Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, walking on the deserted sand, and the cold sword intent made people shudder.

"What a strong wind and sand, everyone be careful!" Xiu Luohan reminded aloud, looked at Mo Dao Juechen who was approaching, and asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

"This breath is... the King of Swords!" Guili Yasha sensed the breath of the King of Swords in the "Desert Sword", showing surprise.

The genius devil frowned, and said in panic, "How is this possible? Wasn't he destroyed by the sword of death?"

Mo Dao Juechen knew that the three had betrayed the boat, and said indifferently: "The ghost who lost himself is too pitiful!"

The genius devil stared at Mo Dao Juechen: "Who are you?"

"Like you, the knife that lost its self." Mo Dao Juechen walked past the three of them without stopping.

Xiu Luohan touched his bald head and said, "It's inexplicable!"

"Strange, what is the relationship between this person and the Emperor of Swords? Why is the soul of the Emperor of Swords attached to the sword?" Guili Yasha said suspiciously.

 The demon genius waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, we are still... wow~"

At some point, a knife mark appeared on the forehead of the demon genius, and with a scream, his figure dissipated into the world.

Xiu Luohan said in surprise: "The genius of the devil, when is it... ah~"

There was also a knife mark on Shurahan's forehead, causing him to die without knowing when the other party shot.

"Why? His knife can actually destroy the Huangquan Inducer?! Ah!" Ghost Li Yasha seemed to be in disbelief, but it still didn't help. The moment the knife mark appeared, his soul was scattered.

After eliminating the three traitors who had left the ship, Mo Dao Juechen continued to go to Qianzhu Dock.



The green leaves are fluttering, the night wind is cool, and Tian Bu Gu, who has put on new clothes, is standing alone in the forest with an oil-paper umbrella, as if waiting for someone to come.

"But I will keep my eyes open all night, and repay my life for not raising my eyebrows."

A soft voice came, and Tian Bugu turned around to look, only to see the book of unrequited love holding a bright red oil-paper umbrella in his right hand, with a lazy demeanor, with an indescribable refined beauty, like a crane perched on a pine branch, loose and leisurely. .

Little snow fluttered, and Tian Bugu smiled: "The rain is light and the wind is bright. The color is violent, and the plum blossoms are in season. Yongfeng Liu, no one can fly the snow."

Jeremy Letter walked over to Tian Bugu and looked at Tian Bugu carefully, then nodded with satisfaction: "This new dress suits you very well."

Tianbugu smiled brightly, like a child who was praised. She liked the feeling of being cared for.

Lin Feng looked at the two women who were getting along well, put the tableware and chopsticks in place, and then shouted: "Sorrow, not alone, ready to eat!"

"Well, let's go!" The unconditional letter responded, like a virtuous wife and a good mother, holding the hand of this day's not alone, the same gorgeous two people, who look like sisters, and feel the same as mother and daughter, perhaps in their hearts, they have already made each other and He brought himself into a peculiar role, allowing each other to become the support of each other.

For these two sick girls, Lin Feng also gave up the treatment, love it!

On the stone table, three meats, two vegetarians and one soup are full of color, flavor, and taste.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind whistled, and the wind chimes in the forest made a rapid bell.

Lin Feng's eyes turned cold, and the invisible aura blocked the oncoming cold wind from three feet away, so as to avoid wasting a table of wine and vegetables.

"Walking thousands of miles in the desert and wild sand, walking alone in the lonely world."

The indifferent swordsman walked slowly into the bamboo forest, and the leaves fell, adding to the desolation.

"In whose hands are the two scythes of the god of death?" Mo Dao Juechen asked straight to the point, looking at Lin Feng and the three who were preparing to eat.

Tian Bugu had a displeased look on his face, and said coldly, "I don't know the etiquette, didn't you see us eating?"

Mo Dao Jue Chen is indifferent and impulsive, so naturally he doesn't care about these "little things": "You just need to answer my questions."

Lin Feng smiled disdainfully. As soon as Mo Dao Juechen appeared, he knew that the person who came was Zimang Xingxun, one of the five dragons in the sky. When he was watching the play before, he still thought that this person was very individual, but he felt it for himself, so that the other party would not be indifferent and indifferent. The bossy attitude made Lin Feng very unhappy.

I really thought that in the desert with two or three big cats and kittens, no one was invincible.


Lin Feng slapped the backhand, the foundation of the super-innate realm was completely unreasonable, the majestic palm was overwhelming, and Mo Dao Juechen's eyes were horrified, and he was sent flying a hundred meters away before he could use the sword.

He didn't believe that he would be defeated by one move. He is a desert myth, surpassing the swordsman of the King of Swords. He was "evenly divided" with the God of Death not long ago. How could he be killed by one move when he came here? !

A second ago, he was still in the state of Dugu seeking defeat, and he was slapped in the blink of an eye. This kind of sourness made Mo Dao Juechen unacceptable. He didn't react until he hit a bamboo forest, and his mind was immersed. Confusion: "Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

Mo Dao Juechen had blood on the corners of his mouth, looked at the sky in confusion, and began to doubt his life.

Lin Feng didn't kill him, otherwise Mo Dao Juechen would not even have the chance to doubt his life. It's not that Lin Feng is stronger than the Death God Tai Xuezhu, but the Tai Xuezhu and Mo Dao Juechen are just playing with each other. Mentality, to the Master Taixue, Mo Dao Juechen is just a pawn in his game!

Mo Dao Jue Chen may be a top expert in a small area in the desert, and no one can match him, but in the Central Plains, where there are so many dogs, he can only be regarded as a mid-level martial artist. There are many people who can abuse him, but he still remains. Maintaining the mentality of being invincible in the desert is simply killing.

Not to mention Lin Feng, who has super-innate cultivation, the top innate masters among the three religions are all mass-produced, and Mo Dao Juechen is a congenital peak. "Eye" also barely entered the ranks of the top innate, there is really no arrogant capital.

Lin Feng didn't shoot him to death, he was already showing mercy! .

74 Playing with Hades Lock【For Collection】


After slapping Mo Dao Juechen, Lin Feng and Tian Bu Gu had dinner together and drank a few jars of "Smell the Fragrance".

Alcohol is not intoxicating and people are self-intoxicating. Now, if there is no accident, something indescribable will happen next, but there are always people who are ignorant.

Sensing the approach of a strange dark force, Lin Feng instructed Tian Bugu and Jealous Letters, and instantly appeared outside Qianzhuwu.

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