Seeing the bald head wandering outside Qianzhuwu, Lin Feng said, "Yan Wangsuo, you still dare to come to the door, it seems that the lesson of the last time is not profound enough!"

"Last time, I didn't find my weapon properly, this time you won't have the luck you had before, yay!" After Yan Wangsuo finished speaking, between turning his hands, the magic weapon Nirvana was in his hand, and he quickly attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hand and hit it out, and the Yan Wangsuo dissipated with the wind, but Lin Feng didn't seem to be surprised, and said indifferently: "Illusion."

Yan Wangsuo suddenly appeared behind Lin Feng, and put the "Nirvana Sword" on Lin Feng's neck: "I didn't expect you to have today!"

Although he was forced to the throat by the sharp sword, Lin Feng did not show any nervousness. Instead, he smiled and said, "Wait, I have a secret to tell you." "Eight Nine Three"

Yan Wangsuo was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "What secret can save your life?"

"Actually, I also have a lot of experience with illusions." While speaking, Lin Feng, who was held up by "Nirvana", suddenly disappeared in front of Yan Wangsuo's eyes like a dream bubble.

"For example, this is the case." A Lin Feng appeared to the left of Yan Wangsuo.

"Or so." A Lin Feng appeared on the right side of Yan Wangsuo.

"It can still be like this, or this way, I can do it very well, and I don't waste time at all!" There were more and more Lin Fengs around, and more than a dozen phantoms appeared in the blink of an eye, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

"Enough is enough!" Yan Wangsuo waved "Nirvana" angrily, the sharp sword energy swept in all directions, and all the surrounding phantoms dissipated.

Lin Feng walked out of the bamboo forest in a hurry, accusing Yan Wangsuo of: "It's too much. You killed me more than ten times. You murderer will definitely be punished by the martial arts!"

Yan Wangsuo became angry, and the "Nirvana" in his hand tightened: "If this is the case, then I will kill and silence!"

Lin Feng waved his hand to stop: "Hold on."

"What happened again?" Yan Wangsuo stopped when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously.

Lin Feng looked at Yan Wangsuo and said seriously: "Give me your weapon first, and then let me slap you on the body, isn't it good? Why waste my physical strength, if I am not careful then Hurt you, or let you hurt me by mistake, isn't it breaking the friendship and hurting each other?"

"Hand over your weapons, and let you slap me obediently? Lin Feng, your sense of humor really surprises you!" Yan Wangsuo looked like you thought I was an idiot.

Lin Feng asked, "The purpose of your visit is to kill me?"

Yan Wangsuo nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Lin Feng spread his hands and said sincerely: "You can't do it anyway, why not just skip this process and get the result!"

Yan Wangsuo touched his shiny bald head: "Where did you get your confidence?"

Lin Feng smiled casually and said: "You who came from a dead country, how can you allow a human like the Taixuezhu to become a god of death? But in my opinion, you are not the opponent of the Taixuezhu! If you fight against me, no matter whether you win or lose It's no good, it's just cheap Tai Xuezhu! Why don't we exchange some information that is beneficial to each other and fight against the common enemy Tai Xuezhu together?"

Yan Wangsuo rolled his eyes twice, and was the first to ask: "How did you know how to kill the four gates of the god of death?"

"Wait." Lin Feng interrupted with a wave of his hand.

Yan Wangsuo said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Lin Feng said solemnly: "You give me Nirvana first, and then let me slap you on the body."

Yan Wangsuo couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and wondered: "Why?"

Lin Feng said meaningfully: "In this way, you can prove that you have indeed come to find me, and have already fought, so it is convenient for you to go back to fight!"

"Huh? Who do I need to communicate with?" Yan Wangsuo asked tentatively.

Lin Feng looked in the direction of Xuehai Wuya: "The person who designed this game, or another participant in this game."

"Hehe... I admit defeat, you are indeed very smart, and it is really useful to leave you." Yan Wangsuo handed "Nirvana" to Lin Feng, and after the battle with Quzhou Yifandu, he found that "Nirvana" is really not easy to use. , it's not very useful to keep.

Lin Feng put "Nirvana" into the inner space, and then looked at Yan Wangsuo and said, "Then I'm ready to do it!"

"Come on!" Yan Wangsuo looked like he was giving his life generously, but his body was still shaking slightly, and he was obviously still a little weak.

Lin Feng moved his hands: "Are you ready?"

The king of hell, Suo Ting, raised the Xiongtang: "Come on!"

"I'm really going to fight!" Lin Feng said with a straight face.

Yan Wangsuo said impatiently: "You talk too much nonsense, in the end..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Feng bullied himself up.

 "Pure Yang Qi!"

With a majestic palm, the golden light was dazzling, the stone was terrifying, and Yan Wangsuo's body suddenly collapsed. Under the powerful impact, the whole person flew thousands of miles away, breaking countless trees, and the black blood in his mouth spurted out without money. The physique of the good dead people is special, otherwise if they were ordinary people, even the top innate would have died a long time ago!

Then he exchanged some irrelevant information with Yan Wangsuo, and sent Yan Wangsuo away. Lin Feng considered the issue of moving. Although the environment in Qianzhuwu was good, he was approached by people every three days. Although he could deal with it, it was very difficult. bother!

Lin Feng looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "Or move somewhere else is a good choice."


Noon of the second day.

Tianjian Cliff, the sky is clear, and the flow of people is surging.

In the quasi-decisive battle of "Tianjian Controversy", Quzhou Yifandu, Yuanxiehuang, Ye Xiaochai, the mad swordsman, became the final four.

"Everyone, in the next third round of competition, a total of four people will compete. Once they are matched, the winners of each group will enter the final battle."

"Well, it's finally time to enter the final battle!" Quezhou Yifandu nodded.

Eternal Sky looked at the legend of Chiba not far away and nodded, indicating that he would not let it down.

Qin fake immortal, asked Jian Guming, Bu Er Do and others also cheered and cheered for Ye Xiaochai, but Yuan Xie Huang seemed to keep away from strangers, and some of them were alone. . .

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