"The world is filthy!"

Logan now has a splitting headache and has not answered yet. From the void, there is a voice that is like a substance. The voice is full of supreme majesty and domineering, which is shocking.

At the same time, the space was distorted for a while, and a stalwart figure burst out of the void. Three thousand black hair fluttered at the waist, and his face was handsome. He was dressed in a large black robe with gold borders and a red gold feather crown. The unmistakable sacred majesty is like the legendary ancient gods and demons descending into the world!

It is the Abandoned Heaven Emperor (Black Abandoned) transformed from the "Demon Soul" who has crossed the barriers of time and space and came to this apocalypse destroyed by the sentinels!

When Abandoned Heaven Emperor Fuyi came into existence, the majestic holy demon aura rose into the sky and lifted the roof of the entire ancient temple. The remaining momentum was unabated, stirring the situation in the world. In an instant, the clouds surged, and the thunder was like a wave!

Ignoring the old Charles, Abandoned Heaven Emperor flew directly into the air, as if Wang Yang's mental power instantly checked the situation within a thousand miles.

In Abandoned Heaven Emperor's perception, there are actually less than ten thousand people within this thousand-mile radius, and most of them are detained in closed places like prisoners.

Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor fixed his eyes on the mutants and sentinel robots below.

The sentinel robot is 3 meters high, slender, covered with a layer of black scales, and the eyes are flashing with orange light. , freezing and other states appear.

Meanwhile, the situation for the mutants below is precarious.

Magneto and Storm have been pushed to the corner by the sentinels. They are all abilities of the "Mage" attribute. As long as they are approached by the sentinels, it is the rhythm of blood abuse in minutes.

Colossus was attacked from left and right by two equally tempered sentinels. Although both of them had tempered bodies, the arms of the sentinels could be turned into various weapons, and their strength was stronger than that of Colossus. Colossus dismembers the body...

The old foes, the Burning Man and the Iceman, were restrained by the sentinels that turned into flames and ice, and their situation was in jeopardy.

Bishop's situation is better. He can win a sentinel by himself. His ability is somewhat similar to that of "Black Emperor" Xiao. He can absorb and transform energy, but the absorption is limited. one.

The flickering space ability is somewhat worth seeing. You can open the space crack at will, and use the attack of the sentry robot to fight back, but unfortunately the opening and closing speed of the space crack is a flaw!

The rest of the sunspots, the journey, is not easy, scarred, has reached the edge of the limit!

Although some of them saw the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in the sky, but now they are too busy to take care of themselves, but they do not have too much energy to pay attention to.

At this moment, the sentinel robot that arrived later came to kill the Emperor Abandoned Heaven.

Non-me races must have different hearts. In the unique racial view of sentinel robots, all intelligent life is the object of their eradication.

Perhaps feeling the powerful energy fluctuations in Emperor Qitian, most of the sentinel robots launched an attack on Qitiandi together!

I saw a hole in the faces of these sentinel robots, and the fiery laser suddenly shot directly at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

Hundreds of blazing red beams slammed into the Emperor Abandoning Heaven, and even the Wolverine who just came out couldn't help but sweat.

Wolverine, who has fought against Sentinels for many years, naturally understands the power of this laser. If a single Sentinel shoots a laser, he can barely resist, but once there are more than two Sentinels, even if he has super resilience, there is only one way to go. , and there are no less than two hundred sentinels launching lasers at the same time, this power will definitely not be less than the power of a nuclear bomb!

However, in the face of such a powerful offensive, he saw that the Emperor Abandoned Heaven did not dodge or evade, and his hands were wide open.

Reverse the source of magic!

Immediately, a strange air hood protected the whole body, and the magic world was unparalleled, reappearing its power. I saw the attack of hundreds of sentries that could destroy a city, but it was difficult to shake the might of 407 Abandoning Heaven!

"You guys, try your best!"

hand of God!

His eyes were cold, his hands were slightly raised, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven waved his sleeves, threw the heavens to destroy the Dao, and slammed the heaven-destroying style with one palm. In an instant, the qi shook the mountains and rivers, the wind pressure caused the raging waves, and the power of the palm wiped out the world!

I saw a golden giant palm as big as a mountain, mixed with the potential to destroy the sky and the earth, falling from the sky, instantly crushing the hundreds of sentinel robots below into the bottom of the mountain.


Accompanied by the terrifying ground movement, it was as if the sky and the earth were reversed. A huge palm print penetrated into the earth, and the surrounding rocks and rocks were cracked countlessly. Many sentinel robots were instantly shattered under this unfortunate force, and then turned into light spots and were absorbed by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor. Not even a bit of residue was left.

The strong wind attached to the giant palm devastated the surrounding mountains and forests, and some sentinel robots that could not dodge were thrown out by the air waves, and the ancient temple where Magneto and the others were also affected, shaking violently, as if they would fall apart at any time!

"This...this is the power of God!"

Wolverine held the stone pillar to stabilize his figure, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Even with his fearless temper, he felt a sense of powerlessness at this time!

"What a terrifying power!"

During the vibration, Charles fell from the wheelchair, but he had no time to take care of it. He was connected to the hearts of everyone. He naturally saw the development of this matter in his eyes. In the middle, I roughly learned the origin of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven.

But seeing with his own eyes the earth-shattering destructive power when the Emperor Abandoned Heaven waved his hand, he still felt incredible.

Magneto, Blink, Storm and others are also horrified!

Contempt for the power of the world, the power of gods and demons in the world, only makes human beings feel the fear of being as small as an ant!


Thank you "Mo Luo Jiutian", "Kitten", "Xie Tian" for the flowers! .

 354 God of Destruction 【For Collection】

There are basically two types of Sentinels' attack capabilities.

Physical attack and head laser attack.

During physical attack, both hands can be turned into long cones for assassination; they can also be turned into earth burrowing tools.

They inherit the Mystique's ability and can transform various weapons to attack at will. Their bodies can be transformed into diamonds, steels, petrifications, flames, ices, etc. according to different situations, but after they transform, they You can't release energy like Ice Man and Fire Man.

The long-range attack method is mainly based on the laser on the head.

Sentinel robots are far superior to ordinary mutants in terms of strength, speed, and defense, and have the ability to fly and deform, plus they can share data. population.

The most important thing is that they do not have the usual style of most villains who like to talk nonsense and pretend to be 13. They will die when they meet, and they will not give opponents any chance to delay time to fight back!

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