman shouted: "The trade wind is coming, don't rest any more! Get on the camel and run for your life!"

The members of the archaeological team dragged their exhausted bodies and climbed onto the camel again. At this time, they could no longer care about the physical strength of the camel, and shouted and urged the camel to run.

The wind was getting fiercer and the sand was raging. There was a dark yellow color everywhere. Lin Feng walked at the end and saw that Professor Chen was knocked down by a camel. Running wildly, Professor Chen was already very old. This fall, he almost broke his old bones, crawling on the desert, and he couldn't even make a sound of shouting.

Lin Feng stopped the camel, helped Professor Chen to his camel, and then led the camel and continued to run forward. After two minutes, Hu Bayi ran back. Seeing that the two were all right, he was relieved. When Hu Bayi in front was counting the number of people, he found that there were two people missing, so he hurried back.

Lin Feng and Hu Bayi led the camel to support Professor Chen above, and hurriedly followed the footprints left by the camel. Fortunately, it didn't take long, and they could still see some traces. It didn't take long before they saw Fatty Wang and others who stopped. .

 The crowd gathered to one place, but the camels were all terrified, kneeling on the ground motionless, burying their heads in the sand, as if the sinners were being punished.

An Liman shouted in frustration: "I can't run! I can only wait here to die!"

"Ta Tata..."

At this moment, I saw a huge white shadow running towards everyone in the wind and sand in the sky. It was very close, but the wind was so loud that only Lin Feng discovered its existence.

It was a white camel with a single humped body. Its entire body was snow-white. Its hump was twice as large as that of an ordinary camel. It stood out in the yellow sand.

Fatty Wang was startled at first and thought it was some kind of monster. He wanted to shoot, but was stopped by Lin Feng and shouted: "That's a wild white camel, it's an animal in this desert, you should know where to avoid the black sandstorm. , let's follow it!"

An Liman also saw this divinely steed white camel, his eyes glowed, it was the joy of escaping death, An Liman waved his arms excitedly to praise the true god Hu Da, and the camels kneeling on the ground also As if summoned by some sort of call, he raised his head buried in the sand again.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and quickly climbed onto the camel and followed behind the white camel. After more than [-] minutes, they turned a large sand dune. The terrain of the desert suddenly rose up here, and the white camel flashed and disappeared. !

Hu Bayi and others were a little anxious, but the camel that sat down ran down the sand dune. Within two minutes, everyone found a broken city wall in front, and a large fortress below, which looked like the ruins of an ancient city.

Most of the buildings have been buried by yellow sand, and some houses have collapsed. Only the sturdy city wall is towering out.

Hu Bayi looked at the city wall and asked Lin Feng, "Brother Lin, do you think this city wall can stop this black desert?"

Lin Feng got off the camel, carrying a large backpack weighing dozens of pounds, and said as he walked: "I don't know, now we can only take one step at a time. With such a big sandstorm, we have nowhere else to go except here!"

"That's right, it seems that I can only hope that God's eyes will be opened!" Hu Ba nodded and said with conviction.

Everyone got off the camel, and in order to avoid the black sandstorm, Lin Feng took everyone to hurriedly hide in a dilapidated house in the ruins of the ancient desert city.

This damaged house is full of fine sand, more than two meters thick, and it takes a cat to walk on its waist. If you raise your head a little, you will hit the roof beam above!

In a desperate situation, the members of the archaeological team were all yellow-faced, Ye Yixin, Hao Aiguo and other people with poor physique, they went in and lay on the ground, took out the kettle and drank a few sips of water, and the rest helped Professor Chen. Helped him in, he has regained consciousness now, but he is still weak.

And An Liman commanded the camels to lie down beside the wall, and then came down from the broken roof of the big house with Fatty Wang. Fatty Wang sat on the sand and let out a breath: "We have picked up this fate."

After An Liman entered the broken house, he immediately knelt on the ground and muttered: "The devil from the black hell has whipped up a black sandstorm. Thank you Hu Da for sending the auspicious white camel to save us from the nightmare of disaster."

Fatty Wang was puzzled and said, "Is this white camel so godly?"

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