"Interesting, a sword is silent."

The sloppy words seemed to be indifferent. Lin Feng closed his eyes slightly, stepped forward with his feet, half-bowed his body, and hammered the sickle on the ground. The air flow all over his body suddenly became silent, as if the sound of heaven and earth was lost, and the fallen leaves on the ground moved without wind, hanging in the air. rise.

Seeing that the two sword qi were about to be split in front of him, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and his body speed was more than twice as fast as before. The qi smashed, and then approached Shao Lonexing as fast as a giant, the knife was so fast that Shao Lonexing was overwhelmed, his eyes were full of black sword lights, and the naked eye was completely unable to keep up with Lin Feng's knife speed. fighting.

Shao Lonely is caught in the knife net, like a lonely boat on the sea, and there is an instant risk of subversion.

After a quick attack, Lin Feng carried the "Lone Star" and retreated to the side. Shao Lonexing hadn't reacted yet. He was still holding the "Shadow God Saber" and swung it at high speed. Without Lin Feng's suppression, Shao Lonexing's volatilized sword energy hit the entire Zhiyuan. Hall, cut down the entire courtyard beyond recognition in an instant.

"Master Taiyuan!"

The cold voices Bie Yan and Yu Xiaoxiao on the side were also dodging in fear, shouting at the same time, for fear of being harmed by Chi Yu, if they were killed by Shao Lone Xing Dao, I was afraid that they would not find a place to cry!


Shao Duxing also reacted, watching the scene where the house collapsed and the wall collapsed and the willow was broken, a baby's face was flushed red, and smoke was rising from his head. .

 53 Reappearance of the four levels [for collection]


Shao Duxing reacted, looking at the scene where the house collapsed and the wall collapsed and the willow was broken, a baby's face was flushed red, and blue smoke rose from his head, obviously very angry.

"The anger hurts the body, the hospital master has to restrain!" Lin Feng chuckled lightly, but the tone made people feel like adding fuel to the fire.

"Humph!" Shao Duxing snorted dissatisfiedly: "The skills are not as good as others, I have nothing to say, I will take the "Shadow God Sword", but I will continue to challenge you in the future."

With that said, Shao Duxing put the "Shadow God Sword" back in its sheath, put it on the ground, and then walked away. He is not someone who can't afford to lose, but he was cut face by Lin Feng today, and he will definitely get it back if he has a chance in the future. Come.

"Accompany you anytime!" Lin Feng shrugged indifferently, then put the "Shadow God Saber" into the inner space, and after greeting Yu Xiaoxiao and Leng Sheng Bie Yan, Lin Feng left alone.

Gently I came, just as I walked gently, waving my sleeves, leaving a pile of mess!


Yu Xiaoxiao and Lengsheng Bieyan looked at the broken Zhiyuantang and felt depressed. This time, they suffered a big loss. Not only did the "Mo Xuan Shenzhen" not want to return, but instead they took the "Shadow Sword" and a villa. , the only thing fortunately is that there were no casualties!


A place where mountains and seas meet, waves crashing on the shore, the sky is high and the sea is wide, seagulls foraging for food soar, a peaceful place, on a big rock, there are four golden characters engraved - waterless ocean!

11 The waterless ocean is the residence that Quzhou Yifandu opened up. It was originally the territory of an evil dragon, but Quzhou grabbed it when he saw that it was good.

Compared with the busy Lin Feng, Quezhou lived a very leisurely life, but it seemed isolated from the world, but Quezhou knew all kinds of events in Shenzhou very well. Under the strong perception, he could sense that the power of death was continuing. Increase!

"It seems that the four gates of death have spread to all parts of the martial arts. Well, you even took the initiative to move me, so let me see your abilities!"

Quezhou Yifandu sighed softly, then got up and walked out of the waterless ocean.

"Thousands of years of joint cultivation, lack of boats and sails.

Boundless sinking, the sea of ​​France sails. "

In a few words, the heavenly general Sanskrit sound, the earth rushing into the golden lotus, the appearance of a group of Buddhist saints and monks entering the world.

Quezhou Yifan crossed out of the waterless ocean, and soon he was deceived and rebellious with the god of death.

The counter-judgment held a double cone and watched Quzhou Yifandu: "The extraordinary Buddha, let the god of death pun to send you back to the west!"

Quezhou Yifandu waved the dust: "The sea of ​​suffering is endless, the root of evil is difficult, let me end the catastrophe of the common people today."

"Buddha is so confident." The judge sneered as he looked at the missing boat, waved the double cones, and made an attacking gesture. He lied and remained silent, but he also began to enter the attack state.

"Ha ha……"

There was a strange and terrifying laughter in the mouth of the counter-judgment, and the elusive figure surrounded Quzhou Yifandu, looking for a suitable attack position.

Quezhou sailed without moving like a mountain, calm and relaxed, seemingly full of flaws, but after a closer look, he felt that there was no trace to be found.


He drank it coldly, reversed the judgment, and Yin Li shot at the same time, and attacked Quezhou from left and right. At this moment, Quezhou's figure moved instantly and appeared behind Yin Li. He swept away the dust in his hand and beat him directly. Bully the back and pull it out in one fell swoop.


With a strange scream, he came slaughtered, and the double cone in his hand stabbed at the back of Quzhou's head.


Quzhou snorted coldly, and a stream of pure holy Buddhist essence shot out from the inside out, and the reversal immediately hit the air hood and was bounced out.


The strange sound waves emanated from the mouths of the deceitful and the rebellious, interfering with the hearing of Quezhou Yifandu. If it is an ordinary person, even if the innate master is not prepared, he may be swayed by it, but the death pun is obviously the wrong object.

"Noisy sound, not enough to hear. Daqianguangguang!"

Quezhou slapped back with a palm, causing the Holy Light to make a masterpiece, the magic sound to sing, and the reversal of the judgment and the deceit were all shaken back a few steps.

"Death. Forbidden!"

The two levels of death, deception, and reversal of judgment are united again, using one of the ultimate forms of death, "Death Forbidden", instantly a dark power enveloped the surrounding, everything was destroyed, the vegetation quickly withered, and the world suddenly lost its livelihood.

 At this moment, Quezhou Yifan crossed the Buddhist gate in a unique way, with a Buddhist seal on his hand.

"Three enlightenments of Bodhi. The first form. The mirror of Bodhi!"

The Buddha's light shone, the heaven and earth returned to the light in an instant, the holy air was enveloped, the evil spirits retreated, the good and the evil clashed, and the two gates of death were suddenly blasted away thousands of feet, and the light disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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