Just listen to Hu Bayi: "The dead in the desert generally seldom rot. Most of them are mummified after being dried naturally..."

Xue Li Yang, who walked over with Lin Feng, continued, "But this white bone body has no flesh at all!"

After arriving at the broken house, An Liman, who had not spoken much, said faintly: "Maybe it was eaten up by the wolves!"

An Liman thinks this is not surprising. This desert is different from the semi-desert and semi-Gobi with the Loulan ruins and Yadan wonders. When people enter the black desert in the west, they only dare to follow the ancient route of the Kongque River, and they dare not deviate at all. Naturally, the ruins cannot be found, but the animals in the desert are different. They often move in this area and know that they can avoid danger there.

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Hearing this, Hu Bayi nodded and said, "It's very possible, maybe this person stayed here to avoid the storm, and was attacked by an animal hiding here! So what I just said was not all a joke, we We must take turns to be sentry, and if we find anything, we will let you know in time! Also, if this storm can pass, we must evacuate as soon as possible.”

Fatty Wang took the shotgun and said indifferently: "I think we have guns, we don't have to wait for the storm to pass, and when the wind cools down, I'll take the gun and shoot the two yellow sheep back, and let's eat fresh meat too. , this jerky, I'm tired of eating it."

When An Liman heard this, he shook his hand and said, "No, as soon as your gun goes off, you will scare away all the animals hiding here. If they run out, they will be buried alive in the black sandstorm. Those animals are the same, they are all blessed by God to come here to hide, if you are like this, even if we run out, God will punish us..."


Wang Kaixuan looked at An Liman's endless remarks, and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, stop for me, I won't eat it, okay? Come on, let me eat my jerky! You won't even let me eat jerky, right?"

Seeing Wang Kaixuan giving up the idea of ​​hunting, An Liman stopped and said, "Okay."

Lin Feng took out the jerky, canned food, and liquor from the bag, and distributed it to everyone to eat and drink.

Hu Bayi said thank you, took the wine bag, walked to Professor Chen's side, and persuaded him to drink two sips of alcohol to relieve his fatigue.

Xue Li Yang and Hao Aiguo helped Professor Chen to sit up, and the three students also surrounded Professor Chen with concern.

Professor Chen took a sip of wine and smiled bitterly: "In the past, I worked in the field all the year round, but later I was locked in a cowshed, and then went to the Laogai farm to dig rocks. I have not suffered any crimes, and I have survived. But now Old man, it's useless, alas, thanks to Brother Lin and Brother Hu today, if it weren't for you, my old bones might have been left in the desert and dried into mummies! Thank you! Thank you!"

Professor Chen said and bowed his hands to the two of them.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Professor Chen, you're welcome. Since I took over this errand with Lao Hu, I'm naturally responsible for everyone's safety."

Hu Bayi also said: "You're welcome, you're welcome, this is all our work, right, we can't take Miss Yang's dollars in vain, but..." Hu Bayi suddenly turned serious: "If If we keep going, even if the storm passes, we should be in the middle of the black desert, where the environment is even crueler than it is now!”

Professor Chen saw that Hu Bayi was worried that his body could not bear it, and it was not that Professor Chen did not know his physical condition, but he devoted himself to the archaeology industry, and had already put his life and death aside, and firmly said: "I understand, you don't need to Worry for me, my life is for the sake of archaeology! Besides, this kind of rare big sandstorm is rare in a century, and it won't happen often. Since we escaped, we will have good luck!"


Thanks to "Scholar-Doctor 358", "Cultivation of the Meditation Ring", "**", flowers and monthly passes! .

 333 Red Tide [for a reward]

Day two.

The black sandstorm has been blowing all night, and it has not stopped so far, but it is much smaller than the previous wind. I believe it will not be long before this rare black sandstorm will end.

At this time, most of the ruins of the ancient city have been immersed in the yellow sand. If there is one or two such big winds and sands, I am afraid that this nameless ancient city will disappear into the desert! But even if it is completely buried in the yellow sand, It does not mean that it will be buried forever. More than half of Taklimakan is a mobile desert. As the wind moves the desert, it will be seen again after many years.

Lin Feng, Fatty Wang, and Hu Bayi moved the materials collected in the ruined house back to the camel. When the wind and sand were a little smaller, they prepared to grow their hair. An Liman took advantage of the weakening wind and went out to take care of the camel hiding under the city wall. , while archaeologists such as Professor Chen excavated the stone statue in the corner.

After carrying the supplies, Hu Bayi and Fatty also went to the stone statue to watch. The reason why Hu Bayi was willing to follow the archaeological team into the desert was not only to see if there were any large tombs in the desert, but also to learn something from these experts. With experience in archaeology, Lin Feng sat at the entrance of the cave to prevent wild animals from breaking in.

In order to cultivate the next generation, Professor Chen instructed Ye Yixin, Chu Jian, and Sa Dipeng to excavate, allowing them to gain some practical experience. Although the study of theoretical knowledge is important, in the field of archaeology, on-site practice is also very important. Only by seeing, contacting and doing more, can you have an intuitive feeling, and it will be much faster when you combine the theory.

