Lin Feng looked at the corpse incense konjac and said: "It is said that the corpse incense konjac grows in ancient tombs. It can not only keep the corpse from rotting and decay, but also make the corpse emit fragrance, which is extremely precious. Moreover, this plant is very dangerous and can pass through Fragrance, color, and pattern can charm and confuse people, make people have serious hallucinations, and then lead people to death."

"This big taro is really that powerful?" Fatty Wang asked in disbelief.

Professor Chen said solemnly: "I have also read books on this aspect. It is said that there are evil spirits in the corpse incense konjac. Once it grows, living people can no longer approach it! But the ancient Western civilization has a strong mystery. Colors, religions are complicated, myths and legends are mixed with historical facts, and it is very difficult to distinguish them. I originally thought that these were ancient legends, which were not enough to believe, but now I hear Comrade Xiaolin’s words, it is suddenly enlightened.”

Ye Yixin said to Lin Feng with some admiration: "Brother Lin, you are amazing, you know everything."

Others are also a little puzzled. Lin Feng seems to know too much. Kunlun Shenmu, corpse incense konjac, and fire snake are things that ordinary people have never heard of, not even archaeologists who have studied Jingjue culture for a lifetime. Knowing things, but Lin Feng can tell the truth, this has to make people suspicious!

Lin Feng also saw that these 723 people were suspicious, but Lin Feng had no plans to explain, just smiled and looked at Xue Li Yang, who was a little trancey: "The scene here is the same as in your dream?"

Xue Li Yang stunned and said: "Exactly the same, why is this? What does this have to do with me? I must find out. I must go and see the coffin of Queen Jingjue. This is the last chance."

Hao Aiguo pointed to the stone beam and said, "Have you noticed that there are ghost cave characters on the stone beam. I think these characters must have a great relationship with this kind of ghost cave. This must contain extremely important information. I think Go up and transcribe it."

Words are the most basic symbols for human beings to transmit information. The information that ancient murals bring to people is an intuitive feeling, and the information contained in words is more accurate. There will be fewer detours in the meeting, which is a great temptation for Hao Aiguo, who is obsessed with Jingjue culture.

Professor Chen stopped: "No, this is too dangerous!"

Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian said: "We put on gas masks and don't go to see the corpse incense konjac, there should be no danger."

Professor Chen was still a little worried, but he also valued Jingjue culture very much. After thinking about it, he said, "That's good, but don't go near it, just write it down."

"Don't worry, Professor." Hao Aiguo put on a gas mask, and Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng also put on gas masks and followed.

Xue Li Yang asked Lin Feng a little uneasy: "They will be fine!"

"Sure enough, if they don't set foot on the stone beam, it shouldn't be a big problem..."

As Lin Feng was talking, he saw that Hao Aiguo and the others had already stepped onto the stone beam...


Thanks to "Su Huanzhen", "Kevin7412", "f871oi3457", "Mo Luo Jiutian" and others for their flowers, monthly pass!.

 342 The Queen of Essence [For Collection]

Xue Li Yang looked up at the Kunlun Shenmu at the end of the stone beam, and was surprised to find that this scene was exactly the same as her dream. She couldn't help but wonder what it had to do with her!

Suddenly, Fatty Wang saw that Chu Jian and the others were copying the text all the way, and unknowingly, they were approaching the corpse incense konjac step by step.

The corpse fragrant konjac crouching on the Kunlun sacred tree felt the breath of strangers, exuded a purple light, slowly wriggled, and at the same time a peculiar fragrance emanated, although Hao Aiguo and the three brought Wearing a gas mask, but inadvertently glanced at the corpse incense konjac, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he got closer and closer to the corpse incense konjac.

"It seems that you underestimate the influence of this thing. You stay here, and I will pull them down." Lin Feng said, and the whole person rushed towards Shi Liang.

Hu Bayi and others were still a little worried. Hao Aiguo and the others had an accident with their gas masks. Wouldn't it be more dangerous for Lin Feng to run over like this, but Lin Feng was running too fast. When they reacted, Lin Feng had already run up. stone beams.

The corpse fragrant konjac is just a plant after all. It is just instinctive to confuse people through its scent, color, pattern, and at most a special biological magnetic field. These have no effect on Lin Feng, even if Lin Feng has already declared himself true. Yuan, but his willpower and spiritual power are still not shaken by mere corpse fragrant konjac!

