
Outside the base, hundreds of sentry robots were patrolling, and the sound of the alarm continued to sound. With the continuous flashing of countless red rays of light, the sentry robots were instantly transformed into various combat states.

A hundred miles away, but in an instant, facing a group of robots, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven was indifferent and speechless, starting with the ultimate skill of God.

God's Lan!

The left hand was slightly raised, and the air pressure was overwhelming, and dozens of sentinel robots could not react in time, and were crushed into the sky by the spiral nine-day Gangfeng.

Sentinel robot technology is also a good technology. (Okay Zhao) Since he came here, Abandoning Heaven Emperor is also not preventing it from being included.

The average combat power of these sentinel robots is equivalent to the third-order mutants, but the use of various abilities allows them to suppress most third-order mutants. If they are placed on the "Wind and Cloud" plane, there will only be absolutely no gods, Xiongba this Only the masters of the level can defeat it.

Tens of thousands of sentinel robots are dispatched, and even Di Shitian can only run away with three smiles!


"Marvel" plane.

After Abandoning Heaven sent the "Demon Soul" out, he put down his hand.

And with the return of Wolverine's consciousness, this plane of Logan woke up in confusion. When he saw that he had come to an unfamiliar place, he immediately became vigilant. He remembered that he had only put his employer's daughter on it last night. , so woke up and came here?

Logan's beast perception is very sharp, and he can judge that the person in front of him seems to be very difficult to mess with, but he has lived for more than a hundred years and has super powers of super recovery. He said carelessly: "Dude, where is this place? Who are you guys?


Thanks to "Bodhi Dusheng", "I don't want to say", "Amber", "Prodigal Son", "7625229", "zq**" and other book friends for their flowers, monthly tickets and rewards, thank you for your support!

 355 days of Yan Mocheng [for a reward]

"Marvel" plane, Xavier School for Gifted Teens.

"Logan, stay! Let's change the future of mutants together." Professor X looked at Logan and said firmly, although Logan and the Wolverine in front of him belonged to two people from different worlds, but the parallel world Professor X is still moved by Wolverine's dedication to the mutants.

Through Wolverine's memory, Charles found that although the universe in which he exists is different from the universe where Wolverine lives, many places are still very similar. The mutants in this universe are not all bright, and the wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind. In short, the outstanding natural ability of mutants can easily arouse human fear, jealousy and snooping.

At the same time, there are many hostile mutants in this world, and he needs to unite all forces that can be united.

"Professor, I want to think about it again." Wolverine lit a cigar and looked at Professor X and said.

Although Professor X talked to him about the future of mutants and agreed that Rogan was worried, but at this time Rogan was not so conscious, and he was more eager for a free and free life.

In the end, Rogan chose to leave, and Charles was a little disappointed, but he did not force it to stay!

And Dr. Trask's "Project Sentinel" was permanently sealed up because of a phone call from the Emperor.

This is the charm of power. As one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., something that others may not be able to do with their life and death, for Abandoned Heaven Emperor, it can be solved with a single sentence.

In fact, with Charles' telepathy ability, this matter can be easily solved. Today's White House has no defense against Charles 13's telepathy device. As long as Charles is willing, he can control the thoughts of the president and most of the congressmen at any time, but Charles is a very good person. Self-discipline, always abide by the original heart, do not let yourself become a person who abuses ability!

It is precisely because of Charles' unchanging belief that Professor X has been achieved, but it has also destroyed him.


The plane of the X-Men.

It took him more than a month to pull out all the Sentinel bases and kill a large number of Sentinel robots at the same time. While obtaining the Sentinel robot technology, he also obtained a lot of exchange points.

The value of this plane is also the genes of sentinel robots and mutants. There is no other mysterious power system. The technology has surpassed the current "Marvel" plane by a lot. Unfortunately, human civilization has basically been destroyed by sentinel robots. How much valuable information is left.

When the "Devil Soul" returned to the body, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven had already returned to the "God's Domain" with Qin and Ruiwen.

The current "God's Domain" is still a bit deserted, and there are only a few people inside and out.

With the help of the innate Yimu aura of the Kunlun Shenmu, King Jianwu has reached a critical moment to break through the bottleneck.

The martial arts positioning of the "Thunderbolt" plane is different from other planes. At the beginning of the creation of the world, the God of Creation, for the purpose of protecting the world, set the upper limit of the level of masters in the world - innate!

There are many innate masters in the "Thunderbolt" plane, but the difference in strength among them is huge. Just like the three innate, Jianzi, Longsu, and Buddha Sword are in the most complete state, and their combat power is higher than that of the immortals in the Xianxia plane. Not much more.

Brahma's one-page book, the Nine Realms Buddha Emperor Yuzhixiang and his like, can move mountains and seas. They are comparable to Jinxian's combat power, but they are restrained by the power of the world. It is much stronger than ordinary innate, so there is a saying of innate peak and super innate.

The current strength of King Jianwu is no less than that of ordinary immortals, and this world is not suppressed by the power of the world. Once King Jianwu breaks through, he can directly enter the realm of heaven and become a real "God-level" powerhouse.

When Abandoned Heavenly Emperor is free, he will teach Qin, Ruiwen, Lingdie, Emma and a few daughters (the White Queen, released by S.H.I.E.L.D., and then placed in God’s Domain by Abandoned Heavenly Emperor).

Most of Jean's power comes from the "Phoenix Power", but because Charles sealed her second personality and power, she now only has two abilities of "Telepathy" and "Psychic Power Shifting".

Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor did not erase the second personality for Qin. With the ability of the Abandoning Heavenly Emperor, whether it was to erase the immature consciousness of the Dark Phoenix, or to find a new body for the Dark Phoenix, it would not be difficult, but the Heavenly Emperor did not do this. Let the consciousnesses of Qin and Dark Phoenix be interchanged during the day and night, and one person controls them for twelve hours, just like Qingxia and Zixia in "Journey to the West".

Although Dark Phoenix is ​​impulsive and violent in character, it is not uncontrollable. Although Qin is a little afraid of her Dark Phoenix, after a period of spiritual communication, she is also very sympathetic to what happened to Dark Phoenix. Phoenix gained the freedom he longed for, and he was very happy. Although he only had half the space, it was much better than the "mind cage" that had been in the dark all the time!

Qin's body has the energy provided by the "Phoenix Power", and even if she does not sleep, she will not feel tired, and having two consciousnesses in one body is not the only disadvantage. At least in terms of learning, Qin is much faster than ordinary people.

During the day, Qin was a cute and cute little angel, but at night she would become a mischievous little devil. Everyone was a little uncomfortable at first, but after a while, they became accustomed to it!

Emma, ​​Lingdie and Qin both have the ability to "telepathy", and they usually exchange their experiences with each other.

In order to enhance their strength, Emperor Abandoned Heaven also taught them some self-defense martial arts according to their situation.


Time flies by and it's a few years!

Ghost cave world.

Darkness and slaughter are the themes that never change here.

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