It didn't take long for the three students to dug out half of the stone statue. The stone statue was dressed in Hu clothes, with drooping arms, and many patterns were carved on its body.

At this time, An Liman came back from the outside, and when he saw Professor Chen and the others digging the stone statue again, he immediately became anxious: "Isn't it that you are not allowed to dig, why did you start digging again, God will punish you for doing this? ! God finally gave us a way to live, but you are revenge for your kindness, and you will be punished for doing so!"

"God bless, God bless..." An Liman kept talking here and there.

"Hey!" Seeing this, Professor Chen sighed and explained: "Brother, don't worry, don't worry, we are scientific archaeological research and will not offend the gods!"

An Liman shook his hands and said excitedly: "I don't understand your scientific research, how long did I go out, and you dug so deep, if I stayed outside for a while, wouldn't you dig everything here? ?"

Hao Aiguo looked at An Liman's chattering complaints and shouted impatiently, "I've dug, can you be quiet!"

"You made me quiet, can I be quiet? Don't let you dig it!" An Liman obviously had no plans to back down in this regard, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. So many people, I'm afraid they have to do it!

Hu Bayi dissuaded him: "Old man, listen to me, I mean, look, this stone statue is the guardian of the gods, it is very uncomfortable for him to be buried here for so long. Professor Chen and the others are professional and capable. Clean it up, isn't this to make it better to protect the gods 々 "?"

"You can say whatever you like. I can remind you that it will be sunny in a while. If you don't go, you will be blocked by wolves and leopards. Don't blame me for not reminding you." In one view, An Liman could obviously accept it, and then Professor Chen and others said soft words, and An Liman went out to take care of his camel. Of course, it might be out of sight.

Seeing An Liman going out, Professor Chen and others felt that An Liman made a fuss. Of course, this is the angle of their view of things! Perhaps in An Liman's view, Professor Chen and the others were just trying to die because of their fullness. indefinite……

Different perspectives and different people have different ways of looking at problems, and it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong!

Lin Feng got up and patted the dust on his body, walked over to Professor Chen and the others, looked at the half stone statue and said, "Professor Chen, have you found anything?"

"Yes, yes, look at Comrade Xiao Li..." Professor Chen pointed to the writing on the stone statue and said, "There are a lot of words engraved on it, which should be some kind of esoteric scripture. We will record it first and wait until we go back. Careful study."

Lin Feng looked at the stone statue, but he knew that it was not a type of text, but a tantric talisman called "Soul Calming", which is generally used to suppress or expel evil spirits, but this stone statue After a long time, the aura of the spell on it has been dissipated, and it has become a decoration.

Lin Feng didn't say much, while Sa Dipeng listened to the professor's explanation, and his brain was wide open: "Professor, do you think this kind of stone statue has something to do with the worship of aliens in the ancient Western Regions, when they saw foreigners Star people, but the scientific level at that time was too low, so they mistakenly regarded aliens as a kind of gods, so they made this kind of stone statues to worship them, and taught you to read the scriptures on these stone statues, which may be It's an alien language."

"Xiao Sa, why are you talking about aliens again!" Hao Aiguo criticized him: "Treat history and archaeology with seriousness."

"Professor Hao, since you are an archaeologist, why can't you open your mind, make bold assumptions, and verify carefully. Although what Xiao Sa said is a little outrageous, it is not necessarily impossible." Although Lin Feng knew the talisman engraved on the stone statue Wen has nothing to do with aliens, but he doesn't fully agree with Hao Aiguo's words.

"Brother Lin, you also believe that aliens exist!" Sa Dipeng thought that Lin Feng agreed with him and said happily.

Lin Feng said: "None of us know how big the entire universe is. It is not surprising that there are alien races. As early as [-] years ago, in the murals of primitive tribes in Helan Mountain, there appeared astronauts wearing space suits. They walked out of a large disc, and the surrounding animals and residents fled in all directions. These are probably not imagined by human imagination at the beginning. It should be a record of major disasters and events. Murals of the nature .

A similar situation is recorded in the cauldrons of the Zhou and Xia period, as well as in some ancient books. Take the Guidong clan in Jingjue Ancient City for example. According to rumors, the reason why the Guidong clan has this name is because the Guidong clan is not. The creatures on the ground come from a ghost cave underground, and this ghost cave is likely to be a space passage connecting different spaces. "

Sa Dipeng's eyes lit up: "Brother Lin, do you mean that the Ghost Caves are actually aliens?"

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, and said, "This is just a guess. What is the situation, we can only find out after finding the ancient city of Jingjue. In fact, it is not just aliens, but many myths and legends can also be used for reference. It is reasonable to exist. , Chinese culture has a long history, those legends and myths may be exaggerated, but they are not necessarily fabricated by people, maybe just disappeared in the long river of history for some reason!"

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