An Liman glanced at Fatty Wang, and continued: "The single-humped white camel is the most magical elves in the desert. Genghis Khan West, Xia Wang Li Yuanhao and others all have white camels, but those have two humps, although they are rare. , but it is not magical! If there is even a person in our team that Hu Da dislikes, we will not see the white camel. It seems that we are devout believers who are favored by Allah, and we will be like brothers from now on. , break the bones and connect the tendons."

After Lin Feng looked at the situation of the broken house, he called Wang Kaixuan, Hu Bayi, Sa Dipeng, and Chu Jian to move the supplies on the camel to the broken house, just in case.

I also picked up some firewood and came back. The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. At night, there is no suitable equipment. !


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 331 Remains in the ancient city [for reward]

The outer wall of the house was covered with Artemisia japonica, which is a kind of hay. Lin Feng pulled some of it on the way back, returned to the broken house, took out solid fuel, and lit a small fire to keep everyone warm.

Everyone took care of everything and sat around the fire. While chatting, Xue Li Yang said solemnly: "Just now I found some animal footprints on the side of the wall. They are wolf footprints."

Ye Yixin and other timid people were worried, but Fatty Wang said indifferently, "If you don't tell me, I forgot. I just saw six or seven yellow sheep by the wall outside."

An Liman thought this was not surprising, and said: "You only see the yellow sheep now, maybe there are wolves and leopards hiding, right now, a sandstorm is blowing in the sky, and the animals on the ground are terrified, waiting for the sandstorm to pass. After that, you will find that both the wolf and the sheep are hiding in the same room. At that time, if it is a wolf, it should show its teeth! If it is a yellow sheep, it should show its horns!"

Sa Dipeng was a little worried: "As it is said, after the sandstorm passes, these wolves and leopards will find us!"

"Yes, even if we can escape this sandstorm, we can't escape this beast." Hu Ba_ said jokingly.


When Sa Dipeng heard that there were still many wild beasts hiding in these dilapidated houses, he immediately became nervous.

Seeing this, Hao Aiguo said to Hu Ba, "Xiao Hu, Di Peng is timid, don't scare him!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Old Hu is joking, don't worry, it's just beasts like wolves and leopards. With the three of us here, there won't be any problems."

After Lin Feng said this, the archaeologists also felt relieved, thinking that Lin Feng could even deal with the prehistoric overlord salamander, and some sand wolves and leopards should not be a problem.

Hu Ba nodded and said: "Yes, I just want to ease our atmosphere. You see, today is the first time we have seen the power of the desert, and now we have learned it!"

"Alas!" Professor Chen sighed: "This is called fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth. It's a lot of fun!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, this Professor Chen is old, and he still wants to fight with heaven and earth. I don't know if he is looking at life and death, and his nature is open-minded! Or he doesn't know what it is!

But Lin Feng didn't say much. You can't stop someone who is determined to die!

The scene of Lin Feng rolling his eyes happened to be seen by Xue Li Yang next to him. Perhaps Lin Feng was always cool, but now suddenly doing such a childish act made Xue Li Yang feel a little funny.

And Ye Yi, the youngest female player, thought about today's experience, playing with the objects she picked up, and said a little absently: "Thinking about it now, it really makes sense."

Hao Aiguo next to Ye Yixin noticed what was in her hand and asked uncertainly, "Little Leaf, what is that in your hand?"

"Huh? Ah...bone...bone!" Ye Yixin jumped up when she saw the rib in her hand, hit the roof beam with her head, and was almost knocked out. Countless fine sand fell on the beam, and everyone below Without goggles, it is inevitable to be blinded.

Hao Aiguo rubbed his eyes and said, "Xiao Ye, what are you doing in such a shock? We are doing archaeology, are we still afraid of bones?"

Ye Yixin hurriedly apologized when she hit the roof of the roof beam: "I'm sorry, Mr. Hao, I... I just didn't expect that there would be human bones in this room, and I wasn't mentally prepared... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Lin Feng closed his eyes at the moment when the fine sand fell. There was no problem, but Fatty Wang and the others were unprepared. Some sand got into their eyes. Serious people flush.

Xue Li Yang's right eye also entered the sand, Ye Yixin is cleaning her, but Ye Yixin has no experience, and after a while, there is no effect.

Lin Feng walked up to Xue Li Yang, squatted down and asked, "How is it?"

Ye Yixin saw Lin Feng coming, and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Lin, the sand in Miss Yang's eyes is a little troublesome, I..."

"It's okay, I'll come!" Lin Feng took off the gloves and said, "Come on, give me a punch."

Hearing this, Ye Yixin took out the kettle and poured water for Lin Feng to wash his hands.

Xue Li Yang squinted her right eye and shed some tears, while her left eye looked at Lin Feng in a trance.

After Lin Feng washed his hands, he covered her right eye and said to Xue Li Yang, "Take your hand off and I'll take a look."

"it is good."

Perhaps it was because Lin Feng was too close, Xue Li Yang's face turned a little red, and she nodded in response.

Lin Feng put his hands up and down on Xue Li Yang's face, the thumbs of both hands gently opened her eyelids, and said at the same time: "Hold on, I'm blowing!"


Lin Feng blew a sigh of relief into Xue Li Yang's eyes, and blew out the sand attached to it. Because of the discomfort in her eyes, Xue Li Yang immediately wanted to rub her eyes, but Lin Feng grabbed her hand: "Don't Knead, bear with it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xue Li Yang stopped. After a while, she blinked her eyes and felt much better.

Seeing that Xue Li Yang opened her eyes, except for the bloodshot in her right eye, there was no major problem. Lin Feng smiled and said, "How is it, do you feel better?"

Looking at Lin Feng who was close at hand, Xue Li Yang's face turned red, she lowered her head and said, "Okay... much better, thank you!"

"Remember, if sand gets into your eyes in the future, don't rub it after blowing it, just bear with it."

"Yeah! Okay, I understand!" Xue Li Yang nodded in response, but looked at Lin Feng's eyes a little erratically and dodged, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing that Xue Li Yang was fine, Lin Feng got up and went to Professor Chen and the others.

At this time, Hao Aiguo picked up the skeletons on the ground to observe and determined that they were human skeletons.

The members of the archaeological team often deal with ancient corpses, and no one is afraid, but they are somewhat suspicious of this human bone dying here. Hu Bayi watched Hao Aiguo play with the bones and said, "These bones are a bit strange. what!"

"What's so strange about this?" Hao Aiguo asked suspiciously, not seeing any difference.

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