The power and cold-blooded sentinel robot has become a lingering nightmare for countless mutants and humans!

However, at this time, this terrible nightmare was shattered!


Throwing the sky to destroy the Dao, destroying the sky, the emperor of the devil world, the emperor of abandoning the sky, came to the world outrageously!

The black hair is flamboyant, the robes are flying, and the colossal force of destruction overwhelms the world.

Toes lightly tapped, the devil entered the world, and in an instant, the earth couldn't bear the power of the extreme sky, and a thousand feet of dust rose up.

The nearby sentinel robots were forced to retreat by the energy and could not move forward. The Emperor Abandoned Heaven's body was full of energy, and the toucher exploded and died on the spot.


The air waves rushed into the sky, and hundreds of sentinel robots were shaken into the sky, and their powerful power swept in all directions. Whether it was a steel sentinel robot or a diamond sentinel robot, they were all swept away in an instant...

Abandoned by the power of the Heavenly Emperor, the entire radius of a hundred miles was shaken, the earth cracked, the river changed its course, and even the thick clouds above the sky disappeared, revealing the long-lost dawn.

Different from the easy-going and tolerant "White Abandoned" transformed by the deity, the "Black Abandoned" transformed by "Demon Soul" shows the domineering God of Destruction!

With a contemptuous attitude, he did not take the sentinel into his eyes, and abandoned the Emperor: "I, I am very disappointed."

Sentinel robots have no words and no fear. Although they have wisdom, they have no human emotions, and they do not understand the meaning of life. Naturally, they will not be afraid of death. Seeing such a powerful creature at this time, even if they know the disparity in strength, they still Not afraid of death, he launched an attack on the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

Their arms either turn into spikes or claws, or become super-powered. At this moment, almost all sentinel robots are rushing towards the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. Even if they know they are defeated, they choose to fight and collect the data of the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. , prepare for the battle of the next batch of Sentinel droids.

The remaining [-] sentinel robots attacked the Abandoned Heaven Emperor from different directions. Some flew in the sky, some sneaked into the ground. The sentinel robots were born to kill. The head has a laser cannon, and the intelligent loading in the body has various tactics, and the long-range attack and melee combat are perfectly coordinated!

Compensating for quality with quantity, this method is a strategy and an advantage. It is quite obvious that more ants will kill elephants. However, in the face of absolute strength, the invincible advantages of Sentinel robots in the past are all like a dream bubble, and they will collapse at a touch!

Spikes, claws, lasers, steel cones, ice thorns, stone spears...

All kinds of power-shifting attacks attacked the Heaven-Abandoned Emperor, only to see the Heaven-Abandoned Emperor's hands together, instantly sending out a protective qi mask all over his body to block all the attacks.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor: "The species that only know destruction should not exist, this is God's will ¨¨!"

God's Flame!

The Abandoned Heaven Emperor flipped his palm and raised his sleeves slightly, and a divine fire erupted in the void, and the purple divine flame swept across all directions. Seeing this, the sentinel robots all turned into a state of ice, trying to resist the fire with ice.

However, Shenwei is not easy, when the flames of the gods descend, the sky is burning and the sky is melting.

None of the Sentinel robots affected by "Flame of God" were spared, and all of them were killed. Only a few sentinel robots that were far away survived.


Magneto, Storm Girl, Professor and others retreated to a nearby open platform from the space crack opened up by the flickering, and looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in horror.

Heizi said in horror: "What a terrifying power, it's not at the same level as us!"

"Such a powerful flame can dissolve the sentinel in an instant. How did he do it?" The fireman's expression was both excited and frustrated. He also used flames. He couldn't even handle a sentinel robot, but the sight in front of him was People are burning a lot of people, so the gap between them should not be too big, okay?

Magneto turned his head and said, "Charles."

"I can't perceive his thoughts, let Logan speak!"

Although Eric just called out a name, Professor X, Magneto's old rival and good friend, still instantly understood what Magneto wanted to ask.

Hearing Professor X's words, all the X-Men turned their attention to Wolverine. Indeed, when Wolverine appeared, everyone knew that their plan had failed, but they were fighting the Sentinel robot just now, so there was no chance to ask. , Now the sentry robots are attracted by the strong man who appeared out of thin air, and they have a chance to breathe.

"He's a...god! A god from another universe! Here's what happened when Katie was about to teleport my consciousness into the past, but my consciousness..."

Wolverine briefly told everyone about his journey to a parallel world. He didn't know the Emperor Abandoning Heaven. He just knew that the other party was very powerful through the intuition of the beast, but he had no way of knowing how powerful it was.


In the sea of ​​flames that lasted for several miles, the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in black robe was completely unaffected: "Flame is the most beautiful light to purify corruption."

As the last Sentinel robot turned into an exchange point and was absorbed by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, this overwhelming battle also came to an end.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor appeared in front of the X-Men in a teleportation. The old Charles was sitting in a wheelchair, "super smart", with a wise light in his eyes. Magneto has also been smoothed by the years, and lived up to the impulse of his youth. , looks like an easygoing old man.

The other mutants also looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, but their eyes did not dare to be too offensive. Facing the Abandoned Heaven Emperor who could easily destroy the Sentinel Robot, they all maintained a certain reverence in their hearts!

Charles sincerely thanked: "God from a parallel world, thank you for your help."

Abandoned Heaven Emperor glanced at Charles and did not intend to communicate with them too much: "Where is the base of the sentinel robot?"


The world is full of darkness and terror, and countless sentinel robots are slowly destroying mankind.

Although the sentinel robots have evolved intelligence, in essence, they are still executing the commands edited in the terminal, and their existence is only for killing, slaughtering and evolution.

Sentinel robots have destroyed almost all human civilizations, making the world completely depressed, its vitality is dark, and death and fear shrouded the hearts of every survivor.

Asia, Himalayas.

This is the world's largest Sentinel production base, and a quarter of the world's Sentinel robots are produced here.

There have been many mutants and humans trying to destroy this base, but they were all mercilessly killed by the sentinel robots guarding here, and the bones were randomly discarded on the ground and turned into white bones!


The God of Destruction Abandoned Heaven Emperor came to kill Jie Dunsheng.

The surging power of destruction is undisguised, and the turbulent energy fluctuations can be clearly felt even if they are separated by a hundred miles.

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