Lin Feng walked to the stone beam, and without saying a word, he directly knocked Sa Dipeng, Hao Aiguo, and Chu Jian, who were talking about the gods, to the ground with three knives, and then came to the Kunlun Shenmu. Uncertainly, the flowers and leaves are fully open, and Lin Feng can feel that its psychedelic effect is strengthening, and even Xue Li Yang, Hu Bayi and others below have entered its sphere of influence.

In such a short time, I don't know what Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw in the illusion, they had already pinched each other, Xue Li Yang was crying on the ground, as if she saw something sad, facing the ghost cave. The direction stretched out his hand, as if to grab something!

Professor Chen was even more stimulated, shouting the names of Hao Aiguo, Sa Dipeng, Chu Jian and others, and fell to the ground.

Ye Yixin supported the professor and couldn't do anything except cry.

Knowing that if they don't move, Xue Li Yang and others are afraid of doing irrational things under the influence of corpse incense. Start, and then directly drop the ghost hole!

After the corpse incense konjac was separated from the Kunlun sacred tree, it quickly withered and disappeared in the ghost cave. Without the influence of the corpse incense konjac, everyone gradually regained their senses.

Hu Bayi raised his fists high and stared blankly at Wang Kaixuan, who had a bruised face on the ground and said, "This... what's going on here, what about the monster?"

"Ouch! It hurts Fatty!" Fatty Wang covered the panda's eyes and wondered, "You monster, what monster, it was obviously a big zongzi just now, and I was almost there, I just..."

"We should have fallen into an illusion just now!" Xue Li Yang also came back to her senses, looking at Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang, as well as the unconscious Professor Chen, and Lin Feng who was pulling Sa Dipeng back, she seemed to understand something , wiped her tears, and stood up again.

Lin Feng pulled Sa Dipeng, Hao Aiguo, and Chu Jian to the steps, took out the kettle and splashed water on their faces. After a while, the three of them woke up faintly.

"Is this the case?"

"How am I lying on the ground?"

"Brother Lin, what happened to us?"

The three woke up one after another, but they couldn't remember exactly what happened just now.

Lin Feng said: "You were all confused by the corpse fragrant konjac just now and fell into an illusion, but now it's all right, you go see Professor Chen!"

"Teacher, what's wrong with him?" Hao Aiguo heard that and looked at Professor Chen who was under the stairs. He found that Professor Chen had fallen into a coma, and hurried down the steps. Sa Dipeng and Chu Jian also hurriedly followed.

Lin Feng was about to check the Kunlun Shenmu, but Xue Li Yang came up and looked at Lin Feng carefully. After hesitating for a while, she still asked the question that had been hidden in her heart for a long time: "Lin Feng, what is your purpose in coming to Jingjue Ancient City? ?"

"Oh! I thought you would keep the question in your heart, but since you asked, I would also tell you that the purpose of my coming to Jingjue Ancient City is for the Kunlun Sacred Tree in front of me." Lin Feng pointed at the stone. The Kunlun Shenmu on the beam said bluntly.

The ancient city of Jingjue is coming to an end, and some things, it is time for a showdown!

As for how Xue Li Yang found out that she was planning to come to Jingjue Ancient City, Lin Feng was not surprised, not only Xue Li Yang, except for those nerds in the archaeological team, Lin Feng believed that Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan also discovered this, It's just that they didn't say it!

"Kunlun Shenmu?"

Xueli Yang was stunned when she heard the words. In fact, when Da Jinya introduced Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, and Wang Kaixuan to Professor Chen, she secretly sent someone to investigate the details of the three. Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were two. People, she can be considered to know the bottom line, but she doesn't know anything about Lin Feng. She can only find out that Lin Feng returned to China from the Soviet Union, but she could not find any information about Lin Feng before, as if it appeared out of thin air.


Originally, Xue Liyang was not going to let Lin Feng go with her, because the search for the ancient city of Jingjue was very important to her. She didn't want to let people who didn't know the basics join the expedition, but then she heard Lin Feng tell the story about the ancient city of Jingjue. , Knowing that Lin Feng must have a good understanding of the ancient city of Jingjue, he changed his mind.

Along the way, Lin Feng's skills and knowledge made Xue Li Yang have a little bit of vigilance against Lin Feng. At first, Xue Li Yang suspected that Lin Feng was coming for the gold and silver treasures of Jingjue Ancient City, but he was in the valley full of treasures before. In the middle, Lin Feng didn't even take a look at these things, which did not make Xue Li Yang feel relieved, but became more uneasy!

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