Although Fang Cai's blow did not kill the death pun, it also hurt his vitality. It's not that he couldn't kill the pun without a boat, but he felt that someone was watching and stealing, so he deliberately retained his strength.

"Crossing the boat and sailing across it is truly extraordinary."

As soon as the Death God Puns retreated, the ethereal voice of the Taixue Master came from the void.

Quezhou had already noticed it, and when the dust was swept away, the surrounding environment immediately returned to its original appearance, and then he said indifferently: "If you want to verify what I can do, why not show up to fight in person."

"Hahaha... You are not qualified to be my opponent until you pass the game I arranged for you."

The Taixue Master smiled arrogantly, as if Quzhou Yifandu was just a chess piece in his hands, and he could be at the mercy of him, which was extremely arrogant.

Quezhou's face was calm, but he thought to himself: "It's cool to pretend to be a force, and after the event, the crematorium becomes a god of death. Although he has some strength, he is not invincible. , even the real God of Death has died, but you are a copycat but have no self-awareness at all, is it really good? Treat the enemy as a game all the time, without the strength of the God of Death, but play the game of God of Death, no wonder you end up in the end. fate."

"Holy Soul" complained in his heart, but his face still looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "Evil has been invincible since ancient times, you can't escape for long."

" are overestimating yourself...hahaha..."

After the wild laughter, the breath of death gradually faded away, the sky became clear, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Quezhou's mouth, and he muttered to himself: "Who is the person who overestimates himself!"

"Well, just after a death god came, another god stick came, it seems that it can't be clean!"

Quezhou was about to return to the waterless ocean, but he felt the aura of a god emperor approaching. He stopped and looked at the sky, only to see a golden dragon galloping toward him. Above the dragon's head, stood an extraordinary figure.

"Wearing the six-baht clothes, Yuyu hides the truth.

In the cloud, Fengshen Road, Ziwei descends into the apocalypse. "

Yutian Desolate God Liu Zhuyi came here in pursuit of the breath of the god of death. After seeing the lack of boat sailing below, he didn't know what to do, and flew down: "This Buddhist friend, please stay."


West Wulin, the former site of Tianducheng.

Tiandu Dynasty was created after "Wujun Luohu" killed the foreign demon god Xietian Yuwu hundreds of years ago. It not only has the grand and solemn atmosphere of ancient palace buildings, but also flows with elements of Western exotic colors. Unique features, such as the medieval world of empires.

The Emperor Yuanxie, who was transformed by the "Demon Soul", sat on the throne of Tiandu. The huge palace was empty and seemed dead.

Emperor Yuanxie was playing with the "Luohou Ring Seal" in his hand. In addition to possessing the power of death, this ring seal also possessed the primordial spirit of Wujun Luohu, which was the key to resurrecting Luohu.

In the original plot, Luo Hu Yuanshen, who was hidden on the "Luo Hou Ring Seal", controlled the shadow head, cracked the constellation array, revived himself, and ruled the world again.

But now, because of Lin Feng's butterfly effect, the "Luohou Ring Seal" did not fall into the hands of the shadowy head, and it was basically impossible for Luohu to control the Yuanxie Emperor who had transformed into a "demon soul".

Whether it is compared to 877 in mass or energy, a remnant of Luohu's soul is not the opponent of Emperor Yuanxie at all. It can be said that whether Luohu is resurrected or not depends on Emperor Yuanxie's thoughts.

Lin Feng handed the "Rahu Ring Seal" to the "Demon Soul" in order to find an opportunity to resurrect Rahu.

Hundreds of years ago, the alien demon god Xie Tian Yuwu came to the world and caused chaos in Xiwu Forest. With the help of "Tianwu Shensi", Luo Hu and several brothers paid a great price to kill him, and then they killed the evil spirits with the help of "Tianwu Shensi". Due to the great achievements of Tianyuwu, Luohu established the capital of heaven.

