"Do you think this has anything to do with the owner of that notebook?" Xue Li Yang asked Lin Feng.

"It is very likely that, looking at the extent and traces of these damages, it was not done recently. It has been decades at least. It is possible that more than one group of people have come here. This stone gate is so thick and it is so deep underground. I think if I guess correctly, the tomb of Queen Jingjue is likely to be inside."

Xue Li Yang said: "So, here is you and our ultimate goal."

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "Don't you think it's a little smooth? Since more than one group of people have come here, why is there no record, then there is only one possibility, that is, the person who entered, never came out, you still insist on going in ?"

"I know what you're worried about, but anyway, I have to go into the Queen's tomb and take a look."

Shirley Yang is very persistent in regards to the tomb of Queen Jingjue.

Lin Feng did not continue to persuade Xue Li Yang. In fact, even if Xue Li Yang wanted to go back, Lin Feng also returned to the tomb of the Queen Jingjue. He was determined to win the Kunlun Shenmu, but Lin Feng was just curious about Xue Li Yang's purpose.

After a while, the two returned from the dark bridge and discussed it with Professor Chen. Professor Chen was also very enthusiastic about Queen Jingjue's tomb, and insisted on going to see it. Although Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang felt a little dangerous, they also I am very curious about the legendary Queen Jingjue, and want to know 3.7.

After everyone discussed it, they walked into the Qianjin Gate in turn. Behind the gate was a narrow and long downward slope. The slope was extremely steep. Lin Feng threw a cold firework and rolled for a long time before it came to an end. The light was too small to see clearly.

The group walked for about ten minutes and came to a platform. The road ahead had been destroyed. Below was a dark valley. Lin Feng took out two pyrotechnic sticks and threw them off the platform to see how deep it was.

The members of the archaeological team also leaned over the platform and looked down, only to see the cold fireworks falling not far below. It turned out that the drop of the platform was not big, only about [-] meters.

With the light of the pyrotechnic sticks, everyone saw that there was a large flat ground below, and the ground was piled with hills of various gold and silver utensils, pearls, gems, and ancient chalcedony. It's not an exaggeration to call it!

Putting down the rope, everyone walked in the valley paved with countless gold coins and jade articles. Among the people who came in, few could resist the temptation of these treasures, especially Wang Kaixuan, who secretly stuffed them into their pockets. A string of pearl necklaces, but unfortunately, it was discovered by Professor Chen, which attracted a good education!

At this point, it is not far from the solution of the final mystery! .

 341 Ghost Cave! Corpse Fragrant Konjac! 【For Collection】

After a little interlude, everyone slowly passed through this treasure-filled land. The archaeological team members were all intoxicated with these exquisite objects that were cast thousands of years ago, and Fatty Wang was "taken care of" because of his previous behavior. , With infinite nostalgia in his eyes, he passed by these treasures!

Passing through the tomb where the treasures are stored, there is a tomb path ahead.

Everyone continued to move forward, passed through the dark and dark tomb passage, and stood in front of a broken wall. Under the feet was a bottomless abyss-like cave that could not be seen to the end, and this was the legendary holy place of the country—Ghost Cave!

The diameter of this circular ghost hole is about [-] meters. It is dark below, and there is a strange sense of oppression, which makes people dare not look down. If people are not determined, they may lose their minds. Jump down on your own.

Ye Yixin looked at the huge hole and said incredulously, "Is this the legendary ghost hole?"

"This must be the holy land of the Jingjue Kingdom. The name of the Ghost Cave Clan is very likely to be derived from this!" Hao Aiguo adjusted his glasses, his body was trembling, and he could see that he was very excited.

Professor Chen stared blankly at the ghost cave and said, "It is said that the Jingjue Kingdom is mainly composed of the ghost cave clan. The reason why they are called the ghost cave clan is because they guard a cave like a bottomless abyss."

Chu Jian looked at the bottomless ghost cave and said, "Where do you think this ghost cave is connected?"

Lin Feng took out a pyrotechnic stick, pulled 23 and threw it down, only to see the pyrotechnic stick emitting cold red fireworks and falling down until it was completely engulfed in darkness without seeing the bottom.

With the help of Hao Aiguo and Sa Dipeng, Professor Chen said excitedly: "I have studied for most of my life, and I always thought that the legends of Jingjueguo were just legends, but I didn't expect that I would see such a huge cave today. what!"

