"Women of the world!"

A blow of life and death, there is no room for a half, the two palms of the love and disaster girl Rong destroy the evil energy, and it transforms into a red light ball.

"Love the calamity of the female Rong, and die for the destruction of all living beings!"

With a long shout, the phoenix roared and burst into anger, breathing through yin and yang, as strong as an immortal raising a sword to scare the sun and the moon, as if Xuandi slashed mountains and rivers. , Hui Ming and Yao Shuanghui.

"Dark power! Old Daoist, you want to burn all jade and stone!" Facing the desperate move of Phoenix Cry, Rong, the love and disaster girl, also looked at him. He never expected to meet such a difficult opponent as soon as he appeared in this world.

"Feng Yan Lingxiu, Yi Zhan Beitian, Dao Hai strikes three thousand!"

Fenghuang Ming's skill has been raised to the limit, and the swordsman in the snow clothes also appeared at the same time, both poles together, doing everything, just to return the ray of hope.

"Nyu Rong be careful!"

Seeing this, Tianchi Jiye, who was fighting against Lin Feng, was also worried about the injury of the female Rong, so he passed some of the evil power to the female Rong. The Buddha Ye has the ability to cultivate together, and they can transfer their skills to each other, but if one is strong, the other will be weak. This is similar to the "Holy Demon Primordial Embryo".

How could Lin Feng let go of this opportunity to accumulate true essence now, ready to teach Tianchi Jiye a lesson.

"Falling God's Day!"

With a long drink, Lin Feng's diluted and transformed Yan Yang Yuan was injected into the "Sun-Controlling God Arrow", the bow was like a full moon, and the arrow was dazzling.


The arrow spreads its wings like a golden crow, dazzling as the sun, the "Sun-Controlling God Arrow" is like a meteorite falling from the sky, the blazing flame, entrained with powerful power, seems to have broken through the limitations of space, and instantly shot to Tianchi Jiye.

"The demon world destroys the Buddha, the evil stands up to the extreme barrier!"

Tianchi Jiye hurriedly increased his energy, and he had previously passed on the skills for the love and disaster girl Rong, so he only had time to use the five layers of skills.


The dust and smoke are long, and after the extreme, the extinction is like destroying the earth, and the eyes are full of shyness.

Tianchi Jiye looked at his heart in disbelief, and saw a scorched black hole the size of a bowl. From the front of the Hungarian one could see the scene behind him. However, the Buddha's double body was immortal, even if the entire Hungarian accent was penetrated. , still wounded but not dead.

"Heavenly 〃ˇ!"

The love-calamity girl Rong was shocked and angry, and after obtaining the third-level Yuan Gong of Tianchi Jiye, her evil power was prosperous.

Fenghuang Ming supported for a moment, exhausted and fell into a coma, only Su Su really supported, but depending on the situation, it wouldn't last long.

The female Rong's pressure was greatly reduced, and the Xie Yuan was about to be fed back to Tianchi Jiye. Because of the characteristics of the "power of the mysterious female", Tianchi Jiye's injuries recovered quickly, and a violent counterattack followed.

"Creation of the Gods, Desolate Spirits Die!"

Tianchi Jiye was injured by Lin Feng. He was as arrogant as him. How could he bear it?

At the same time, the "Demon World Buddha" immersed in the center of the earth also began to slowly recover.

At the same time, the misery also had a violent shock.

The narrow road, Tianguan, and thousands of miles were plunged into turmoil, and the surrounding civilians fled.

"Earthquake, earthquake!"

"Dangerous, let's go!"

"What's the situation?"

"Help me~"

Frightened people are like ants on a hot pot, pitiful and humble. Weakness is the original sin, and this is the helplessness of the weak!

Destroy the realm, the leakage of heaven's obstacles.

"Receive, transform, transport, send, and transform nine hundred in one gas!"

Lin Feng did not fight with Tianchi Jiye because of his hidden strength. In the face of Tianchi Jiye's extreme move, he immediately used the method of leveraging his strength to absorb Tianchi Jiye's attack, using his true essence to attract aura bonus, and then immediately fight back.

Seeing this, Rong, the love-calamity girl, hurriedly left Su Jianzhen and flew to Tianchi Jiye's side. The two joined forces, and their evil power increased greatly, and immediately broke the trick of "Nine Hundreds of One Qi".

And Lin Feng also took the opportunity to leave with Su Huanzhen with the unconscious Fenghuang Ming.


After blowing away the smoke, Tianchi Jiye saw that Lin Feng and others had run away, and it was not good for him to be a teacher. Tianchi Jiye was furious and wanted to chase, but was stopped by the love and disaster girl Rong: "Don't chase the poor bandit, let the demon first The World Buddha's World."

"Hmph, consider them good luck. Next, let the two realms of suffering and extinction become one!" Tianchi Jiye drank in a deep voice, destroying the evil essence and pouring it into the ground, and the love and misfortune girl Rong also moved at the same time.

With the destruction of the Buddha's body, the "Demon World Buddha" finally broke out of the ground, showing a hideous face.

"Demon World Buddha" is shaped like a tower, but not like an ordinary stronghold. It is a living thing with a living body, and it is the old nest of evil spirits. It can transform the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the power of evil spirits, so as to give birth to the army of evil spirits. , and has the ability to penetrate realm shields.

Under the destruction of the evil essence of the double body of Buddhism, the "Monster World Buddha" rose from the ground, breaking through the shield of the realm of suffering and connecting the two realms of suffering.

Lin Feng and Su Huanzhen, who was carrying the phoenix on his back, quickly went to the narrow road, preparing to leave the extinction realm.

"Yeah! The pressure around me has suddenly risen, why is this happening?" Knowing something was different, Su Huanzhen raised his head and saw that the clouds were approaching.

Seeing this, Lin Feng frowned and said, "The land of the destruction realm is rising. If this continues, the destruction realm will collide with the distressed realm at the top, causing incalculable disasters to the two realms!"

"The pressure is getting heavier and heavier! Senior Fenghuang Ming has been severely injured. Let's leave first." The heavy air pressure dropped, and it became more and more difficult to walk. Don't leave soon, I'm afraid the consequences will be worrying.


Lin Feng didn't say much, and walked ahead to open the way.

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