But the brothers of Luohu were also cursed by Xietian Yuwu before his death. Luohu was a believer of extreme heroism, but he was not a good king. Because he could not bear the decay of the country, he took extreme measures to bring Come another tyranny and slaughter, and finally be beheaded by the "Shadow God Sword" with the "Shadow God Sword" jointly by Drunk Huanglong and Dao Wuhou.

And the achievements of Brother Luohu have also been wiped out by history. Under the promotion of people with a heart, Luohu finally became the image of a tyrant!

However, before Luohu's death, his hatred was so strong that his power lingered. His primordial spirit resided on the "Luohu Ring Seal", while Luohu's head was handed over to the "Moon Clan" for safekeeping. Luohu was once a super-innate powerhouse. , cultivating "Devil's Extreme Yuan", the Moon Clan, fearing its resurrection, imposed many seals on Luo Hu's head and placed it in the forbidden area of ​​the Moon Clan.

Breaking into the Moon Clan is not difficult for Emperor Yuanxie!

However, the time has not yet come, and the primary goal at the moment is to kill the Grand Master of Death.

If Lin Feng's three souls and two bodies were combined, he would be able to do better than the God of Death, but in this way, he would stand on the cusp of the storm. There are still many hidden bosses to fight in the future, and it is obviously not in Lin Feng's interest to win against the God of Death. So it is more labor-saving to take a ride.

Now the four gates of the god of death are collecting the power of the god of death everywhere, I believe it will be completed soon, and during this time, Su Jianzhen and Sirius are almost resurrected, and only after the "Sword of Heaven" is over, it will be with the god of death. A real contest!.

 54 Sara God Tree【For Collection】

Shiro Mountain.

Since Lin Feng has cured the incomprehensible disease of the sun-blind people for thousands of years, the sun-blind people can live under the sun. This kind of life enjoying the sun has always been the dream of the sun-blind people, so after defeating Xuehai Wuya and Zhu Yi. After the dynasty, most of the sun-blind people have migrated from the Axu Ye Palace in Banbishanhe.

But today's martial arts are not very peaceful (as if the plight has never been peaceful), in order to compete with the master of death, the legend of Chiba moved the elite of the Sun-blind tribe to Riluo Mountain, so that the outside world could not grasp the strength of the Sun-blind tribe.

There is also a part of the Axu Ye Palace that continues to stay in Banbi Mountains and Rivers. After all, it has been operated by the Sun-blind people for many years, and it is also a stronghold suitable for the Sun-blind people.

Riluo Mountain, Chaoyang Hall.

The high priest is reporting the latest situation to the legend of Chiba. Because of the influence of the four gates of the god of death, many people in the martial arts have been victimized, and many people in the sun-blind tribe have also been infected.

"Returning to the son of the sun, there are many people in our clan who have lost their words, or are blind, deaf, and even commit suicide, but they can't find the cause." The high priest said worriedly.

Chiba Legend nodded when he heard the words: "The order goes on, all the patients are isolated, self-cultivation is self-cultivation, and no contact with other clansmen is allowed. Violators will be beheaded!"

In order to prevent the spread of evil, Legend of Chiba ordered indifferently.


Chiba Legend thought for a while and asked, "Where is Lin Feng now?"

The high priest replied: "Mr. Lin Feng returned to Qianzhuwu a few days ago. Do you need to ask him for help this time?"

When talking about Lin Feng, the high priest seemed very respected.

Qianye Legend was very unhappy with Lin Feng who stole his limelight, and snorted coldly: "No need, I will handle this matter myself, let's go!"

Although working with Lin Feng is really easy and enjoyable, the legend of Chiba is always overwhelmed, which makes the arrogant Chiba feel very unconvinced. Isn't it just a little death of the four passes, can I still not be able to handle the dignified Son of the Sun?

"According to the order, I will retire!"

Hearing Chiba Legend's angry words, the high priest did not dare to say anything. She did not doubt the wisdom and vision of the Son of the Sun. Capital should be as dazzling as the sun.

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