Sentinel robots can be transformed into various combat forms at will, their arms can be transformed into various dangerous weapons, their heads can emit energy rays, and at the same time they have extremely high intelligence. Broken into pieces, it can also be rebuilt. All kinds of advantages make humans and mutants miserable!

When "Phantom Cat" used his ability to let "Wolverine" pass through, the huge sentinel spaceship had already sailed towards the ancient temple where they were located.

The sentinel at the forefront is less than [-] meters away from the mutants led by Magneto, and the battle is about to start!

The sentinel robot alone is enough to crush most mutants, and only mutants above the third order can compete with it.

For mutants, the existence of sentinel robots is no less than the existence of real demons. "Magneto", "Blink", "Storm" and others are all ready to fight. There is no room for conversation between them and the sentinel robots. Although the sentinels have Wisdom, but no emotion, the purpose of their existence is to kill. Slaughter!

"Magneto" preempted the attack and used his supernatural powers to control the fighter plane to rush towards the Sentinel spaceship. When the fighter plane flew to the center of the Sentinel spaceship, "Storm" controlled the lightning to detonate the particle reactor on the fighter plane.


The violent explosion blew the frontmost Sentinel spaceship into pieces, and hundreds of Sentinels turned into balls of fireballs and fell from the sky.

But everyone did not look happy, because a large number of sentries had climbed up the ancient temple from all directions, besieging Magneto and others.

It turns out that the Sentinel spaceship they bombed just now is just a bait to attract their attention. The real purpose of the Sentinel is to surround them and catch them all!


Bishop shouted loudly. Although he didn't explain it, the tacit understanding of many years of fighting made Kuroko know what to do.

No nonsense, the sunspot directly forwarded the energy absorbed from the universe to Bishop, and Bishop, who absorbed the energy of the sunspot, transformed the energy into his energy weapon finger.

Colossus, Fireman, Iceman instantly transformed into the strongest elemental state.

At this point, they have no choice in 5.0, either fight or be completely wiped out, because they have no way out!

The sentry robot gradually approached, and there was no emotion in the icy electronic eyes. Colossus and Twinkle looked at each other, twinkle understood, and opened a space crack on the ground and in the sky. The space crack fell, and he raised his fist fiercely to hit a sentinel below.


With the acceleration of gravity, Colossus instantly shattered most of the sentry's body.

However, Colossus is not very comfortable, and feels the pain in the body. After all, the effect of force is two-way, and the material of the sentinel is also extremely hard. This is thanks to the unexpected, otherwise, if the sentinel is transformed, I am afraid that the Colossus is not just a Pain is so easy!


Bishop raised the energy weapon in his hand, and the red energy beam bombarded the Sentinel robot fiercely, but the effect was not very satisfactory. It only shattered one of the shoulders of the Sentinel robot, but did not hit the vital point of the Sentinel.

Iceman and Fireman control the flames and frost to intercept the sentinel. Their energy is too scattered to bring an effective blow to the sentinel, and they can only slow down the speed of the sentinel. .

Room 353 is filthy! 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

The plane of the X-Men.

The haze in the sky shrouded the earth, and the ruthless war has left the world with no life, and there are ruins filled with gunpowder smoke.

The mutants and the Sentinel robot war is about to enter its final phase.


Outside the old and broken ancient temple.

The battle between sentinel robots and mutants is in full swing.

Magneto, Bishop, Heizi, and Storm were in charge of long-range strikes. Colossus and Zhengtu fought hand-to-hand. Iceman and Fireman were restrained. Blink used their space ability to assist, while Charles played the role of liaison. Let's work together to hold the last line of defense!

However, sentinel robots are not vegetarians. Since the second generation of sentinel robots, many programs for mutants have been recorded in their programs. The sentinel robots that cooperate with them are the lingering nightmares of mutants!

Twinkle opened a space crack on the ground and in the air again. Colossus ran and jumped down, wanting to repeat the old trick, but just as Colossus was about to hit the sentinel below, the sentry suddenly flew back half a zhang, and then suddenly Jumping forward, a punch hit the head of Colossus who fell in midair.


There was a sound of iron and steel, and the steel man was directly knocked out a few meters away, smashing the slate into a big pit.

Although the heads of sentinel robots are empty, this does not mean that they are stupid. On the contrary, their intelligence is no less than that of humans, and they can share capabilities and data!

The same move 13 can not be used a second time on the Saint Seiya, and the same is true for the Sentinel.

He felt dizzy and dizzy when he was thrown, and when he reacted, the sentinel robot had come to him. The most terrifying ability of the robot is also reflected at this moment. When it comes into contact with the sentinel of the Colossus, it instantly replicates the ability of the Colossus, and the whole body is also tempered!

The Pyro used the high-temperature flames to burn the Sentinel robots, preventing the Sentinels from advancing.

The Iceman used Frost to freeze the sentinel robot, but as time passed, the power that was supposed to wipe out the sentinel was reversed in an instant.

The sentry robot that was burned by the flames of the Burning Man gradually turned into ice, and the attacking effect of the Burning Man became lower and lower.

The situation with the Iceman was the same. The sentry robot that was frozen by him was ablaze with fire, gradually melting the ice on his body.

The situation of Magneto, Storm and others is not much better. The army of sentinel robots is overwhelming. With the continuous use of powers, their physical energy is rapidly depleting, especially Magneto. Time is not forgiving, if not for tenacious willpower In the support, I am afraid that the elderly Eric has already fallen to the ground!

Today's Sentinels are not as dumb as the first generation Sentinels!

They have advanced intelligence, know how to cooperate, know how to find the weaknesses of mutants to attack, and know how to exchange abilities to fight mutants with different abilities.

Perfectly replicate the abilities of mutants, and use them flexibly, coupled with a huge number, and the wisdom that is not lost to humans, this is the terrible thing about sentinels!


Inside the ancient temple.

"Logan... is back, I can't control it..." Katie the "Phantom Cat" said, and was suddenly blasted out by an invisible force.

"Katie, are you alright?" Charles, who was old and frail, looked nervously at Katie who was lying on the ground. He wanted to step up to help Katie up, but because of his inconvenience, he could only do it in a wheelchair. .

Charles turned his head to watch the "Wolverine" struggling on the stone platform wake up, and hurriedly asked: "Logan, what happened, why hasn't the world changed at all?"

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