Lin Feng clapped his hands and said, "This should be the natural passage connecting the imaginary space. If it falls from here, it is likely to fall into another unknown space."

Fatty Wang also climbed on the platform and looked down curiously, but he already had acrophobia, and when he saw the ghost cave below, he just fell back and hurriedly stepped back, and a chill appeared in his heart: "Ghost cave. Maybe the hole is connected to hell, motherfucker, it's dizzying to look at."

Lin Feng lit a spot with a flashlight and stopped in the middle of the entrance of the Dadi Cave. There was a stone beam hanging in the air. The stone beam was slender and long, protruding from the cliff and extending just above the hole. It is the location of the Kunlun Shenmu.

Xue Li Yang also saw the stone beam and asked uncertainly, "There seems to be something on it?"

"What?" Professor Chen and the others asked in unison.

Fatty Wang didn't take it seriously and said, "What does he care about? Let's go up and have a look, it's over, there's a way here."

Following the direction of Fatty Wang's flashlight, on the edge of the platform, everyone saw an unfathomable underground hole surrounding this unfathomable hole, and a spiral upward stairs was built artificially, but the stairs were all black, in this dark place, not only thin Hard to find if you look.

This step is only about one meter wide, and there is no fence. If you accidentally fall into the ghost hole below, you may never come back!

Everyone leaned on the stone wall and walked up slowly. After walking for more than ten minutes, they came to a position not far from the stone beam. With the searchlight, they could clearly see the stone beam hanging in the air.

At the end of the stone beam, there is a huge piece of wood. The diameter of the wood is more than two meters. It looks like the body of a big tree. , and even had a lot of green leaves.

There are more than a dozen large iron chains tied to the trunk of the log, connecting the stone beams, and fixing the giant wood to the ground.

Fatty Wang slowly leaned against the stone wall, looked at the huge tree on the stone beam and said, "Why is there a big tree tied to it?"

Lin Feng looked at the broken tree that exuded vitality and said with a smile: "This is the Kunlun Shenmu. It is said that even if the Kunlun Shenmu has only one section, it will not dry up without the soil, water and sunlight. Although it no longer grows, it will always remain in its original form.”

Sa Dipeng exclaimed: "There is such a magical wood in this world!"

Hu Bayi looked at the Kunlun Shenmu and said, "What's even more amazing is that if the corpse is placed in it, it can be immortal for thousands of years. Most of the corpses of the Queen Jingjue are in this Kunlun Shenmu!"

Xue Li Yang's voice was also a little trembling: "It is recorded in ancient books that this kind of sacred tree is as old as the Kunlun Mountains. Back then, the Dragon Emperor (Qin Shi Huang in this plane) wanted to find this kind of sacred tree as his coffin. Too bad it was never found!"

"Then this piece of wood is definitely worth more than any coffin!" Wang Kaixuan heard that what even the strongest emperor in history wanted, it must be invaluable, and a golden light appeared in his eyes.

When Lin Feng heard their conversation, he sneered in his heart. He couldn't help thinking of the words of a certain Sanwuyan, which is indeed the wisdom of mortals!

Using the Kunlun Sacred Tree as a coffin is simply a violent attack on the heavenly objects. Fusang, eucalyptus, and Kunlun Sacred Tree are also called the three major sacred trees. Each has its own magical effect. Or refining it into magic weapons, they are all top-notch materials. Even if the Kunlun Shenmu in this plane is not as powerful as the prehistoric plane, it should not be underestimated, and these people use it to save the corpse, which is really a waste of luxury.

Everyone walked up for a few more minutes, and the things on the stone beam became clearer. Chu Jian pointed to the strange plants on the Kunlun sacred tree and said, "Hey, what is on the sacred tree?"

The archaeological team looked over and found that there was a huge green flower growing on the Kunlun Sacred Tree. The flower was the size of a large bucket, with a thick mouth and a small belly. , took root on the wood, and its branches and vines tightly wrapped the Kunlun sacred tree together with the large iron chain.

Fatty said heartlessly: "What is that! It looks so strange, like a big taro. It's not like burying the Queen of Essence in the sacred tree as a seed, and planting a taro!"

Lin Feng looked at Wang Kaixuan, who was talking nonsense, and said, "Fatty, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, this is corpse fragrant konjac."

"The corpse fragrant konjac?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone looked at him, and Ye Yixin asked, "Brother Lin, what is this corpse fragrant konjac?"

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